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New age cosmic hippies and the far right


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Funny how a lot of these new age cosmic types espouse extreme right wing ideas under the guise of peace and love innit? There's loads of 'em all over the Occupy Facebook pages.

There's one called "Quintessence Healer",who says they are "Here to help the earth as a Light Worker, which i like to call Gaia Consiousness.", yet has this to say about immigrants "What rights do you serve when you dont even Belong here, You only care about your own Countries.... Your all Scum. And you know what your doing.... Your here to try and Push the U.K Population Out of Work......".

It's often these types pushing the anti-Jewish stuff too.
Can't say I've ever come across one of these types before. It certainly sounds very odd. Although I suppose the Nazis were into all that occult nonsense so it kind of fits in.
Spiritual types are magical thinkers. The more you believe that you can control your own destiny through positive thinking, the more nonsense you take on board about illness being a symptom of spiritual malaise, the more you fall victim to solipsism. And selfishness, extreme selfishness, and callousness are a logical consequence of this kind of solipsism.
Funny how a lot of these new age cosmic types espouse extreme right wing ideas under the guise of peace and love innit? There's loads of 'em all over the Occupy Facebook pages.

There's one called "Quintessence Healer",who says they are "Here to help the earth as a Light Worker, which i like to call Gaia Consiousness.", yet has this to say about immigrants "What rights do you serve when you dont even Belong here, You only care about your own Countries.... Your all Scum. And you know what your doing.... Your here to try and Push the U.K Population Out of Work......".

It's often these types pushing the anti-Jewish stuff too.

I hate people who pretend they are something they're not, I see it all the time especially with people who profess to know everything about everything and always offer authorative nratives to loads of different subjects like some sort of lawn mower men.

Plastic people are everywhere, come from many different walks of life and are easily exposed.

I like to think I'm a tolerent person, well I'm still posting here aint I.

I suppose the people pretending to be something they are not is a comon trait, you only need to look at the Catholic nonce brigade to see.
TBH, that picture suggests he bought it off the secondhand section of their stall. Not justifying them selling it, but I don't think they're actively pushing/promoting it.

It "suggests" it maybe. Its not proof though is it? If they were selling it, I think it's very very unlikely it was because they were pushing these ideas, as spawnofsatan is suggesting.
This needs another airing that butchers' drew attention to:

In Agatha Christie’s classic crime novel the ABC Murders, the detective Hercule Poirot comes up with the following formulation: “When do you notice a pin least? When it is in a pin cushion. When do you notice a murder least? When it is one of a series of related murders.” I would like to extend Poirot’s thinking to “When do you notice an extremely pernicious and dangerous conspiracy theory least? When it is set in a two hour film amongst many other conspiracy theories.”
Over the last year or so a number of people have told me that I should watch the film Zeitgeist: The Movie. All of these people have been lefties or liberals, and each tells me that the film supplies a good exposé of power in the modern world. These people have been from a wide range of backgrounds and ages, some of them environmentalists, some of them unionists, some of them socialists, some British, some American. The film has achieved massive viewing figures globally, with over 3,000,000 people having watched it on Youtube, and many more on DVD or Google Video. And of all of these people who have recommended the film to me, none has noticed its reliance on the old myth of the “world Jewish conspiracy”.
In this article I hope to expose the film’s relationship to older anti-Semitic texts and myths, and look more closely at how these theories are made to look left-wing or liberal. I wish to explain why this film has become so attractive to people who otherwise are engaged in good struggles against capitalism, against war, and to save the environment. I am particularly interested in the relationship between the film and a book called The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, along with its use of other anti-Semitic tropes that have existed throughout modernity.

Yes, so why are you making out that "some on the left" are pushing anti-Jewish conspiracy theories?

I'm not it was a response to you posting one instance of a new age hippie whatever pushing anti-jewish stuff, I gave an example of part of the left selling anti-semitic literature.

I just thought it was odd thats all, i'd just seen the feed before you started this thread.
I'm not it was a response to you posting one instance of a new age hippie whatever pushing anti-jewish stuff, I gave an example of part of the left selling anti-semitic literature.

I just thought it was odd thats all, i'd just seen the feed before you started this thread.

Its not just one instance though, if you follow this stuff (I take a passing interest), anti-semitic conspiracy stuff is part and parcel of new age ideas - just look at David Icke. While I'm sure there are some anti-semites on the left, its not a necessary part of the politics.
Cheers blags, asking me to look at david Icke!:mad::D

I agree with you in the sense that a lot of the Illuminati conspiracy types do have rather nasty views on Jews.
Go and have a look for yourself on the occupy london stock exchange facebook page, I pulled the quotes off there
Are there lots of people like this? I just looked on that page and couldn't see any others.

The problem with facebook pages is that any old nutter can 'like' it and start posting up bollocks.
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