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Photo ID now a requirement to vote in the UK

I have no voter ID (and not much intention to vote) but I am very much looking forward to dressing up and having a little strop outside my local church polling station. I fully intend to go into my baffled pensioner mode because I fucking loathe the authoritarian route we are being forced to follow and intend to waffle on at great length about universal suffrage, Chartists, human rights, democratic justice...anything, in fact, which comes to mind. Politely, but insistently.
I have no voter ID (and not much intention to vote) but I am very much looking forward to dressing up and having a little strop outside my local church polling station. I fully intend to go into my baffled pensioner mode because I fucking loathe the authoritarian route we are being forced to follow and intend to waffle on at great length about universal suffrage, Chartists, human rights, democratic justice...anything, in fact, which comes to mind. Politely, but insistently.

What will you be dressing up as?
More polling suggesting unsurprising and yet troubling photo ID knowledge/possession differentials across different cohorts and regions...all seemingly favouring the vermin:

View attachment 370614

No wonder they were in such a rush to introduce this suppression
Yet as the guardian reports many tory mps many tory mps are applying to be considered 'displaced' and reluctant to submit themselves to their electors Tory MPs at risk of losing seats allowed to stand in other constituencies
O I am pretty certain mine have photo-ID. It's just me, being a non-travelling, non-driving, non-technical, anti-parliamentary misfit, lacking the photo-thingy. It is a big problem for me because I don't even have a birth certificate with my name on it (cos adopted).

Aye and we are exactly the sort of people they don't want having the vote.
Anti-establishment opt-out types of people.
I applied for my permission to vote please, sir, Mr Sunak, certificate y'day. Used a passport photo machine for the piccies and was horrified by the result :eek: Just waiting to see if it actually gets sent to me by my new (as of last week) UA Lib Dem overlords or if I get an email requesting blood samples/character references/dick pics etc...
It’s almost as if they’re not concerned about voter fraud at all!

In your photo you must:

  • face forwards, looking straight at the camera
  • be alone, with no other objects or people
  • have a plain expression
  • have eyes open and visible, with no hair in front of them
  • not wear sunglasses, but normal glasses are fine if you typically wear them
  • not have a head covering (apart from religious or medical reasons), including a hat or headphones
  • not have ‘red-eye’, glare or shadows over your face

Bet they let you wear a niqab.
Hopefully failed voter anger will add to the mix for the general election when it finally comes.
Surely at least some of those would have voted Tory ...
More polling suggesting unsurprising and yet troubling photo ID knowledge/possession differentials across different cohorts and regions...all seemingly favouring the vermin:

View attachment 370614

No wonder they were in such a rush to introduce this suppression

Much as I hate to defend the current government, and also do not agree with the legislation, it has been widely publicised.

I asked my grandson if he was aware, despite it not affecting Scotland (yet) he was aware. I must say I was astonished, because a less political animal than the lad is rare.

I also asked him who his MSP and MP were, he didn't know. At his age I was very interested in politics, I'm now in phase III, the 'don't actually give a fuck anymore'. On reviewing our circumstances against current events, we're fine. A lot we can give up before heating and eating. No rent or mortgage is a huge and appreciated boon.

In your photo you must:

  • face forwards, looking straight at the camera
  • be alone, with no other objects or people
  • have a plain expression
  • have eyes open and visible, with no hair in front of them
  • not wear sunglasses, but normal glasses are fine if you typically wear them
  • not have a head covering (apart from religious or medical reasons), including a hat or headphones
  • not have ‘red-eye’, glare or shadows over your face

Bet they let you wear a niqab.

In your photo you must:

  • face forwards, looking straight at the camera
  • be alone, with no other objects or people
  • have a plain expression
  • have eyes open and visible, with no hair in front of them
  • not wear sunglasses, but normal glasses are fine if you typically wear them
  • not have a head covering (apart from religious or medical reasons), including a hat or headphones
  • not have ‘red-eye’, glare or shadows over your face

Bet they let you wear a niqab.
I'll bet they don't.

Why are glasses allowed when they are not allowed on a passport photo? I look like an axe murderer without my glasses. :(
Much as I hate to defend the current government, and also do not agree with the legislation, it has been widely publicised.

I asked my grandson if he was aware, despite it not affecting Scotland (yet) he was aware. I must say I was astonished, because a less political animal than the lad is rare.

I also asked him who his MSP and MP were, he didn't know. At his age I was very interested in politics, I'm now in phase III, the 'don't actually give a fuck anymore'. On reviewing our circumstances against current events, we're fine. A lot we can give up before heating and eating. No rent or mortgage is a huge and appreciated boon.
The point of voter suppression is that it doesn't matter whether or not its publicised.
The point of voter suppression is that it doesn't matter whether or not its publicised.

I don't agree with the hysterical assertion that it is voter suppression.

A free document is available, voter suppression would be limiting ID to a costly document like a passport.
I don't agree with the hysterical assertion that it is voter suppression.

A free document is available, voter suppression would be limiting ID to a costly document like a passport.
The suppression effect does not rely on your agreement; it works by placing barriers to voting for the vulnerable, the poor, the disaffected, those with chaotic lives etc. In other words people with enough problems in their lives without the necessity to know about what hoops the government expects them to go through to access their right to vote.
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