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Photo ID now a requirement to vote in the UK

Glasses are allowed on a passport photo, my passport photo I am wearing my specs.
I don't agree with the hysterical assertion that it is voter suppression.

A free document is available, voter suppression would be limiting ID to a costly document like a passport.
It is not hysterical, the vermin have taken a leaf straight out of the GOP playbook.
Since when? I had to remove my glasses for the passport photo (2017) and have to remove them to through the machine.

I happen to have my passport to hand, scanning the photo.

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I thought they weren't allowed as well and took mine off for my photo but the passport site says:

Do not wear glasses in your photo unless you have to do so. If you must wear glasses, they cannot be sunglasses or tinted glasses, and you must make sure your eyes are not covered by the frames or any glare, reflection or shadow.
Show me a better line....

Fletcher: [long speech about the downtrodden classes]
McKay: So, [squint] you're working class are you now Fletcher? [laughs]
Fletcher: Well, I used to think I was. [pause] Then I went to Glasgow and now I know I'm middle class!
And provide a free Identity document?

It's still a barrier that one has to hurdle, no matter how small or inconsequential it might seem to you. One that is entirely without justification, the "problem" it is intended to solve was not even occurring more than a literal handful of times.
I don't agree with the hysterical assertion that it is voter suppression.

A free document is available, voter suppression would be limiting ID to a costly document like a passport.
it’s not hysterical, it’s blatantly what is going on.
And no matter how widely something is reported, there will still be millions of people who will still not know about it, either cos they don’t read newspapers or watch the news or pay attention to adverts on buses.
it’s not hysterical, it’s blatantly what is going on.
And no matter how widely something is reported, there will still be millions of people who will still not know about it, either cos they don’t read newspapers or watch the news or pay attention to adverts on buses.
How do these completely disengaged people know who to vote for then?
How do these completely disengaged people know who to vote for then?
people don’t need newspapers to know who to vote for. They might be able to think for themselves. Or just be aware that the Tory Government have damaged and divided this country so much, that they know who to vote for next time. And why would the Tories want the people they’ve shat to vote, I do wonder
Glasses are allowed on a passport photo, my passport photo I am wearing my specs.

it's a bit fuzzy - you can, but "If you must wear glasses, they cannot be sunglasses or tinted glasses, and you must make sure your eyes are not covered by the frames or any glare, reflection or shadow."

I was advised not to wear them when I got my last passport photo done.
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