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Russell Brand on Revolution

I can't respect them. They are functionally no different than One Direction in that it's the utter veneration of mediocrity. The rejection of musical competence or ability and revelling in being an unpleasant thug.

PiL were better at least, but Lydon just doesn't make any sense when he talks and gets away with it because he intimidates people.

C'mon this is daft. I've no wish to live in the past but the Sex Pistols produced fantastic Rock n Roll with some truly inspired lyrics.
The main problem I have with Brand is that I don't really get the sense he takes it seriously. When he rocks up to (EVENT) and talks to (PROTESTER) I don't really feel he's empathising or even really listening. I'm sure he does, in his own way.
Often wonder if Russell Brand had some dirt on him from his drug addiction days, or whether he's still misusing drugs secretly, he's certanly a fucking shill. Lydon is a cunt, but at least he knows how to take his drugs and is into some very good correct information especially on butter, he may be prejudiced and unpleasantat times, but he gave us God save the Queen, A fascist regime, They made you a moron - which a has provoked a lot more thought than the Brand brandy randy shite.
I thought only Americans took the pistols seriously these days? A culture shock when I was over there was seeing DIY punks in pistols shirts, like they were a proper punk band or something. Some of the tunes were alright, but PIL did some better ones.

Lurpak is better than Anchor anyway.
I thought only Americans took the pistols seriously these days? A culture shock when I was over there was seeing DIY punks in pistols shirts, like they were a proper punk band or something. Some of the tunes were alright, but PIL did some better ones.

Lurpak is better than Anchor anyway.
The Pistols impact and influence on music is fucking immense. Not sure what 'proper punk' is suposed to be, but very, very few bands can claim the lasting impact that the Pistols made.
C'mon this is daft. I've no wish to live in the past but the Sex Pistols produced fantastic Rock n Roll with some truly inspired lyrics.

And that's what it's about IMO - raw rock 'n' roll. The Pistols had it, The Clash had it, Generation X had it (on and off), X-Ray Spex had it, as did many other punk, new wave and post-punk bands.
Just recently read a biography of AC/DC, and the Young brothers pretty much encapsulated their 35-odd years of success in saying that all they've ever played is rock 'n' roll for people who like rock 'n' roll. There's nothing wrong with good rock 'n' roll. It's the comedy '50s pastiche rock 'n' roll that's shit - the Showaddywaddys of the world.
I thought only Americans took the pistols seriously these days? A culture shock when I was over there was seeing DIY punks in pistols shirts, like they were a proper punk band or something. Some of the tunes were alright, but PIL did some better ones.

People fixate on the music, but it was the whole package that The Pistols and many of their contemporaries had that elevated them from pub-rockers to punk rockers - the image, the lyrical content etc.

Lurpak is better than Anchor anyway.

Country Life is better than either.
There is a smiley face there. I am fully aware of Spedding's work as the producer on their first demos.
He created the guitar sound that became so well known.:)

Joey Ramone said in a docu that when the Pistols went into the studio, they said they wanted the Ramones sound. :confused: Joey also said he saw Phil Spector shoot the wings off a fly.

I'm pretty sure Margi Clarke's son Laurence Easeman has received a none too complimentary mention before here somewhere.

laurence easeman russell brand.jpg

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Joey Ramone said in a docu that when the Pistols went into the studio, they said they wanted the Ramones sound. :confused: Joey also said he saw Phil Spector shoot the wings off a fly.

I'm pretty sure Margi Clarke's son Laurence Easeman has received a none too complimentary mention before here somewhere.

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so flakey anti semite / GD supporter Easeman and Tory John Bird, what's Brand up to here ?
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I got bored and did some googling so I can add a little bit more to that story.

Easeman and a bunch of others became directors of a limited company at the start of the year called Albien Law Advocates Ltd. Most of them resigned as directors in April, but one of those who remained was also mentioned in that article, a certain Neil Heffey. How I don't know for sure if the following from 2008 is the same Neil Heffey, but in one of his tedious videos about being pulled over in his car (much too tedious to post here), he acknowledges working in property.

The article begins,
  • SIGNS naming and shaming those who have fallen behind with their rent will be put up outside dozens of homes across Merseyside in the next few weeks as landlords feel the bite of the credit crunch.
Neil Heffey, a partner in the firm wades in,
  • “They can avoid us, but not their neighbours. Now, every time they walk in and out of their door, the neighbours will be laughing at them.”
Now, obviously I wouldn't condone non-payment of rent but there may be extenuating circumstances. Although the agency say they will not do this in cases of hardship, who is the arbiter of this? Heffey then scrapes the barrel with this gem:
  • He said those avoiding paying their rent were “taking the food off my children’s plates."
I can confirm its the same shithead, since he links to the property company from his crap youtube channel. What a delightful bunch.

edited to add...

Firescout Corporation, a Virgin Islands company, provides/provided quite a unique blend of services. Where else could you find a company designed to help people with litigation ('fighting for your freedom and liberty') nestled in with other entities involved with property management, debt collection services, and the 'Rent Dodgers Database'.
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Looks like he's been making use of the new right to be forgotten, google "albion dawn" "Laurence Easeman" and it says Some results may have been removed under data protection law in Europe. Learn more
I can confirm its the same shithead, since he links to the property company from his crap youtube channel. What a delightful bunch.

edited to add...

Firescout Corporation, a Virgin Islands company, provides/provided quite a unique blend of services. Where else could you find a company designed to help people with litigation ('fighting for your freedom and liberty') nestled in with other entities involved with property management, debt collection services, and the 'Rent Dodgers Database'.

so just oversight from Brand ? He's got a lot staked on all this Revolution book shctick in terms of reputation etc, why would he have a
fairly open, well know and connected fash featured in the book / at the events ?
so just oversight from Brand ? He's got a lot staked on all this Revolution book shctick in terms of reputation etc, why would he have a
fairly open, well know and connected fash featured in the book / at the events ?

Easeman's profile on the internet isn't very high these days, so I'll have to get back to you on that one. Most of the detail I went into was in regards to Heffey.

Meanwhile, I may as well deal with someone with a higher internet profile, Chris Spivey. Since he last got some attention on this forum, he has been arrested twice. Initially for something to do with a post claiming the Lee Rigby murder was a hoax, but then he was re-arrested this month on an 'unrelated matter'. Which, according to the shrill wibbling from his conspiracy-minded supporters in recent days, appears to involve indecent images found on his computer equipment after it was removed as part of his original arrest. Of course in their minds its a stitch-up, because they are suckers.
so just oversight from Brand ? He's got a lot staked on all this Revolution book shctick in terms of reputation etc, why would he have a
fairly open, well know and connected fash featured in the book / at the events ?
He's a dick, he's lazy in who he associates with, he's politically naive, he doesn't have good people around him, he's more interested in easy self promotion and selling books than politics I don't know, those are all guesses.
Easeman's profile on the internet isn't very high these days, so I'll have to get back to you on that one. Most of the detail I went into was in regards to Heffey.

Meanwhile, I may as well deal with someone with a higher internet profile, Chris Spivey. Since he last got some attention on this forum, he has been arrested twice. Initially for something to do with a post claiming the Lee Rigby murder was a hoax, but then he was re-arrested this month on an 'unrelated matter'. Which, according to the shrill wibbling from his conspiracy-minded supporters in recent days, appears to involve indecent images found on his computer equipment after it was removed as part of his original arrest. Of course in their minds its a stitch-up, because they are suckers.

(was in no way doubting Easeamans some kind of fash btw, seems pretty self evident : : https://network23.org/obseceneturtle/2014/09/21/laurence-easeman-the-fascist-behind-people-vs-banks/ )
just surprised at Brand/those around him, he must be aware of this stuff.
(was in no way doubting Easeamans some kind of fash btw, seems pretty self evident : : https://network23.org/obseceneturtle/2014/09/21/laurence-easeman-the-fascist-behind-people-vs-banks/ )
just surprised at Brand/those around him, he must be aware of this stuff.
Brand is a cash cow- get him on and we're rolling in it -that''s the deal for the period up to may 2015. That's all the people around him are doing. Making use of their monopoly rent while it lasts.The other stuff is local dicks getting local dicks on. Actually, looking at that again...there's some dick network that needs to exist to get dicks from liverpool on in hoxton. A sort of liberal dick networkk that can be used by etc
At the very least, the intern doing graphic design is more talented than the intern doing promotion on that shitstorm of a book launch party. Free yoga :):):):)

I am amused that the tv station mentioned in that 2nd thread didn't survive as long as that thread was active, it was off the sky satellite by the end of that August and although it appears to have survived online for a while, its website is currently broken.

As for The Peoples Voice, the shit Icke-backed station that burnt through a huge pile of crowdfunded money in no time and then imploded in acrimony, the promised '2.0 relaunch' (minus Icke and most other original participants) seems even less likely now that even the Vimeo video on their homepage has stopped working.

Sad-faced charisma black-hole Brian Gerrish and UK Column have enjoyed far greater longevity, though they are extremely unlikely candidates to ride the Brand wave of rebellion due to their small c conservatism.

This concludes my brief look at the state of some of the dodgy 'alternative media' entities of the uk.
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