ska invita
back on the other side
i dont think this is what is happening here....I'm not not keen, I would like to see Führage crushed under a five figure Labour majority in Clacton - but the truth is that it's not Labour that will beat Frog King, it's the Tories.
A nameless Tory MP is better than Falange. Being in parliament would give him a platform and a legitimacy the like of which he's never had - this one, unfortunately, is about choices: a poor option, which might turn into a bad one, or a really bad one, which might turn into a devastating one.
I would have preferred it if Lab had absolutely avalached resources into Clacton - not least because I understand that the left and centre ceeding ground to the right only makes the right stronger - but with less than a week to go, that ship has sailed. You work with what you've got, not what you should have got 6 weeks ago.
Labour are triangulating with the tory and far right vote, theyre whistling for the dogs as best they can.
The only time Starmer has said anything against Farage is challenging his comments on Ukraine/Russia. Other than that Farage is treated as an acceptable part of the political class.
What has triggered this incident in Clacton is that the Labour candidate stood up, in person, eye to eye, with Farage and challenged him. This went viral. he has been shut down and booted across the coutnry for this action. Labour Party HQ dont like that one bit. The whole campaign is based on looking like a BNP and anything that breaks that image has to be squashed.
Its disgusting and is the classic Professional Managerial Class (Labour style) being the handmaidens of 'fascism' (Reform stye) in redux.
What is desperately needed is a full-throated condemnation of Reform based on ideological grounds. Jovan swayed into that territory and has been exiled for his troubles by Labour HQ.