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The American mass shooting thread

Interesting read

So 43,000 die every year from gun violence. And 107,000 died last year from drug overdose. Something's seriously wrong.
if only someone could of seen it coming,
he was sectioned for telling people he wanted to shot up his national guard station :(
His social media ‘likes’ also tell a bit of a story:

(apologies for Twitter link, the guy has replies locked down so I couldn’t ’unroll’ it).

For those not able to view, it’s basically a load of MAGA / anti-vax / Musk shite. Plus a random BBC story about a zebra.
Interesting that this poster should suggest that not wanting to carry a gun equates with "coward". Not sure I would be interested in hearing his explanation for this.

Also, in paragraph 4, he claims: "There is no gun legislation on earth that can prevent criminals and crazy people from acquiring guns." Actually, there is, in the majority of countries "on earth". Just not the USA.
Also, in paragraph 4, he claims: "There is no gun legislation on earth that can prevent criminals and crazy people from acquiring guns." Actually, there is, in the majority of countries "on earth". Just not the USA.
er... our gun laws are quite tough but crims can get guns easy enough it seems, eg
2008: Firearms: cheap, easy to get and on a street near you
2018: Firearms and fury: The rise of gun crime in the UK
2023: Military-grade weapons which can fire 15 bullets in under a second on UK streets
The gun-nut's argument relies on black-and-white thinking in order to work. While it is technically true that criminals will always have access to firearms to some degree, that doesn't mean that such access can't be made harder when there isn't an over-saturated legal market for firearms and a gun culture that thinks securely storing such weapons is for weak liberals.
The gun-nut's argument relies on black-and-white thinking in order to work. While it is technically true that criminals will always have access to firearms to some degree, that doesn't mean that such access can't be made harder when there isn't an over-saturated legal market for firearms and a gun culture that thinks securely storing such weapons is for weak liberals.
Also the people who do mass shootings tend not to be career criminals so may not have the contacts necessary to get illegal firearms.

Then there is what guns they can get, a person with a pistol is bad, but one with a collection of automatic rifles is a lot worse.
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i await their comments.

Hours before the rampage, the Senate voted 53-45 to adopt an amendment making it easier for veterans with mental disabilities to get guns. The Department of Veteran Affairs is currently required to send the names of veterans who need assistance managing their benefits to the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

The amendment adopted on Wednesday, introduced by Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.), overturns this requirement. "My amendment would prevent government workers from unduly stripping veterans of their right to bear arms," Kennedy said. "Every veteran who bravely serves our country has earned VA benefits, and it's wrong for the government to punish veterans who get a helping hand to manage those resources."
meanwhile that guy in Maine is still on the loose. could be a while ...

They caught him. At last check he was living with his brother, working part time and being a model, if unhappy citizen.

<edited to add>
He broke society's most sacred rule in its demand on everyone to be "normal."
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trot website has the most thorough report

"His fascist politics were well-known to some members of the community. In an interview with NBC, local resident Liam Kent said that the Card family lived on “basically a compound” in Bowdoin.

“The family and Robert, they’re all gun fanatics,” Kent told NBC. “For all intents and purposes, they are very much associated with right-wing militias. It’s known in the town to stay away from them and not approach them.”

Kent recalled when he was younger going to the store as a child and seeing Card at a nearby weigh station with a dead deer. Kent said Card was “grinning, covered in blood with a gun still strapped to his body.” "
The 18 victims:

Joshua Seal, 36
Bryan MacFarlane, 41
Bob Violette, 76
Lucy Violette, 73
Tricia Asselin, 53
Michael Deslauriers, 51
Arthur Strout, 42
Bill Young, 44
Aaron Young, 14
Peyton Brewer-Ross, 40
Billy Brackett, 48
Steve Vozzella, 45
Joseph Walker, 57
Maxx Hathaway, 35
Tom Conrad, 34
Jason Walker, 51
Ron Morin, 55
Keith Macneir, 64
The 18 victims:

Joshua Seal, 36
Bryan MacFarlane, 41
Bob Violette, 76
Lucy Violette, 73
Tricia Asselin, 53
Michael Deslauriers, 51
Arthur Strout, 42
Bill Young, 44
Aaron Young, 14
Peyton Brewer-Ross, 40
Billy Brackett, 48
Steve Vozzella, 45
Joseph Walker, 57
Maxx Hathaway, 35
Tom Conrad, 34
Jason Walker, 51
Ron Morin, 55
Keith Macneir, 64
It's really weird to consider those killed 'the' victims and ignore the many injured. Don't the 13 wounded meet your criteria?
Canada does have a lot of guns but it's mostly hunting rifles for hunting elk and moose and things not people.
the US has lots of handguns for self defence and the ar15 is the most popular rifle it's not much good for hunting anything bigger than a coyote and is marketed as a tactical rifle and a way to protect your family form the horde:hmm:.

if you sell the fantasy that you need an ar15 to stop the red coats or black people or antifa hordes from descending on you don't be surprised that every so often somebody with a screwed loose decides to go out in a blaze of glory:eek:
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