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No place for Israel in Middle East, says Iran’s Ahmadinejad

Keep going, an education isn't completed in half an evening.
I'm sure that other posters here will suggest books and so on that will assist you.

Bloody hell - Mrs M - now you are setting me homework :)

I did watch it as it happens, though at the end he says that pretty much all anti-Israel thinking can be described by many as anti-semitic which clouds the issue somewhat. Wikepedia has a massive page on the word antisemitic, I read that earlier.
Bloody hell - Mrs M - now you are setting me homework :)

I did watch it as it happens, though at the end he says that pretty much all anti-Israel thinking can be described by many as anti-semitic which clouds the issue somewhat. Wikepedia has a massive page on the word antisemitic, I read that earlier.
you could also read umberto eco's 'prague cemetery' and norman cohn's 'warrant for genocide'.
its about ubermenschen , untermenschen , lebensraum, gods chosen race, ultra nationalism , ultra militarism and ultra racism

and thats all its about

And within the structures of the state of Israel and within Zionism, the ubermenschen/untermenschen equation still plays out, with the Ashkenazim the favoured child, and the Mizrahim, Sephardim and the likes of the Bene Israel the red-headed stepchild. You can't have a state policy of external racism without it playing out internally too.
And within the structures of the state of Israel and within Zionism, the ubermenschen/untermenschen equation still plays out, with the Ashkenazim the favoured child, and the Mizrahim, Sephardim and the likes of the Bene Israel the red-headed stepchild. You can't have a state policy of external racism without it playing out internally too.
the nation that preys together stays together :cool:
Bloody hell - Mrs M - now you are setting me homework :)

I did watch it as it happens, though at the end he says that pretty much all anti-Israel thinking can be described by many as anti-semitic which clouds the issue somewhat. Wikepedia has a massive page on the word antisemitic, I read that earlier.
No, he said people confuse anti-Zionist with anti-Semitic which is why the the term anti-Semitic should be used carefully.
I'm afraid I don't believe you, weltweit.

If you had confused Jews with Israel, well, I can accept that, because I realise people aren't aware you can be anti-Zionist without being anti-Semitic. But you made a mass generalisation based on interaction with a few people you weren't so keen on.

We all come across people who are nasty from all different races, religions and cultures. The rest of us seem to manage to realise that this is not a reflection on that race / religion / culture, but instead a reflection on that nasty individual.

I do not understand how you can mistype 'I have no sympathy for the Jews' and not think there was anything wrong with that. I suppose I'll never understand, so I might as well just leave it. I hope you think about this long and hard, you should do.

I'm attempting to be fair, but only because I've known a few committed anti-Zionists who were inarticulate enough to not separate out the differences between "Jew", "Israeli" and "Zionist" until many headslaps had been administered.
I'm attempting to be fair, but only because I've known a few committed anti-Zionists who were inarticulate enough to not separate out the differences between "Jew", "Israeli" and "Zionist" until many headslaps had been administered.
yeh but those were real headslaps and thus far we've only administered virtual ones.
They don't have to go anywhere. They have to end their military occupation and dismantle the racist supremacist state they have built and replace it with a democratic and secular state that gives equal rights to all citizens regardless of their religion.

When democracy activists demanded the end to apartheid did that mean white South Africans had to be driven out? No, it meant the end of a state built on racist privilege. Demanding an end to zionism means the same thing
And they will survive this wafty hippy give up bollocks after all these years of oppression?
No, there will be blood in the fucking streets toss child
Careful withdraw is the sensible option
Just going, fair go, fair cop is a death sentence
Are you a supporter of Israels land grabbing?
Oh dear, has Dad taken yer X-Box away?
Is puberty driving you mental?
Calm down blood, expressing a desire for mass murder is obscene
I;m not referencing your wanky tendencies, they are fucking obviously childlike
Perhaps back to Germany, France, Poland et al where the Zionist notion was born
The logic of which means, via the Balfour Declaration, here
Oh yeah and via the Trueman unlimited cheque book, to the USA
Fair play

Just to correct your history, Herzl's Zionism had hardly any traction in the Pale, or in Europe. It had to go to the US before it took off. Zionists were mostly seen as cranks until post-WW1.
I am afraid that the actions of the state of Israel make me dislike it intensly, a cruel selfish regime which has been persecuting Palestinians mercilessly for generations. I have to add to that however that the few times I have actually met a Jew, and that is not a statistically valid number, they have been the type that believe in an eye for and eye, or perhaps ten eyes for an eye and have been totally devoid of human kindness, only interested in the rights they have assigned to themselves. I find the whole situation depressing, but I have zero sympathy for the jews.
Fuck you.

I always had you down as a idiot but didn't think that you were an anti-semite.
I'm attempting to be fair, but only because I've known a few committed anti-Zionists who were inarticulate enough to not separate out the differences between "Jew", "Israeli" and "Zionist" until many headslaps had been administered.

Have to say, this looks more like a case of "headslaps required" than actual Mein Kampf style anti-semitism.
Jews have the 'moral right' to live there same as they have the 'moral right' to live in Europe, America, Africa, China etc etc etc

So why bother to mention this "moral right" at all, if it pertains everywhere?

Are you sure you weren't going to spout some bollocks about how Jews have a moral right to occupy Israel because they are Jews? :p
So why bother to mention this "moral right" at all, if it pertains everywhere?

Are you sure you weren't going to spout some bollocks about how Jews have a moral right to occupy Israel because they are Jews? :p

Hey come on, we might not get on but I thought you thought more of me than that!
It's amazing how so many on the far left grant a moral right to everyone to live where ever they like except Jews*.

*or Falklanders*

*the 13th tribe
Can you pm me your address and leave your house keys under the mat. I want to live in your house. You can live in the shed.

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