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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

Just had a whole bunch of material through the door. Labour, Lib Dem and Tory. Obviously I'm not bothering to read them but I think we might have a contender for 'most punchable Toryboy'.
Probably all paying for their own deposits. £500 isn’t much for a friendless monomaniac to spend on their hobby.
I thought the SDP was a one man and his dog group tbh. Surprised it has that many members. It also seems to have the same policies as Reform but in my dads seat they're standing against the reform candidate.
Reform had a gazebo in town. A middle aged bloke and a bored teenager / young adult presumably his son talking to another middle aged bloke.

Neither seemed very excited or enthused. I didn’t have time to stop and talk sadly.
Didn't know that. Reform are not standing in my seat but we've got 2 independents standing against LTNs and traffic measures, the SDP, George Galloway's party, the WRP, a seriously unpleasant TERF party and an independent who's promised a free palestine if she gets in lol

That’s quite a choice! Big five aside, we only have a Rejoin and an independent who wants to increase funding to library services in Barnet.
I'm also curious about this, last time I checked they were an irrelevant sort of micro-Lib Dems with a handful of councillors in the South West, now they seem to be standing everywhere with a strange fascist seeming platform?
Some loon millionaire bunged them a shitload of cash maybe?

Could be trying to confuse lib dem voters i suppose but they are standing in my seat which is not lib dem friendly. Plus reform get more votes than the lib dems these days.
I've had a generic cut and paste Labour leaflet from their no hoper candidate and a smug encyclical from the SNP incumbent who is one of the few guaranteed to return next week.

Both have been finely shredded in a cold fury and are awaiting re-purposing after recycling as something useful, like a tray for a kiche or a hoover bag.
They were supposed to have an electoral pact, so somebody must have reneged.

It's not a blanket UK wide pact, in fact it's very limited.

As part of the electoral pact with Reform UK (announced in 2022), the two parties have stood aside for each other in six constituencies and over a dozen candidates are standing under a joint Reform-SDP banner. WIKI LINK
That’s quite a choice! Big five aside, we only have a Rejoin and an independent who wants to increase funding to library services in Barnet.
Apart from the terfs and tories I've seen posters for literally all of them but the only canvassers (or leaflets) I've seen are labour and the free palestine independent.
Reform had a gazebo in town. A middle aged bloke and a bored teenager / young adult presumably his son talking to another middle aged bloke.

Neither seemed very excited or enthused. I didn’t have time to stop and talk sadly.

Yeah each time I see them my pity reflex kicks in because they look so fucking miserable and unhealthy, I just can't bring myself to engage with them because we'll all end up in a misery-anger spiral and who tf needs that?

Still, maybe over the next week or so I'll find my inner militant wokeist and go for it.
it is wired that it's not gone up in so no long.
new elections added relatively recently have much higher deposits. like £5k for a mayor.
500 quid is still enough to keep timewasters out imo, I'm agin raising it because of general principle about the process. Fat pockets mgees will always stand candidates and skinny pockets mgraw should have the opportunity to contest them.
Got leaflets from the greens today. 3 of them, exactly the same. Not very green, eh?
I got 4 REFORM leaflets together in my letter box in Coldharbour Lane.
Reform's leaflet ONLY mentioned immigration. It's like being back with Rivers of Blood and the dockers FFS.

In your case you are perhaps in a house which could be multi-occed or sub-divided, as perceived from the street.?

I haven't done leafletting this year - due to a bad foot (!) - but on principle I always put leaflets through letter boxes which say "No Junk Mail - printed by Veolia", and if caught I say its an election communication, not junk mail.
I nearly got assaulted by a woman in Caldecot Road for doing this - "Green Party!" she bellowed "This is ridiculous! Not very Green" etc etc then tore the leaflet up and puts it in her wheelie bin.
So I assume she wasn't Green - pity I didn't have a canvass card to mark her up. Still if she'd thumped me it was less than 100 yards from A & E.
Yeah each time I see them my pity reflex kicks in because they look so fucking miserable and unhealthy, I just can't bring myself to engage with them because we'll all end up in a misery-anger spiral and who tf needs that?

Still, maybe over the next week or so I'll find my inner militant wokeist and go for it.
Yeah I assumed it’s the candidate! I had the same thought but yeah as with you it wouldn’t provide any satisfaction!
Its fair to argue that Labour "never move to the left" once in power - however you could argue that this election may throw up some unusual circumstance.
Labour look likely to have a huge majorty and facing a tory party in utter dissaray. Large chunks of the non-parliamentary power cetnres (the city of london, the civil service, much of the media, the CBI, The EU, international finance etc) are crying out for anyone vaugly competant to take over from the tories.
At the same time, public opinion is very much in favour of rescuing the NHS, dealing with cost of living, taking on the energy companies, rebuilsing public services and improving wages - as well as significenat support for greater action on the climate emergency.
This give labour poltical space to actaully be more progessive than was the case in 1997. And I am sure they will be under pressure to do more than the little that has been promised so far - not just from the unions and labour left - but from the public and from poltical reality - i.e they despreately need to find money for things like the NHS (and social care) and it may be easier for them do look at stuff like wealth taxes and council tax banding then further cuts on public services and benefits.
There is no chance of them moving left only futher right. Boris Johnson would be more likely to shift left then Starmer.

They will not do any of what you mention and so come the next GE I expect a significant Tory bounce back, I would not be surprised if they even win it.
The Asian labour vote was historically slightly lower than that of Black Britons. Although it significantly higher amongst Pakistanis/Bangladeshis than Indians. Chinese were about the average, iirr.

in 2015 the asian vote was 55% Labour. Corbyn got it back up to 70% (73% of black britons also voted labour) in 2017, dropping back to 63% in 2019 (67% BBs).

Dropping down to 44% is awful. It's definitely the first time the vote will have gone to the Greens in big numbers.
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