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So why does Israel do what it does?

21 deaths in 8 years as of yesterday, and it's perfectly accurate.

I might be wrong, but the death toll in London from IRA bombs during the years that that was going on wasn't very high either, but the psychological trauma of the expectation, was great, and resulted in major changes in public life.
I might be wrong, but the death toll in London from IRA bombs during the years that that was going on wasn't very high either, but the psychological trauma of the expectation, was great, and resulted in major changes in public life.
Yeah, but we didn't carpet-bomb West Belfast, while preventing them from getting food or medical supplies, in retaliation ...
I mean, is there any non-fascist justification for Israel's behaviour? (I agree the fascist justification articulated by Jabotinsky makes total sense if you accept his premise, which obviously no civilised person could and live with themselves)
Come on JC, you are easily the smartest zionist on here. The others have been frankly embarassing in their attempts. Can you justify Israel's recent war-crimes?
Take on the core argument. I argue that Israel's government is a neo-fascist government, with historical antecedents to groups that Mussolini recognised and approved of as proper fascists. I have primary source evidence for this.

I also argue that Israel's current war-crimes are part of an intellectually consistent but morally abhorrent policy, first articulated by Jabotinsky (who Mussolini called 'your Jewish Fascist') in his article 'The Iron Wall' specifically, to destroy the Palestinian way of life, their economy and their community, by the merciless application of the power of a technologically and industrially competent military state.
Two brief remarks: In the first place, if anyone objects that this point of view is immoral, I answer: It is not true; either Zionism is moral and just or it is immoral and unjust. But that is a question that we should have settled before we became Zionists. Actually we have settled that question, and in the affirmative.

We hold that Zionism is moral and just. And since it is moral and just, justice must be done, no matter whether Joseph or Simon or Ivan or Achmet agree with it or not.

There is no other morality.

All this does not mean that any kind of agreement is impossible, only a voluntary agreement is impossible. As long as there is a spark of hope that they can get rid of us, they will not sell these hopes, not for any kind of sweet words or tasty morsels, because they are not a rabble but a nation, perhaps somewhat tattered, but still living. A living people makes such enormous concessions on such fateful questions only when there is no hope left. Only when not a single breach is visible in the iron wall, only then do extreme groups lose their sway, and influence transfers to moderate groups. Only then would these moderate groups come to us with proposals for mutual concessions. And only then will moderates offer suggestions for compromise on practical questions like a guarantee against expulsion, or equality and national autonomy.

I am optimistic that they will indeed be granted satisfactory assurances and that both peoples, like good neighbors, can then live in peace. But the only path to such an agreement is the iron wall, that is to say the strengthening in Palestine of a government without any kind of Arab influence, that is to say one against which the Arabs will fight. In other words, for us the only path to an agreement in the future is an absolute refusal of any attempts at an agreement now.
Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

Israel is going to be sorry then. I doubt I can change your mind, but I always enjoy preaching to the choir.

Its a rather black and white viewpoint that you have taken here to say the least. You are angry at the rockets from Palestine but you have overlooked the faults of Israel. It has oppressed and killed Palestinians in far greater numbers has it not? I'm talking prior to this barbaric action that the Zionist forces are now undertaking. Are the Israeli government full of virtue and righteous intention then? Well as Bernie Gunther and others have been explaining, no it isn't.

What you said about hoping Gaza will be completely destroyed was horrible. I hope you will at least regret that. You have also come in here and clearly not understood the discussion. You say this is just about Jew-hate, or words to that effect. In fact several of the most prominent contributors to this discussion are Jews. Furthermore, there where one or two posters who did in fact fit that description but where quickly condemned and banned/ told where to go.

You say that it is the fault of Hamas for breaking the truce. Weather that is true or not, do you think anything short of entirely destroying Gaza is going to increase Israel’s security? You would be happy for them to do that and think they would be justified?

The Zionist element is evil Sass. They have all along abused the Palestinians. You think that they simply want to live in peace with the Palestinians and that Hamas have disrupted this? This isn’t true. It doesn’t suit the Zionist aims, and it doesn’t reflect their behavior. They want to destroy the Palestinians as a people. Always have done. And the abuses have been going on for a long time.

So I won’t be wishing you a happy new year, just as the Gazans tonight are not going to enjoy it. You seem to think that innocent people being bombed is justifiable. Eye for an eye is it Sas? I thought you professed yourself to be a Christian. You might think you are, but I fear you are mistaken.

The great majority of Gazans want a two state solution, 72% according to one of the articles below. Here is the caveat, according to the agreed 1967 borders. Who is it that is violating these borders? Its not so simple is it Sass?

Hamas offered Israel a long, long ceasefire and a de facto acceptance of two states, if only Israel would return to its legal borders.

Instead Israel has barricaded the Gazans into what effectively is a concentration camp. People there have minimal food, unemployment is over 70% and access to medical treatment is very scarce. All these are the results of Gaza being sealed off by land and sea.

In these circumstances some people have unfortunately fired rockets. These are crudely built devices according to the BBC, which anybody with a welding torch and some explosives could assemble.

Now pay attention here please:

Before it falls down the memory hole, we should remember that last week, Hamas offered a ceasefire in return for basic and achievable compromises. Don't take my word for it. According to the Israeli press, Yuval Diskin, the current head of the Israeli security service Shin Bet, "told the Israeli cabinet [on 23 December] that Hamas is interested in continuing the truce, but wants to improve its terms." Diskin explained that Hamas was requesting two things: an end to the blockade, and an Israeli ceasefire on the West Bank. The cabinet – high with election fever and eager to appear tough – rejected these terms.


Why would Israel act this way? The Israeli government wants peace, but only one imposed on its own terms, based on the acceptance of defeat by the Palestinians. It means the Israelis can keep the slabs of the West Bank on "their" side of the wall. It means they keep the largest settlements and control the water supply. And it means a divided Palestine, with responsibility for Gaza hived off to Egypt, and the broken-up West Bank standing alone. Negotiations threaten this vision: they would require Israel to give up more than it wants to. But an imposed peace will be no peace at all: it will not stop the rockets or the rage. For real safety, Israel will have to talk to the people it is blockading and bombing today, and compromise with them.

You see Sass, Israel has the power to seek peace if it wanted it and was prepared to act reasonably. But that is not in line with the Zionist objectives.

And finally Sass, guess who has created, encouraged and by its actions supported Hamas? That’s right Israel. Again, it suits their agenda.

I’m quoting from Haraatz here, which is a respected Israeli publication. The article I quote discusses the ways in which Israel has caused Hamas to prosper:

Do everything humanly possible to keep Gazans out of work

This benefits Hamas in a number of ways.

On a political level, if Gazans are forbidden from working in Israel, we can be certain that their only impressions of Israelis and of Israeli society will be those processed and broadcast by Hamas. The message will be clear: Israelis are bloodthirsty reincarnations of the Nazis. Israelis are monstrous defilers of Muslim shrines, ravenous thieves of Arab property, money-grubbing, international power-broking genocidal usurpers of Arab land. Israel is what stands between Palestinians and the glorious future of prosperity that is their birthright.

Certainly, this makes it easier for Gazans to support the concept of rocket attacks against Israeli towns, and the recent massacre at the Mercaz Harav yeshiva in Jerusalem.

On a financial level, if Israel bars Gazans from crossing in to work, if Israel freezes out subcontractors which once-shipped Gaza-manufactured good to Israeli firms, if Israel forbids the passage of raw materials across the border to allow Gaza industries to remain open, the Jewish state will be held responsible for the deepening despair of the Strip, something which Hamas has done nothing to rectify, but which can be blamed on Israel.

The result is already horrendous. Four of five Gazans now live on $2 or less a day, fed by donations from international agencies. Seven of 10 are out of work. Those who do work, bring in meager incomes. Electricity lasts for a quarter to a third of the day, following Israel's June bombing of the Strip's power station.’

Do not press for international peace keepers in Gaza

There is reason to believe that UN, EU, and other peacekeepers on the ground in northern Gaza could have an influence in curtailing Qassam fire, thus helping protect the Gaza population as well as the people of Sderot and the western Negev.’

This is from another Haraatz article: ‘Is Israel deliberately strengthening Hamas?

The deliberations over the Palestinians and the methods of coping with the blockade should be converted into a discussion about the Israelis - about those who make policy and the many diligent people who carry it out, about the many citizens who support and encourage it.

People in the Israeli cabinet, Defense Ministry and Shin Bet security service know full well what they are doing when they prohibit anything other than essential food or medicines from passing through the checkpoints, when they prohibit the entry of raw materials and the exit of agricultural and industrial products and prevent normal human traffic for studies, medical care, work or family. Don't underestimate them and don't belittle their judgment.

The extraordinary conditions of the extreme siege and the disconnection between Gaza and the West Bank (another intentional Israeli policy) have made the possibility of holding new Palestinian general elections a very distant one. Hamas can thus bolster its rule with coercion, wages, charity and the consoling power of religion.

And perhaps that is exactly what the Shin Bet, Israel Defense Forces and government want?

You shouldn’t just come blustering in here with your “bomb it to ashes”, “you all hate Jews” bullshit. I ask you to at least read the following links before contributing anything further.



opposing the cancer destroying judaism which killed so many of our people in the past in ita various guises isn't anti-semitism.

it's quite the opposite.
Israel cannot defeat Hamas? They can pound Gaza flat, and with a bit of luck, that is what they will do.
So you'd be happy with the liquidation of a million and a half Gazans if it "defeated" HAMAS, would you?
How woefully stupid and vicious of you.
Rockets falling on Beersheba today, hardly the ' primitive' weapons that the deluded on these boards have claimed.
Really? For the equivalent of about a hundred pounds-worth of materials I could make a primitive device of the same type used by HAMAS et al and launch it from Dundee (about the same distance from you as Gaza is from Beersheba) with a fair chance of it landing somewhere on your side of town. Of course, it's payload would be insignificant, but it'd still have propaganda value.
I have hopes that Israel will finally settle this this time.
Remind me, you consider yourself a Christian, don't you?
Fine. Gaza is free to elect the murdering scum of Hamas, who are then free to attack Israel. This has happened. Israel has responded. Where is your problem?

Besides your simplistic misrepresentation of the issue, you mean?

Lets see. You're a Scot, you live in a country that has it's own parliament, and you're free to vote for whichever party you wish. Let's say you're a convinced Scots Tory, the Tories are in power but that the Scottish Tory party is corrupt, ineffective and plain useless. They promise lots, but only ever deliver to their own pockets.
Then a new party comes on the scene. The new party is comprised of people who've spent the previous decade doing what is in effect "social work" in your country, helping out the poorest of the poor, and mounting legal challenges against expropriation of land and destruction of property by perfidious Albion. It also happens that occasionally some members of that new party participate in the equivalent of giving a single Englishman a kicking (look at the stats for the volume of deaths caused by HAMAS. The analogy is apposite).
The election comes round. Who do you vote for; the corrupt who'll line their own pockets while you eat shit, or the people who've shown genuine concern for your well-being?

You ask me "where is your problem"?
I answer that my problem lies with wanton, unnecessary slaughter. If you can't grasp that 20-odd innocent Israeli lives lost to "missile" attacks in 8 years do not demand a blood price of many hundreds of innocent Palestinian lives in the same period, then you're either a cretin or an amoral sack of shit who accuses others of bias while manifesting an incredibly bas case of it himself.
A 38 mile range belies your assertion the they are ineffective.

Range does not denote effectiveness.

My old L1A1 SLR had a range, when loaded with a standard NATO r7.62mm ound, of 1200 yards. It was effective for about a sixth of that distance.

My old SMLE No4 Mk1, loaded with a standard .303 round, had a range of 1400 yards. It was effective for about a fifth of that distance.
In the same way as people say ' I don't hate Jews, just Zionists ' ?

I don't hate Jews. I don't even hate all Jewish Zionists, just the ones who trade on our historic grief as an excuse to act little better than those who tried to wipe us out in the first half of the 20th century, and who excuse themselves that they do all this for all of Jewry, when they're happy to revile any of us who don't follow their ideology.
One of these days I'll PM you a reading list of books by academic historians, that elucidate the nationalist strain of Zionism, so you can see for yourself just how little the people who created the political entity of state of Israel actually cared about the average Jew-on-the-street, and how much they cared about their ideological fellow-travellers.
As a Jew, I support the JEWISH state of Israel.

You cannot separate Jew and Israeli, that you try to do so is despicable sophism.

No, it's rational behaviour. We have been Jews for 4000 years. We have had Jews that are Israelis for 60 years. The two are eminently separable. To think otherwise is the work of a person who is either an a-historic idiot or a blagger.
If the Picts were somehow to miraclulously return and reclaim their historic land, now known by its Irish name, Scotland, and drive those of Irish and Viking descent into small enclaves, taking their land in the Sacred Cities of Aberdeen and Inverness, I suspect Sass would be the one with the wedling kit building the suitable named Skien Dhu short range missile in his basement
As a Jew, I support the JEWISH state of Israel.

You cannot separate Jew and Israeli, that you try to do so is despicable sophism.

If thats true Sas, which actually I dont believe as I know many Jews who DO NOT agree with the actions of Israel, then then any Palestinian (for that read Arab) is actually within their rights to attack any Jew anywhere in the world

Are you really that mad?

Its happening - the extension of your logic

Do you think that right?
I mean, is there any non-fascist justification for Israel's behaviour? (I agree the fascist justification articulated by Jabotinsky makes total sense if you accept his premise, which obviously no civilised person could and live with themselves)
ye si think there is .. it is

1) memories of the pograms and massacres and holocaust and a 'nation' that always got massacred and never wanting it to happen again

2) having made the decision to create a zionist state they have no choise but to defend it

3) irrationality

4) and nationalism supporting the above 3 points .. nationalism is false conciousness to start with
ye si think there is .. it is

1) memories of the pograms and massacres and holocaust and a 'nation' that always got massacred and never wanting it to happen again

2) having made the decision to create a zionist state they have no choise but to defend it

3) irrationality

4) and nationalism supporting the above 3 points .. nationalism is false conciousness to start with

You give four "reasons" that you believe to be non-fascist justifications for the state of Israel's behaviour, but seem to have missed the point that none of them are actually justifications at all, they're excuses.

Believe me, there's a big difference between the one and the other.
ye si think there is .. it is

1) memories of being stabbed in the back, the unfair restitutions and seizing of Alsace, belittling of a young 'nation' that got hammered and never wanting it to happen again

2) having made the decision to create a Nazi state they have no choise but to defend it

3) irrationality

4) and nationalism supporting the above 3 points .. nationalism is false conciousness to start with

I have doctored your comments so the congruence with Germany in the 30s is more obvious to you. These are emotional responses - again as in Nazi Germany the "enemy" that Hitler and co indentified were Jewish, wheras those who had laid their country low were there own leaders and other European powers. It was not the Palestinians who persecuted the Jewish people for centuries, it was mainly Europeans - and we are not the ones getting bombed as I'm sure even you have noticed
ye si think there is .. it is

1) memories of the pograms and massacres and holocaust and a 'nation' that always got massacred and never wanting it to happen again

2) having made the decision to create a zionist state they have no choise but to defend it

3) irrationality

4) and nationalism supporting the above 3 points .. nationalism is false conciousness to start with

You clearly haven't familiarised yourself with this man.

Nor have you considered how Irgun created itself in the image of Mussolini's fascists.
You give four "reasons" that you believe to be non-fascist justifications for the state of Israel's behaviour, but seem to have missed the point that none of them are actually justifications at all, they're excuses.

Believe me, there's a big difference between the one and the other.
of course they are excuses .. nationalism is a myth
I have doctored your comments so the congruence with Germany in the 30s is more obvious to you. These are emotional responses - again as in Nazi Germany the "enemy" that Hitler and co indentified were Jewish, wheras those who had laid their country low were there own leaders and other European powers. It was not the Palestinians who persecuted the Jewish people for centuries, it was mainly Europeans - and we are not the ones getting bombed as I'm sure even you have noticed
i have never argued there are NO parallels with fascist europe indeed i have argued that previously in this thread myself .. similarities are one thing but to mistake racist ethnic cleansing with an attempted genocide is another ..
please read the thread .. i have known of this for many many years

Around one year ago, you didn't think it was worth discussing these issues that were so far away from 'local british communities' and now you are trying to tell us here on this forum that you are more informed than you actually are. You knew barely anything a year ago and your arguments were naïve and ill-informed. Your arguments are still naïve and ill-informed and when someone pulls you up on your OPINION, your foundational knowledge is still found to be wanting.
Around one year ago, you didn't think it was worth discussing these issues that were so far away from 'local british communities' and now you are trying to tell us here on this forum that you are more informed than you actually are. You knew barely anything a year ago and your arguments were naïve and ill-informed. Your arguments are still naïve and ill-informed and when someone pulls you up on your OPINION, your foundational knowledge is still found to be wanting.

i am as informed as you and always have been i am NOT aware of having been pulled up on anything fundamental ( though btw much of this is subjective sadly)

and sorry but i also look on you ( and several other key mid east posters ) as extremely nieve ( "knew barely anything" .. fool) but there you go ..

and it is that that has pushed me to believeing absolutely the neccessity of local work to change the world ..

why am i jumping in now? cos of the nastiness of the situation, my despair that nothing changes ( palestine/isreal politics and leftwing dogmatists with their 'protest' mentality and belief that they can change/influence somewhere hundreds/thousends of miles away when they can barely change their underpants let alone the balance of power where they live ) and that i have a good friend in gaza city as we speak ..
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