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The American mass shooting thread

This time round young uns with guns


It's beyond appalling

Police officers patrolling the area heard shots fired near the Circle Centre Mall shortly after 11.30pm, said the deputy chief of the Indianapolis metropolitan police department, Tanya Terry.

The officers found “a large group of juveniles” at the scene, including six who had gunshot wounds and were transported to area hospitals, Terry said during a news briefing at the scene early Sunday morning.

One of the victims was upgraded from critical to stable condition. The other victims all were listed in stable condition, said Terry, who was not able to immediately provide the genders of the victims.
The parents of a school shooting in that killed four students in Oxford, Michigan where sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison, weeks after being convicted of manslaughter.

“These convictions confirm repeated acts or lack of acts that could have halted an oncoming runaway train, about repeatedly ignoring things that make a reasonable person feel the hair on the back of their neck stand up,” the judge said.

“Opportunity knocked over and over again, louder and louder and was ignored. No one’s no one answered. And these two people should have and sure didn’t.”

Matthews said James Crumbley provided “unfettered access to a gun or guns as well as ammunition in your home,” while Jennifer Crumbley “glorified the the use and possession of these weapons.”

They bought the kid a gun for Christmas!

The thing that got me about the case was that the kid was hearing voices and seeing demons. He wrote his parents texts asking them to come home and help with the demons and they laughed it off. After a meeting with the school saying the kid was a danger to himself and others, they laughed it off.

While I don't think parents should be routinely charged for their children's crimes, in this case the parents were so over-the-top negligent that some kind of legal response is needed.
hmm the sort of people who want to carry guns are the people who should be barred same with teachers

oddly the state has

Tennessee Law​

Tennessee has a stand your ground law which removes the duty to retreat before using deadly force in self-defense when a person is not engaged in unlawful activity and is in a place where a person has a right to be. The state’s laws also make it harder to properly investigate these cases by limiting law enforcement’s ability to arrest someone who claims to have acted in self defense.

give it six months if we are lucky
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