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The American mass shooting thread

More mass shootings than days in the year has been a consistent pattern since 2019, so is quite unremarkable.
Unfortunately, yes.
It wasn't that long ago when this would be big(ger) news.
Now it's a side note.

Morbidly, it would be a bigger story if more people would have died.
Morbidly, it would be a bigger story if more people would have died.

True. Though it's also interesting to note that this seems to be becoming less likely.
There were very similar numbers of mass shootings in 2022 and 2023, but in 2023 there was a reduction in deaths of 8-10%.
that ridiculous weapon is actually classed as a "pistol"!, The bit at the end is an "arm brace" supposidly so the disabled can shoot pistols. If you put it up to your shoulder technically its a crime. Because if you want a rifle with less than a 16 inch barrel you need to inform the feds and obey similar rules to getting a Firearms licence in the UK. Which is of course absoulte tyranny even though NFA weapons don't get used in crime or murders who knew strict Firearms laws actually work????
so you get ar15 and ak47 "pistols" as work arounds the ATFtried to ban them Are Pistol Braces Legal Again? | Tactical Retailer because it's an obvious piss take
that ridiculous weapon is actually classed as a "pistol"!, The bit at the end is an "arm brace" supposidly so the disabled can shoot pistols. If you put it up to your shoulder technically its a crime. Because if you want a rifle with less than a 16 inch barrel you need to inform the feds and obey similar rules to getting a Firearms licence in the UK. Which is of course absoulte tyranny even though NFA weapons don't get used in crime or murders who knew strict Firearms laws actually work????
so you get ar15 and ak47 "pistols" as work arounds the ATFtried to ban them Are Pistol Braces Legal Again? | Tactical Retailer because it's an obvious piss take

Pistol my arse, that's a short-barrelled carbine. How is one supposed to use that totally-an-arm-brace-and-not-a-stock?
welcome to the wonderful world of us gun laws most make no sense and do nothing useful. The "arm brace" usually has a Velcro strap attached so you can strap it to your arm

What people tend to forget about Jesus Christ is that he killed children. As a five-year-old, Jesus was toddling through a village when a small boy ran past, knocking his shoulder. Taking it like any five-year-old would, Jesus shouted after him ‘you shall not go further on your way’, at which point the boy fell down dead. Later, when the boy’s parents admonished Joseph and Mary for failing to raise their son properly, Jesus blinded them. Something to bear in mind next time you ask yourself: ‘What would Jesus do?’
The story is from the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, composed 2nd century AD, one of many apocryphal texts examined in Catherine Nixey's Heresy: Jesus Christ and the Other Sons of God (reviewed by Frank Lawton in the Spectator - archived here):
Another review here

The story is from the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, composed 2nd century AD, one of many apocryphal texts examined in Catherine Nixey's Heresy: Jesus Christ and the Other Sons of God (reviewed by Frank Lawton in the Spectator - archived here):
Another review here
Smitey little fucker, wasn't he!
I am getting pretty fed up of Americans shooting each other.

I like to watch the BBC News channel last thing at night, I catch the weather for the coming day and hope to keep up to date with UK news. However often they focus on American news including shootings, THIS IS NOT NEWS! Americans all have guns and can't be trusted not to use them. Always across America someone is shooting someone else, IT CERTAINLY ISN'T BRITISH NEWS!


I am getting pretty fed up of Americans shooting each other.

I like to watch the BBC News channel last thing at night, I catch the weather for the coming day and hope to keep up to date with UK news. However often they focus on American news including shootings, THIS IS NOT NEWS! Americans all have guns and can't be trusted not to use them. Always across America someone is shooting someone else, IT CERTAINLY ISN'T BRITISH NEWS!


Maybe you should choose your news with more care
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