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Just reply to anyone who whinges that you’re more concerned for the education of the 93% of kids whose parents feel their kids are capable enough to get by in life without their parents trying to purchase an advantage for them.
It no doubt varies depending on where you live, can't imagine it's that high nationally. I can't really blame people for wanting the best education for their kids, one of the reasons we picked here as somewhere to live was to get our kids into the secondary of our choice. That said, if the VAT raised is going to fund more teachers in state schools then it is a "The Needs of The Many outweigh the Needs of the Few" sort of thing where not even many of the few are bothered never mind the actual many.
As for changing schools well loads of kids have to move schools every year for all sorts of reasons, parents move jobs, parents get evicted and can't afford somewhere to live near the school any more.
I don't know all that many who went to private school myself, off the top of my head I can only think of three, the daughter of a colleague whose parents sent her private because they couldn't get her into the state school of their choice. Jim Boy "Tory" briefly one of Eldest Q's boyfriends whose ambition was to be a Tory MP (mentioned him before). He was in thirties when I met him but I suspect that his annoying traits were inherent rather than schooled into him since Youngest Q's boyfriend is the third, he is a very pleasant young man who managed to get through Repton without it spoiling him. As for whether it's worth what it cost his parents whilst his results were good I believe they weren't as good as Youngest Q's who went the state comp her Mum teachs at.
The MoD will have to pay more in fees for military kids because of VAT (as will the parents), which will go back to the Treasury. It won't get it back.
If that's the case then the great thing about being the Government is it can negotiate or even legislate itself a discount.
Ian Paisley was even worse. He was a Euro MP, a Westminster MP and a member of the NI Assembly all at the same time. :rolleyes:
The other week someone I know asked something along the lines of "Do you remember that CBBC show that Ian Paisley used to present?" I think they had somehow got Ian Paisley mixed up with someone completely different, but who can say for sure?
Interested why they couldn't make ends meet if his dad was a toolmaker and his mum was a nurse. Generation earlier admittedly but my dad was a house painter (have I mentioned that my dad was a house painter) and was the only earner in the family but we never went without that I can recall.
Interested why they couldn't make ends meet if his dad was a toolmaker and his mum was a nurse. Generation earlier admittedly but my dad was a house painter (have I mentioned that my dad was a house painter) and was the only earner in the family but we never went without that I can recall.
They split up and he went to live with his mum, I think.
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We didn't have a tv until I was about 10, and then black and white mind, we had it hard in those days. :(

Highlight of my life was listening to the Home Service on the wireless of a sunday? afternoon to the goons and Hancock then ISIRTA.
We had a black & white TV until I was in my early teens since my Dad thought colour was a waste of money.
Rado Rentals eventually let us have a colour one at the same price since according to the salesman, Dad Q was their (Crewe branch at least) last customer with B&W.
The guy who brought us the new telly told my Mum he was under orders to take the old one straight to the tip.
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We had a black & white TV until I was in my early teens since my Dad thought colour was a waste of money.
Rado Rentals eventually let us have a colour one at the same price since according to the salesman, Dad Q was their (Crewe branch at least) last customer with B&W.
The guy who brought us the new telly told my Mum he was under orders to take the old one straight to the tip.
We got our first colour TV in 1987 and were renting a b&w till then. Unfortunately the parental parsimony went further than that and we had a 12" colour telly for a family of four till 1989.
We got our first colour TV in 1987 and were renting a b&w till then. Unfortunately the parental parsimony went further than that and we had a 12" colour telly for a family of four till 1989.
That's a LOT later than me, I was 30 in 1987, the year I got married.
Weird to think Crewe was ahead of the curve for once.
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