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Snooker 2022-23

I only tuned in when Brecel got level. Very exciting stuff, and I might make him marginal favourite if Allen gets through tonight. I'd pick Selby over Brecel though.
This Brecei is something special eh?

Cos he has got off to a flyer will be interesting to see if Selby tries to frustrate him by playing like molasses
Selby won't be panicking, as it's unlikely Brecel will maintain that form across three or more sessions. Selby was relatively poor for him, and I expect him to up his game this evening.

Please get Virgo off the mic. He was on cliché overdrive this afternoon: "There's always a gap!"; "All about fractions"; "Until you get that first frame on the board..."; etc.
Please get Virgo off the mic. He was on cliché overdrive this afternoon: "There's always a gap!"; "All about fractions"; "Until you get that first frame on the board..."; etc.
And calling out fouls and misses before they happen, and then they don't happen
Hate Virgo!! At the crucible the headsets to listen to the commentary are £12. I decided that I knew enough about snooker not to need it and that it would be distracting. And I wasn't going to pay the money to end up listening to that dick!

Selby's at a disadvantage after the ridiculously long, grafting semi he had. But hopefully he will sleep well enough tonight to make it a good game to watch tomorrow. With Brecel still winning.
Hate Virgo!! At the crucible the headsets to listen to the commentary are £12.
Same at the Masters, and last year's ones don't work the following year.

Selby was off form this afternoon, and Brecel is playing better snooker than he may well ever play again. It's going to take an almighty collapse tonight for him not to win, and could well be an early finish.
Really looking forward to this. I do hope Brecel wins but a few frames from Selby early in will make it more exciting.

I think the Belgian really deserves to win it for the snooker he's played.
Luca having a right slump.

Steve Davis (I think) did call him a Streaky player.
Streaks of brilliance; streaks of shitness
I have just been reminded by my OH that it was Mark King I had words with 23 years ago, not Selby.

So now I am wondering why I have a grump about Selby.

Anyways, good come back and Brecel seems to have lost his mojo slightly, not that he's getting that many chances.
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