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The American mass shooting thread

Over the last couple of months, I've been spending more time in places I don't normally go such as banks and hospitals. It amazes me how both of those places have changed. In both you have to process through a locked door with a buzzer and tell the attendant why you are there and what you intend to do. I attribute this change to the mass shootings we've seen. It really shocked me in regard to hospitals because one I visited locked the door for the night at 6:00 pm and didn't open it again until 7:00 am. In other words, it's completely locked more than its unlocked. Even when its unlocked you have to pass through a screening process. It seems like in the name of freedom, we've turned the world into a giant prison with guards at the gates.
somebody did stop a potential mass shooter with a single shot at a shopping mall within 15 seconds with a single shot from 40yds! which is amazing shooting.
scumbag killed 2 and injured 2 in those 15 seconds.

so even when you an extremely skilled and lucky shooter people are still going to die:eek:.
same shopping mall has had 2 incidents of idots accidently firing handguns while shopping
republican who allowed open carry without a permit and resist gun control effort offer thought and prayers
Over the last couple of months, I've been spending more time in places I don't normally go such as banks and hospitals. It amazes me how both of those places have changed. In both you have to process through a locked door with a buzzer and tell the attendant why you are there and what you intend to do. I attribute this change to the mass shootings we've seen. It really shocked me in regard to hospitals because one I visited locked the door for the night at 6:00 pm and didn't open it again until 7:00 am. In other words, it's completely locked more than its unlocked. Even when its unlocked you have to pass through a screening process. It seems like in the name of freedom, we've turned the world into a giant prison with guards at the gates.

Freedom to carry, concealed or open, and to use guns though
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It's just fucking awful and I fear it's going to keep on getting worse...

  1. Police say a student has shot six people, fatally injuring one, at a high school in the US state of Iowa
  2. The attacker, named as 17-year-old Dylan Butler, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, police say
  3. The suspect was carrying a pump-action shotgun and a small-calibre handgun in the attack at Perry High School
  4. Five of those shot were students and one is a school administrator.
    The student that died was in sixth-grade, which is for 11 or 12-year-olds.

And here's what a cowardly, piece of shit politician sounds like:
DeSantis, in an interview with the Des Moines Register after the attack, said that the federal government should not lead new efforts to stem gun violence.

"The federal government is probably not going to be leading that effort, I think it is more of a local and state issue," he said.
Maybe politicians who advocate and pass stupidly liberal gun laws ought to be held criminally liable when some psycho goes and takes advantage of the new loopholes now opened up...
The shooter may just be as taken back as we all are and wonder wtf is going on for long enough that someone clonks him over the head with a bible.

Or he’ll just shoot them all. I’d be tempted tbf.
This is how you deal with school shooters:

It was a great show. Was gutted when it was cancelled after season two. The individuals in the show discover they have powers during a particularly traumatic period. Taking that out of context and taking the piss out of it is easy, i can see that, but the whole thing was fucking great. And the main thing about it was - it was make believe. Like most shows - it was made up for entertainment reasons.
It was a great show. Was gutted when it was cancelled after season two. The individuals in the show discover they have powers during a particularly traumatic period. Taking that out of context and taking the piss out of it is easy, i can see that, but the whole thing was fucking great. And the main thing about it was - it was make believe. Like most shows - it was made up for entertainment reasons.
The OA was magnificent, original and genius. Not seen the likes of it before, or since.
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From the BBC: At trial, prosecutors presented evidence that Ethan Crumbley had wanted mental health help and complained of hallucinations, but said his parents did not get him treatment. Ms Crumbley said on the stand that she did not think her son had mental health problems.

While I don't think there's any doubt that Ethan Crumbley should be locked up for a very long time, he was 15 at the time of the crime and if it's true that he tried to get help and his parents refused to provide it, his sentence of life with no possibility of parole might be excessive
Isn't it interesting, that ensuring easy access to guns for a person patently unsuited to them is a criminally chargeable offence.

Every politician who has ensured that stricter licensing, registration etc have been quashed (i.e. measures to ensure some kind of vetting process for gun ownership/access) should be expecting the 5am knock any day now.
I've been watching the Jennifer Crumbley trial on Court TV. Haven't seen it from start to finish but the last few days certainly. Her and her husband were persistently ignoring their son's attempts to seek help if his writings are to be believed. He, a 15 year old, was gifted the gun by his parents, more specifically his father, for a Christmas present and it was not secured. Jennifer Crumbley claimed it was but the lock she says they used was still in its packaging. She had also been alerted to his mental health issues by the school counselor and didn't mention the gun. Her and her husband also went on the run after their son committed the crime. Oh there's all sorts of other things as well but the fact that she has been given direct responsibility for a part in it means future events are more liable to go the same way I guess. The jury debated for a while on the verdict and chat about it leaned towards a hung jury.
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