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Spanish Political News

This is a good article, though it could do with a bit of fleshing out of the monarchists' role in subverting the Second Republic and propping up Franco.
I went to Sol again and numbers were down. Without a leader being able to take the public sentiment and do something with it, there's no hope of momentum. It doesn't mean that the monarchy's going to last forever by any means though.
I don't think that there's any chance that this moment is going to lead to a Republic, but in the long term the game is on I think

Good on you for going though, I wish I could be there
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Some regional PSOE figures calling for a referendum. PSOE leadership candidates not saying anything, which probably means their going to go along with transition. It would offer a chance to define someone from their rivals, but they'll all porbably decide it's too risky.

The Socialist Monarchists. Great name for a party. Just like Labour really though isn't it?
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I wonder what the demos will be like in the UK when Lizbeta steps down or pops her diamond encrusted clogs.

there'll be none. They'll wheel out that beeb royal correspondent to do his usual breathless commentary while a crowd of tourists and royalists weep outside the gates of buck house. The only way britain is getting rid of its monarchy is the russian way
there'll be none. They'll wheel out that beeb royal correspondent to do his usual breathless commentary while a crowd of tourists and royalists weep outside the gates of buck house. The only way britain is getting rid of its monarchy is the russian way

What are people going to say in these interviews outside the gates? "I remember that time she jumped out of a helicopter in Stratford"? "She was sad when her castle burnt down"?

We only hear her speak with a stick up her arse at Christmas. She went for a brew in a tower block once in Glasgow, but it didn't look like she enjoyed it very much. People are going to be hard pushed to think of an endearing memory.

I suppose there'll always be an idiot on hand to say, "She represented everything that was truly British", and it will be hard to disagree.
there'll be none. They'll wheel out that beeb royal correspondent to do his usual breathless commentary while a crowd of tourists and royalists weep outside the gates of buck house. The only way britain is getting rid of its monarchy is the russian way
what's wrong with the french way? i think people in this country are adult enough (apart from Awesome Wells) that the sight of a little blood wouldn't put them off.
she mishandled the public reaction to Diana's death so badly people harboured lingering resentment to the throne untill the queen mum died and prince william produced an heir.

now everyone loves them again and the trade in tea towels, spoons and assorted royal tat is back up
she mishandled the public reaction to Diana's death so badly people harboured lingering resentment to the throne untill the queen mum died and prince william produced an heir.

now everyone loves them again and the trade in tea towels, spoons and assorted royal tat is back up
yeh but think about the royal tat of the future - using the top of liz's head as a tea cosy - people would pay a mint for that. plus axing the royal family would free up buckingham palace which could be used as a nice place for formerly homeless people in westminster.
she mishandled the public reaction to Diana's death so badly people harboured lingering resentment to the throne untill the queen mum died and prince william produced an heir.

now everyone loves them again and the trade in tea towels, spoons and assorted royal tat is back up

I can't fucking wait for Charles. It might be like watching the Tories 95-97. The enemy in charge but suffering so much you almost want them to stick around a while longer.
yeh but think about the royal tat of the future - using the top of liz's head as a tea cosy - people would pay a mint for that. plus axing the royal family would free up buckingham palace which could be used as a nice place for formerly homeless people in westminster.

come the day I want to hold the trials in Westminster palace, like the how they done the nuremburg trials on the site of the nazis former 'glories'
It must be remembered that this king was installed by the dictator Franco long after the spanish monarchy had been got rid of by the republic many years before.

He was an imposition from the beginning, not a continuation of a lineage. Why did Franco prepare his reinstatement? What state of mind brought it on?

Spanish historians, when polled on who had been the worst figure in Spanish history, surprisingly omitted Franco and chose Fernando the 7th. The Bourbon king who on an absolutist bend abolished the new constitution (1815) and started the divide of Spain into two warring factions, forever more. Since then, 4 civil wars and now the most repulsive government ever, the PP, who will still get votes despite the fact they are in favour of earthquakes. (see valencian Castor/fracking scandal).

Fernando's father, Carlos, sold Spain to Napoleon for a castle and a Pension. A veritable role model for dodgy car dealers.
7th June announced as the day for a big demo. Republicans have spent the past 24 hours organising. The Saturday demo is at Cibeles, which means they're aiming for something much bigger than Sol. Presumably will entail the left from all over the country coming into the capital. The odds are stacked against us, but there's still an outside chance, and at the very least a marker to be laid down for future change.

¡Los Borbones a los tiburones! (Throw the Borbons to the Sharks!)


Referendum now! Let the people decide, it's our right.

The 7th June we return to the streets.

Demonstration - 7th June - Madrid - Cibeles 7pm.
Fucking aces. I fly into Madrid on the 7th, it was supposed to be a holiday but this is to good to miss, are the Spanish police likely to get, well, you know, like Spanish police?
Fucking aces. I fly into Madrid on the 7th, it was supposed to be a holiday but this is to good to miss, are the Spanish police likely to get, well, you know, like Spanish police?

It should be a peaceful demo for 99% of the time and 99.95 of the people there. However, it's possible there will be anarchist vs. copper skirmishes. Usually later on. Rayo Vallecano's ultras might make an appearance.
Madrid demo just one of of many across the country this Saturday it turns out, which means the one in Cibeles is probably not going to be a 500,000 monster.
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