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Photo ID now a requirement to vote in the UK

On the list of approved photo ID?
I don’t know why postal voting isn’t more popular. It’s so much easier. Last time I was supposed to vote in person, I ended up not bothering cos I’d worked a ten hour day and just wanted my tea and a sit down

It's definitely easier to do postal but it feels less fun to me. I actually like the in person experience, plus I get to see inside community halls and scout huts and places I never usually go in. There's also the potential to do dogs at polling stations for social media, or if you're so inclined, you can can do something creative to liven up everyone's day.
Had a quick look but couldn't see mention of this one. Another Tory MP without suitable ID.

I don’t know why postal voting isn’t more popular. It’s so much easier. Last time I was supposed to vote in person, I ended up not bothering cos I’d worked a ten hour day and just wanted my tea and a sit down

I'd be worried the letter wouldn't get there in time :D

Not that far to my polling station either so not a biggie.

The only time i asked for a postal vote was when i'd recently moved house in the 90s and i had to get someone to "witness" it. I remember thinking "fuck that" and not bothering in the end. Not sure if you still have to do that though?
I'd be worried the letter wouldn't get there in time :D

Not that far to my polling station either so not a biggie.

The only time i asked for a postal vote was when i'd recently moved house in the 90s and i had to get someone to "witness" it. I remember thinking "fuck that" and not bothering in the end. Not sure if you still have to do that though?
The only time i asked for a postal vote was when i'd recently moved house in the 90s and i had to get someone to "witness" it. I remember thinking "fuck that" and not bothering in the end. Not sure if you still have to do that though?


I did postal vote in the 1992 election because I'd moved house (by about 150 miles) too late to change where I was on the electoral register and remember I had to explain why I was requesting a postal vote - and presumably they could have said no if it wasn't a good enough reason.

I have a vague recollection that I had to sign one form and have that witnessed, and send that with the ballot paper. I don't think it was the actual ballot paper that was witnessed.

I think the rules on registration have changed - from memory, at that time, you had to be on the register by X date each year and they only updated the register once a year.

As for postal votes, they are now on request - you don't need to 'have a good reason'
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