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The American mass shooting thread

hmm slight chilling detail for any americans .. when a law professor back the below statement your country might be to far gone

Mr Morse said he believed the decision could set a bad precedent, causing courts to look for "scapegoats" in similar situations.
Others say this case was so unusual that it is unlikely to have wider ramifications.
"I don't fear that this is going to open the floodgates to parents being charged in a run of the mill case, if there is such a thing," said Frank Vandervort, a University of Michigan clinical professor of law.
hmm slight chilling detail for any americans .. when a law professor back the below statement your country might be to far gone

Any nation that has an average of one random mass shooting every week in schools alone, as well as over one hundred thousand deaths per annum from drug overdoses alone, as well as the center of every single big city being inhabited by thousands of homeless people with visibly rotting limbs and severe mental illnesses, is obviously very far gone indeed. The question is whether it can come back.
Any nation that has an average of one random mass shooting every week in schools alone, as well as over one hundred thousand deaths per annum from drug overdoses alone, as well as the center of every single big city being inhabited by thousands of homeless people with visibly rotting limbs and severe mental illnesses, is obviously very far gone indeed. The question is whether it can come back.

This wasn't quite a mass shooting, but if it had gone on longer probably would have been. A woman with a long gun opened fire during the service. Security in the church killed her with theirs, wounding a young child that entered the church with the shooter. This happened a Joel Osteen's mega-church in Texas. If you look at the tape of the comments he made after the shooting, his smile during most of the press conference was really creepy:

OUSTON (AP) — A woman’s motive for opening fire in celebrity pastor Joel Osteen’s megachurch was unclear Monday, a day after the shooting sent worshippers rushing for safety in between busy services.

Osteen said the violence could have been worse if the shooting had happened during the earlier and larger late Sunday morning service.

The sound of gunshots inside the massive church, which was formerly the home of the NBA's Houston Rockets, startled worshippers just before 2 p.m. Sunday, around the time many people were getting ready to later watch the Super Bowl.

Houston Police Chief Troy Finner did not identify the suspect at a news conference Sunday while standing near Osteen. He described the shooter as a woman in her early to mid-30s, saying she entered the church wearing a trench coat and backpack and armed with a long rifle, though he did not specify the exact weapon.

Finner said the woman entered the church with the young boy but did not describe their relationship. The woman began shooting and was confronted by two off-duty officers, a Houston police officer and an agent with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, who returned fire. Finner said the woman told officers after being shot there was a bomb but a search found no explosives.

He and other authorities at the scene praised the officers for taking down the shooter.

I've been dragged to some of these massive Christian events, and they're places that get people hopped up on emotion. I've never felt particularly safe at any of these events because these preachers can get people to do anything. If I were a believer in demon possession, many of these preachers would be at the top of my list of the potentially possessed.
This wasn't quite a mass shooting, but if it had gone on longer probably would have been. A woman with a long gun opened fire during the service. Security in the church killed her with theirs, wounding a young child that entered the church with the shooter. This happened a Joel Osteen's mega-church in Texas. If you look at the tape of the comments he made after the shooting, his smile during most of the press conference was really creepy:

I've been dragged to some of these massive Christian events, and they're places that get people hopped up on emotion. I've never felt particularly safe at any of these events because these preachers can get people to do anything. If I were a believer in demon possession, many of these preachers would be at the top of my list of the potentially possessed.
he has to maintain good security...you never know who might try and take advantage of the church's sanctuary.

Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 10.35.12.png
he has to maintain good security...you never know who might try and take advantage of the church's sanctuary.

View attachment 411874

Gotta protect all that money hidden in walls of the church:

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- Churchgoers say it's unacceptable after a stash of cash and checks were found inside a wall at Lakewood Church.

Evidence recovered by Houston police suggests the money could be connected to a 2014 theft.

The money was discovered on Nov. 10 during a renovation project, according to HPD.

Gotta protect all that money hidden in walls of the church:

Those first class ski trips ain’t gonna pay for them selves

I just heard about the dark Biden Owl meme today.

Comment obv irrelevant to any gun nuts but wtf! :D
Here's how many mass shootings have taken place already this year. Worrying how few arrests have been made.

As Biden notes, "We’ve now had more mass shootings in 2024 than there have been days in the year."

BBC News - One dead and 15 injured.

Think Yuwipi Woman lives in Kansas City? (Hope you are ok)

Thank you for the thought. I lived in KC for a number of years, but I've been in rural Nebraska for the last year. I have a phobia of crowds so I'm not likely to be found anywhere near such an event.

<edited to add>
I do have some cousins that were at the parade. They left a few minutes before the shooting and were shocked to learn of it once they got back to Omaha.
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