Madrid full of flag waving dickwads from all over Spain singing dodgy songs and being annoying. Hay de todo. Clearly, they are not all facists and the suggestions that the 40% of Catalans who are from the rest of Spain or have Spanish origins are colonisers shows the equally dodgy thinking from flag waving dickheads up in Catalunya.
Even reading that article about the CUP doesnt make me view Catalan nationalism in much more a positive light. Yes there are some good things emerging through direct democracy and popular protest up in Catalonia but the radicals of '36 and' 37 must be turning in their fucking graves. As mentioned previously.
Didnt see many people in white in Madrid and only reasonable stuff has come from Podemos so far. Then again I haven't been that tuned in because most people talk so much shit about the whole thing, even people who should know better.
to add some balance from an economic and class-based analysis, even if El Pais is a bit biased..
Shows low support for indepence from poorer members of Catalan society. Earning less than 1,800€ means you are significantly less likely to support Catalan independence. Granted, there may be various factors but salt of the earth working class sons and daughters of miners and socialist visionaries? Yeah ok. Or not. Me me me politics. And yes history is currently in the making and things are changing fast, I admit that, but have the fundamentals?
I don't know where things are heading, but just because some shit/positive things are happening on the streets doesn't make it necessarily a positive or progressive direction.