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No place for Israel in Middle East, says Iran’s Ahmadinejad

Can you pm me your address and leave your house keys under the mat. I want to live in your house. You can live in the shed.


He's taking the piss out of the idea that anyone can have a "moral right" allocated to them to live in any specific location, you dingus. :facepalm:
He's taking the piss out of the idea that anyone can have a "moral right" allocated to them to live in any specific location, you dingus. :facepalm:
No. He is claiming there is a double standard, that lefties support immigration in all cases except for Jews. Its an old and tired Zionist trope. He said

It's amazing how so many on the far left grant a moral right to everyone to live where ever they like except Jews*.

He misses the minor point that colonising and settling someone else's land is not a right that should be supported for anyone. Its called ethnic cleansing

fuckin not on!
Are you trying to say people praying in the UK, in their own homes, is the same as taking a whole country from a group of people?

Why exactly is the point you're trying to make by putting that image up in the context of this thread?

They are not in their own homes. There are like 4 of them in the alley!

What if kids wanted to play football in the alley?
I'm sure they could cope for all of 5 minutes.

Stop trying to troll and stir shit, you're doing an appalling job.
I'm saying no one has a moral right to live any where you doofus
no your not you dishonest prick. You know exactly what you mean. You are saying that the "radical left" claims everyone but Jews do. Your saying the "radical left" has a double standard when it comes to Jews and by implication you are saying that all lefties are closet anti Semites
no your not you dishonest prick. You know exactly what you mean. You are saying that the "radical left" claims everyone but Jews do. Your saying the "radical left" has a double standard when it comes to Jews and by implication you are saying that all lefties are closet anti Semites

He didn't say anything about the "radical left" or about "all lefties". He said:
"It's amazing how so many on the far left".

Don't put words in his mouth. It makes you ridiculous, and cheapens the thread.
Really? We don't have the moral right to live where we were born? I don't agree. It's simply that now old-fashioned notion of a 'birth-right'. It's a useful notion, I think, particularly to those on the left.

I've always thought that "birthright" is just a bit too founded in Jingosim to be worth paying attention to, and that any "moral right" usually only accrues to one side of whatever morality tale is being told - usually the "winning" side.
I've always thought that "birthright" is just a bit too founded in Jingosim to be worth paying attention to, .
It has different connotations for me. Like when Alan Bennett uses the word to describe how he feels about free university education. I think it can be a useful term to describe those things that we should demand simply because we are here.

I also think it's a good guide to bigger conflicts. In the case of Israel/Palestine, there are now two distinct groups that lay claim to the same land. I think the only sensible way forward is for each to recognise the other's right to be there. In the end, that can be the only solution - a 'one-state' solution.
He didn't say anything about the "radical left" or about "all lefties". He said:
"It's amazing how so many on the far left".

Don't put words in his mouth. It makes you ridiculous, and cheapens the thread.
far left/ radical left same difference. My point stands, and I will leave others to decide if my posts "cheapen" the thread or not . Besides what are you his fucking mother? He can answer for himself with your hand up his arse
Just made me google up chap 4 of Making of the English w/c as I recall Thompson discusses the role of the idea of birthright in early 18th century radicalism. Err, that's it.
Really? Only if you're misusing "radical" to mean "extreme" rather than "activist".
And "many" isn't "all" either, is it?

On stilts, tottering.

How very demoxratic of you, as though I'd implied any different!

You know what? Fuck you VP. Really, just fuck off. You have been trying to pick fights with me on virtually everything I post for months on virtually every topic even on issues that you actually agree with me on. I'm not sure why but I'm not playing. I will not respond to anything you post from now on. Oh and once again fuck you
It has different connotations for me. Like when Alan Bennett uses the word to describe how he feels about free university education. I think it can be a useful term to describe those things that we should demand simply because we are here.

That's not a birthright, though, it is (or was) a civic right bestowed by the government with the implicit consent of the polity. A "birthright" is surely a (putatively) natural right (if such a thing exists).

I also think it's a good guide to bigger conflicts. In the case of Israel/Palestine, there are now two distinct groups that lay claim to the same land. I think the only sensible way forward is for each to recognise the other's right to be there. In the end, that can be the only solution - a 'one-state' solution.

I agree, but unfortunately both political/ideological "sides" to the debate still adhere to the "two states" charade, and the (hopeless) belief that it can possibly work even if the necessary institutions could ever be put in place. Add to that the dead weight of inertia on the part of the state of Israel (the Palestinians have made concession after concession and received few back in return), and equality before the law as common citizens of a unitary state is the only way things won't immediately fall apart, and even then there's going to be a hell of a lot of fraught moments.
In the end, that can be the only solution - a 'one-state' solution.

Just dont call it Isratine like the Gaddafi's did when promoting this idea.

Given how progress stalled with the two state solution, let alone one state, I've rather forgotten the detailed merits for and against each option. This century has not offered much to fuel hope for change of any productive kind in the region. Even as the region is reconfigured in many ways by various different forces, few fresh moves seem to have been opened up, at least so far. The only thing resembling some kind of progress seems to be an increased recognition of Palestine within certain aspects of the UN, but not the ones that have real clout.

The potential destruction of some regimes hostile to Israel may have unanticipated consequences one day, for example it could actually limit Israels options & justifications somewhat, with less supposed 'external threats' to hide behind.
You know what? Fuck you VP. Really, just fuck off. You have been trying to pick fights with me on virtually everything I post for months on virtually every topic even on issues that you actually agree with me on. I'm not sure why but I'm not playing. I will not respond to anything you post from now on. Oh and once again fuck you

I'm not picking fights with you, nor on "virtually everything" you've posted on. If I think you're talking shit, I'll call you on it.
Given how progress stalled with the two state solution, let alone one state, I've rather forgotten the detailed merits for and against each option. This century has not offered much to fuel hope for change of any productive kind in the region. Even as the region is reconfigured in many ways by various different forces, few fresh moves seem to have been opened up, at least so far. The only thing resembling some kind of progress seems to be an increased recognition of Palestine within certain aspects of the UN, but not the ones that have real clout.
I don't see that as progress, I'm afraid. The position of the Palestinians is as desperate materially as it's ever been. I don't see any signs of progress towards a one-state solution (and I hear plenty of empty rhetoric about a completely unviable two-state 'solution), but I still maintain that it is the only solution. May well not happen in our lifetimes, or events may unfold rather rapidly. After all, apartheid came to an end far faster than I would think most of us thought it would, and in a far better way than most of us thought it could.
far left/ radical left same difference. My point stands, and I will leave others to decide if my posts "cheapen" the thread or not . Besides what are you his fucking mother? He can answer for himself with your hand up his arse
all this talk of mothers and hands up arses, you'd be a psychoanalyst's wet dream
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