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Spanish Political News

Apparently there was some trouble at the Jerez manifestación. To quote my friend, who was there, "Same fucking assholes being violent." Hopefully I'll find out more tomorrow when I see him.
Apparently there was some trouble at the Jerez manifestación. To quote my friend, who was there, "Same fucking assholes being violent." Hopefully I'll find out more tomorrow when I see him.

As in nazis storming the demo (this happened somewhere the other week), or republicans getting rowdy?
What kind of numbers are out demonstrating this evening in Madrid and other cities? Any idea? Looks like a lot.

I was in Sol an hour and a half ago. The police reports of about 20,000 looked about right. The square itself filled up. I thought people might keep coming and coming and we'd have something agenda-shifting on our hands, but it seemed to level off. The streets coming off the square in the photos were basically empty once you got 50 metres down them. Within 2 minutes you were back to normal levels of pedestrian traffic. It's just one notch of momentum below what's needed to make a change I think.
From what I've seen on TV it is an awful lot of people. It seems to be younger ones too. These, I would guess, have no remembrance of Franco, and certainly none of the 2nd Republic except through grandparents. I'm looking forward to the discussion about this in tomorrow's class, but more especially with the Anarchist doctor on Thursday.
They're talking about a month before the coronation. There's a window of opportunity here if someone can provide some leadership. People are ready to listen to the case for a republic. Fingers crossed.
They're talking about a month before the coronation. There's a window of opportunity here if someone can provide some leadership. People are ready to listen to the case for a republic. Fingers crossed.
That also means I'll not get a day off for the coronation, I'll be in the UK on holiday.
They're talking about a month before the coronation. There's a window of opportunity here if someone can provide some leadership. People are ready to listen to the case for a republic. Fingers crossed.
It'd take something pretty spectacular, given that the PSOE hierarchy seem to be in favour of a regular transition, and the PP already have an absolute majority. What they might find is that if there is overwhelming support for a referendum and they don't organise one, then it'll be a further nail in the coffin of bipartidismo.
It'd take something pretty spectacular, given that the PSOE hierarchy seem to be in favour of a regular transition, and the PP already have an absolute majority. What they might find is that if there is overwhelming support for a referendum and they don't organise one, then it'll be a further nail in the coffin of bipartidismo.

I was wondering if they could get the demonstrators out nightly there's a chance they could gain some momentum. Get your Podemos guy on La Sexta as a focal point for it all and suddenly there's 100,000 people, then 200,000. I accept it's probably a fantasy though. I think you make a good analysis of the situation, and a good point about bipartisanship in your post. Chants of "PP. PSOE. They're the same shit." in Sol tonight.
There has been a wave of republican sentiment recently. I hope for a mass demonstration in the centre of Madrid today. Let's see how things unfold.

We want the third republic!

A mass decapitation would be a more traditional way manifesting this wave of republican sentiment
It'd take something pretty spectacular, given that the PSOE hierarchy seem to be in favour of a regular transition, and the PP already have an absolute majority. What they might find is that if there is overwhelming support for a referendum and they don't organise one, then it'll be a further nail in the coffin of bipartidismo.
Presumably, the political class won't want to get anywhere near having a discussion on this. To have that discussion interferes with the very principle of heredity. It's a bit like saying 'yes, we've had a chat and decided we do believe in inalienable god given rights'.
I was wondering if they could get the demonstrators out nightly there's a chance they could gain some momentum. Get your Podemos guy on La Sexta as a focal point for it all and suddenly there's 100,000 people, then 200,000. I accept it's probably a fantasy though. I think you make a good analysis of the situation, and a good point about bipartisanship in your post. Chants of "PP. PSOE. They're the same shit." in Sol tonight.

At least one person had the same idea, a couple of people calling for nightly demos. They'll def need more than 20,000, because everyone knows that's more or less the Far Left talking to itself...
Presumably, the political class won't want to get anywhere near having a discussion on this. To have that discussion interferes with the very principle of heredity. It's a bit like saying 'yes, we've had a chat and decided we do believe in inalienable god given rights'.
Well, the PSOE are already being forced to talked about it, their Youth wing came out as pro-referendum. The PP and the liberal papers, obviously not.
In the forehead too of course, not just the foot. How you can kill your brother in a gun accident and end up with an increased enthusiasm for firearms is beyond me.

Perhaps, you have a better relationship with your brother than he did. After this, the King of Thailand will be the world's sole reigning fratricidal monarch.
A pair of wet lettuces. The puniest couple of leaders imaginable.
I dunno, I think Rubalcaba's ongoing commitment to bipartidismo and neo-liberal has been consistent and principled. He's genuinely a straight up cunt who'll go the grave to defend his cuntish politics.
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