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Photo ID now a requirement to vote in the UK

And provide a free Identity document?
They have not made it exactly straightforward to apply for this. Disadvantaged people with little or no net access or little understanding of the net in general will have trouble applying for it. it is suppression of the people who are less likely to vote for the vermin. Another example is the Oyster card in London for instance. It's completely blatant. Over 60's valid ID. Anyone else go fuck yourself.
They have not made it exactly straightforward to apply for this. Disadvantaged people with little or no net access or little understanding of the net in general will have trouble applying for it. it is suppression of the people who are less likely to vote for the vermin. Another example is the Oyster card in London for instance. It's completely blatant. Over 60's valid ID. Anyone else go fuck yourself.

Student ID cards also not allowed. I wonder how many students vote tory.
Despite all the energy expended on the subject I predict that these Tory barriers to voting will have zero repercussions in terms of blowback/consequences. People are too tired/apathetic/uncaring/confused (delete as appropriate) :(

I still think we're gonna have scenes on polling day. Whether it's crowds of mostly non-white people being turned away in London or the West Midlands (as reports have suggested), or Auntie Margaret from Tunbridge Wells who wants to reelect that nice Mr Heath but lost her driving license when her rose bushes were shelled by the IRA in1974
I don't agree with the hysterical assertion that it is voter suppression.

A free document is available, voter suppression would be limiting ID to a costly document like a passport.

If the young and BAME people are especially cunning, they might get postal votes.

That’ll learn the voter suppressors.. :thumbs:
I'll bet they don't.

Why are glasses allowed when they are not allowed on a passport photo? I look like an axe murderer without my glasses. :(

Because passport photos are used to make the machine readable mathematical biometric map of the face used by e-gates whereas these will be glanced at by a bored local government official on overtime
Postal vote for me, never going back so much easier. Gotta trust the post though, there should be some sort of receipt but there isnt
Postal vote for me, never going back so much easier. Gotta trust the post though, there should be some sort of receipt but there isnt
You can hand in the completed postal vote at polling station if unlikely to get through post in time....for a general election our local returning officer gets a sweep through of the sorting office done to ensure none waiting there....
Went to the station last night with my polling card, was asked for ID and showed them a copy of my passport on my phone, was told that was not acceptable, it's fine for my credit cards, rail tickets, airline boarding passes etc., but not to cast a vote. They offered me the oppertunity to make a 30 minute round trip to get the actual passport, I declined and left my polling card on their desk. Losing the cherished oppertunity to choose between the two tories and two lib dems that were on offer in my ward :(
Went to the station last night with my polling card, was asked for ID and showed them a copy of my passport on my phone, was told that was not acceptable, it's fine for my credit cards, rail tickets, airline boarding passes etc., but not to cast a vote. They offered me the oppertunity to make a 30 minute round trip to get the actual passport, I declined and left my polling card on their desk. Losing the cherished oppertunity to choose between the two tories and two lib dems that were on offer in my ward :(
one short on the list of spoiled papers, then?
I haven't voted for years, being an NFA bargee traveller is a complication, meaning you have to go to a town hall in person, to fill in a declaration of a local connection form, the last time we did this, we got to the polling station to discover we hadn't been registered, so we couldn't vote. This year, because of being up to my eyeballs in parental care, I've not had the time to go to a town hall. We're in a strong labour area, Yvette Cooper is the mp.
We have a postal vote now,way to much hassle than going to the polling station and having to use photo ID,which I refused to do.
I haven't voted for years, being an NFA bargee traveller is a complication, meaning you have to go to a town hall in person, to fill in a declaration of a local connection form, the last time we did this, we got to the polling station to discover we hadn't been registered, so we couldn't vote. This year, because of being up to my eyeballs in parental care, I've not had the time to go to a town hall. We're in a strong labour area, Yvette Cooper is the mp.

Keep clear of the River Wey, Tory all the way from Weybridge to Godalming :(
Yeah, postal vote and a no canvassers sticker on doorbell is definitely the easy route
The only one who turned up was a Labour candidate, Tories have had this seat so long now they don't bother canvassing. My MIL votes straight tory because her local Tory MP once helped her with something they would have done regardless of which party it was. She doesn't appear to have noticed she is now voting for someone else...
My first chance to go and "vote" with no ID.... bit of a panic from the helper at the door when I said I didnt have any ID...returning officer or whoever it is was very nice about it all, acted like she felt bad about it...anyway NO IDs get counted as such, so will be interesting to see how many of those are added up. Planning to do this at every election from here on in.
My first chance to go and "vote" with no ID.... bit of a panic from the helper at the door when I said I didnt have any ID...returning officer or whoever it is was very nice about it all, acted like she felt bad about it...anyway NO IDs get counted as such, so will be interesting to see how many of those are added up. Planning to do this at every election from here on in.
Did you actually vote or just go and register the fact that you couldn't due to no ID
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My first chance to go and "vote" with no ID.... bit of a panic from the helper at the door when I said I didnt have any ID...returning officer or whoever it is was very nice about it all, acted like she felt bad about it...anyway NO IDs get counted as such, so will be interesting to see how many of those are added up. Planning to do this at every election from here on in.
I Have got the on-line ID from last time but I think this is a better idea. About to pop down now. :thumbs:
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