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Russell Brand on Revolution

Lydon's been having a go at him, I hear. His response, to backpedal with increasingly shit explanations of his "don't vote" interview with Paxman.

Stirring stuff.
Lydon has more credibility left even after going on I'm a celebrity than Brand ever had at the pinnacle of his career.
Then he flogged some butter.

After reforming the SeX Pistols years ago for the same reason.

He's not as smart as he thinks he is. At all. He's just a comedy angry shouty twat.
Then he flogged some butter.

After reforming the SeX Pistols years ago for the same reason.

He's not as smart as he thinks he is. At all. He's just a comedy angry shouty twat.
You think he reformed the Sex Pistols to sell butter? Interesting theory.

And for the record the butter advert was to get PIL back working again.

That last line is so tempting. But i'm tired.
Polly Toynbee really embarassed herself during that 'interview'. But then most people do because for someone reasont hey are intimidated by Lydon. All he does is talk over people. I'd dearly love for someone to just tell him t fuck off. FUCK OFF LYDON, and the Pistols too, bunch of homophobic pricks who couldn't plauy a note.
I am unconvinced that bullying my way past 19 year old Polish women to listen to 2 hours of "Dear ol' Thomassy Piketts, ol' Piketty, Licketty, Rollitty, Flicketty, has been given a right kicketty by the right wing" would achieve anything other than marking the unsurpassable lowpoint of my life.
'God Save the Queen' was an amazingly provocative statement. And a great tune. And plenty more besides.

Lydon truly inspired people to live and think differently. He may be a bit of a pantomime dame with his eye on his pension, but I'll give him a pass on that.

What has Russell done by comparison? Shag around like a 70's DJ in eyebrow raising ways.
'God Save the Queen' was an amazingly provocative statement. And a great tune. And plenty more besides.

Lydon truly inspired people to live and think differently. He may be a bit of a pantomime dame with his eye on his pension, but I'll give him a pass on that.

What has Russell done by comparison? Shag around like a 70's DJ in eyebrow raising ways.

Agreed. Those first 4 singles certainly had an impact on the way in which this teenager of the late 70's developed his views.

But that was then....
I always liked Chris Spedding!:)
I can't respect them. They are functionally no different than One Direction in that it's the utter veneration of mediocrity. The rejection of musical competence or ability and revelling in being an unpleasant thug.

PiL were better at least, but Lydon just doesn't make any sense when he talks and gets away with it because he intimidates people.
Brand makes himself impossible to take seriously and then tries to justify it by talking some shared consciousness cockney krishna bollocks. he's either massively full of himself or grossly overcompensating.
Lydon has more credibility left even after going on I'm a celebrity than Brand ever had at the pinnacle of his career.

not sure how you measure 'credibility', but Lydon and Polly 'vote Lib Dem' Toynbee sneering at the very idea of 'not voting' shines a strong light on their respective political naivety/bankruptcy imo.
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