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Photo ID now a requirement to vote in the UK

This word woke, it’s become an almost obligatory badge of arseholeness the last few years, like what would they do without it the people who use it like this what would they say instead?
There used to be ‘politically correct’ but that hasn’t got the rage in it and wasn’t quite the same was it.

It's similar to when I see people use the term "virtue signalling" in a derogatory fashion. It's a massive give-away that the person speaking is some kind of sociopath, who can't comprehend that someone might actually believe in the things they say and do.
Thread ignored.

We have to submit the applications for voter photo ID at work.
There’s not been much interest. I have done just one for someone who didn’t need one. They just wanted to be reassured. We’ve been told any voter can get one even if they don’t need one.
Have to say the security for this is far from robust. All hubs have a special tablet that is only used for the applications. We have to take the photos of the voters ourselves. And then we have to remember to delete the photos after submitting the application. I also had to disable autofill and empty the cache on the tablet I used, as it was retaining previously phone numbers and email addresses. I imagine loads of people will not bother to do this.
Have about twenty hats. Not been to the bookies for years, but am still getting used to the baldness kicking in quite recently. Well, ok, the 90s... which is when the hats started to appear...
I don't really like hats but accelerating hair loss has caused to wear them most of the time, either to protect from cold or sun. I suppose there's a sweet spot in about October where I can go without, but most of the time it's a fecking hat.
I don't really like hats but accelerating hair loss has caused to wear them most of the time, either to protect from cold or sun. I suppose there's a sweet spot in about October where I can go without, but most of the time it's a fecking hat.
Yeah, didn't want to end up looking like The Edge, but it's happened and the hats have landed, so feck it...

Was very weird back in London, there was a time that some pubs and venues would ask you to take the hat off. Not just on the door, or on grounds of taste but for the entire duration of being in the premises.
Interesting snippet in that piece:

View attachment 370584

Sounds like a major incentive for significant numbers of the disenfranchised to kick-off in the polling stations.


Doing fuck all for fear of upsetting the polling station peoples won't get shit done. It's almost as if direct action, however minor, may be more effective than tutting at your keyboard. Who knew?
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