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I’ll have to quit being an NHS doctor and work in Lidl under Labour’s private school tax raid’​

The Telegraph seems like it's really really pushing the "what about the poor private schools?" angle, I enjoyed that they also link to this article:
Because we all know, if there's one thing the tory press is consistent on, it's saying that you can't do something if the unions are against it. Particularly funny that they've managed to wring an entire story out of the NEU...not actually opposing it?
Daniel Kebede, the general secretary of the National Education Union (NEU), which represents 32,000 members in private schools, said he would “robustly defend” them against any redundancies or changes to salaries and benefits.

He said: “Whatever changes may or may not happen in relation to charitable status, the NEU will robustly defend the terms and conditions of those working in independent schools.”

Mr Kebede did not rule out strike action, only promising that the union would “strive to ensure any disruption to students’ education is minimised”.

NEU members last week began strike action at one leading independent school. Teaching was disrupted last week at James Allen’s Girls’ School where staff took to the picket line over “low pay awards” and pension contributions. There are further strikes planned for next month.

Mr Kebede said: “The NEU has also made it clear that we will challenge any schools in the independent sector using Labour’s policy to try and take teachers out of the Teachers’ Pension Scheme. Pensions are deferred earnings, and we will robustly defend our members’ terms and conditions.”
I heard anecdotal evidence at work today that a lot of the private schools are sending out questionnaires to their customers asking whether they will be able to afford the 20% Vat on top of the 8% increase in fees planned next year. Anxious parents emailing labour candidates and local authorities asking where they are expected to send their kids etc.

It is the "can just about afford private school fees" parents who are panicking. The really wealthy Eton/Winchester/Harrow parents will rant but pay up.

(it's not hard - seize the private schools, the teachers will need a job somewhere)
It feels almost redundant to point this out in response to such a silly article, but if your argument is that you have to send your children to private school because no-one can hold down a job while sending their children to a state school, then surely getting a job in Lidl wouldn't actually solve the problem, because then instead of leaving your children unattended while working as a doctor you'd just be leaving your children unattended while working in Lidl instead? It's such an obvious, transparent use of "Lidl" as a class-swearword rather than part of any actual coherent argument or plan. You might as well say "I'll have to quit being an NHS doctor and paint my arse blue under Labour's private school tax raid."
That betting scandal is pretty crazy
I imagine he's fucked and it also looks spectacularly bad for the vermin:

I imagine he's fucked and it also looks spectacularly bad for the vermin:

And such a punchable tory cunt face as well.
It feels almost redundant to point this out in response to such a silly article, but if your argument is that you have to send your children to private school because no-one can hold down a job while sending their children to a state school, then surely getting a job in Lidl wouldn't actually solve the problem, because then instead of leaving your children unattended while working as a doctor you'd just be leaving your children unattended while working in Lidl instead? It's such an obvious, transparent use of "Lidl" as a class-swearword rather than part of any actual coherent argument or plan. You might as well say "I'll have to quit being an NHS doctor and paint my arse blue under Labour's private school tax raid."
Also note the use of NHS. A tax on private ed will contribute to the demise of the NHS.
The Telegraph seems like it's really really pushing the "what about the poor private schools?" angle, I enjoyed that they also link to this article:
Because we all know, if there's one thing the tory press is consistent on, it's saying that you can't do something if the unions are against it. Particularly funny that they've managed to wring an entire story out of the NEU...not actually opposing it?
I would imagine that any private school teacher who lost their jobs due to the VAT on private schools will then become one of the 6500 state teachers paid for by said tax. Mrs Q retires end of this school year so there's a vacancy for a qualified maths teacher straightaway that will need filling.
It's the assumption that people have to send their kids to private schools and Labour's threatening that.

Had the Tories not spent the past 14 years utterly fucking over the state school sector these parents might not feel that their local comp is such a shitpit and they should have to shell out £30k a year. But this is all Labour's fault.

Not very bright, these private school types.
Private schools have smaller classes, not better teachers.
Eton classes are 20-25 students. Average secondary school classes in my borough aren't that much larger as several schools are under subscribed. If it was just class size unpopular schools would zoom to the top of the tables and kids in PRUs and SEMH schools where classes are tiny would be doing best of all.

(Not that I think private schools do have better teachers, there are just many other factors, like engagement and parenting, in play)
It's the assumption that people have to send their kids to private schools and Labour's threatening that.

Had the Tories not spent the past 14 years utterly fucking over the state school sector these parents might not feel that their local comp is such a shitpit and they should have to shell out £30k a year.

The local comp would still have the poor kids in it though wouldn't it. Can't have that.
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