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Murder of Lyra McKee in Londonderry, Apr 18, 2019

" The necessary intention exists if the defendant feels sure that death, or serious bodily harm, is a virtual certainty as a result of the defendant's actions and that the defendant appreciated that this was the case - R v Matthews (Darren John) [2003] EWCA Crim 192."

Bit hard convincing a jury you fired a loaded gun into a crowd not appreciating the certain risk of death or injury.
Are you going to condemn - without reservation - the loathsome cowardly murdering scumbag who did it?
Of course he isn't.

His comment that Lyra McKee was "not from Creggan nor was she from a Republican community in Belfast... She was an activist-journalist who was open in her opposition to those resisting British rule in Ireland." and comment that
...I don't rate journalists that go into conflict zones with an agenda. Vultures.
makes it quite clear that he actually thinks she was responsible for her own death. It's victim blaming at its worst.

His only concern is that it's a PR disaster.
No-one is saying it's OK. Including the I.R.A. What's being said is that it was an accident.

Why the fuck did they decide to send a shooter out in the first place? You give out about journalists but the scumbag producing a fucking dickumentary whipped ye up into putting on a fucking show for him...tossing the usual petrol bombs is one thing but giving a kid a gun loaded with real bullets and telling him to fire it wherever was fucking idiotic. Whoever set this crap up deserves to be retired from any form of duty...and whoever thought any of this was "active service" needs their head examined.
And then you start saying a journalist shouldnt be in a war zone? Ffs. It was a bloody set up....ramped up cos a journalist and camera was there. Being hypocritical about this wont get the nira any support or sympathy. You need to sort out the idiots who planned or rather fucked up this entire sorry state of affairs. In fact the nira need to hand over the idiot kid who fired that shot.

PR disaster? You've no idea. This is not something you or the nira can dismiss as an accidental shooting and think it will be forgotten. Republicans and nationalists are utterly disgusted and the nira have left a very sour taste in the mouths of many very staunch republicans. They have disturbed the memory and good standing of those who really represented the fight for freedom. Those who died for the freedom that young woman had to report and represent what was happening..... Shame on the nira. Shame on you. Go back to the drawing board and learn ...
Not a fucking ‘accident’. Shooting a gun into a crowd does have a reasonably foreseeable outcome.

If I pushed a piano off a building over a crowded city street and it landed on someone, it wouldn’t be an accident.
Why the fuck did they decide to send a shooter out in the first place? You give out about journalists but the scumbag producing a fucking dickumentary whipped ye up into putting on a fucking show for him...tossing the usual petrol bombs is one thing but giving a kid a gun loaded with real bullets and telling him to fire it wherever was fucking idiotic. Whoever set this crap up deserves to be retired from any form of duty...and whoever thought any of this was "active service" needs their head examined.
And then you start saying a journalist shouldnt be in a war zone? Ffs. It was a bloody set up....ramped up cos a journalist and camera was there. Being hypocritical about this wont get the nira any support or sympathy. You need to sort out the idiots who planned or rather fucked up this entire sorry state of affairs. In fact the nira need to hand over the idiot kid who fired that shot.

PR disaster? You've no idea. This is not something you or the nira can dismiss as an accidental shooting and think it will be forgotten. Republicans and nationalists are utterly disgusted and the nira have left a very sour taste in the mouths of many very staunch republicans. They have disturbed the memory and good standing of those who really represented the fight for freedom. Those who died for the freedom that young woman had to report and represent what was happening..... Shame on the nira. Shame on you. Go back to the drawing board and learn ...
Soz who did die for the freedom lm had to report and represent what was happening?
Soz who did die for the freedom lm had to report and represent what was happening?

Do you recall that issues were not reported on in the 70s? Do you remember the whole media blackout? The fact that certain Republicans were not allowed to be heard?
Now at least there is freedom to report and represent. That came about relatively recently...
Lyra McKee had the freedom to be there to report what she witnessed because of the peace process...because of the many who died along the way towards a resolution to have a better way of living and being in NI.
Do you recall that issues were not reported on in the 70s? Do you remember the whole media blackout? The fact that certain Republicans were not allowed to be heard?
Now at least there is freedom to report and represent. That came about relatively recently...
Lyra McKee had the freedom to be there to report what she witnessed because of the peace process...because of the many who died along the way towards a resolution to have a better way of living and being in NI.
Who *died for her freedom to report and represent*? Don't care about section 31 which didn't apply in 6 cos or the voice ban.
Don't think they died so a journalist could report and represent.

They died for the freedoms she lived with including the freedom to be where she was and do her job.

My point for flyingcolumn is that they killed someone who represented the freedoms people have fought and died for.
A woman with a voice who could speak about what was going on.
A gay rights activist.
A peaceful person who wanted all communities to live together peacefully.
A fighter for equal rights.

And yeah. We know that the nira didn't deliverately set out to kill her....but by doing so they highlighted the absolute differences between the absence of rights and eventual need for action and resistance that came about during the 1970s, and the contrasting modern society that is and wants peaceful action in 2019.
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They died for the freedoms she lived with including the freedom to be where she was and do her job.

If you honestly believe that I am surprised you didn't invoke the nationalist and republican dead when trevor birney and barry mccaffrey were nicked last year

E2A I thought this would be a quick exchange, I'd ask, you'd answer with the name of a murdered journo, I'd go 'of course' and we'd move on

If you honestly believe that I am surprised you didn't invoke the nationalist and republican dead when trevor birney and barry mccaffrey were nicked last year

You know thats different. The police arrested them .. wrongly.

But on this thread we have a nationalist supporter of nira actively telling us journalists have no place in "war zone"
You know thats different. The police arrested them .. wrongly.

But on this thread we have a nationalist supporter of nira actively telling us journalists have no place in "war zone"
How come the nationalist and republican dead died so lm could report and represent but not so bm could report and represent? I find it peculiar and uncomfortable to enlist people like Bobby Sands - who died for the five demands of the prisoners - in support of your claim, on the eve of the anniversary of his death.
It wasn't that long ago that Lupa was claiming it would be the fault of British Leave voters if violence broke out again.

I wonder if she still thinks that

Ah fuck off would you. You have no idea how tentative peace is in NI at the moment. And yes I do still believe that tensions are high and that brexit is a massive problem. That does not exclude me also seeing and knowing that what happened in Derry recently was fucked up.
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Of course he isn't.
His comment that Lyra McKee was "not from Creggan nor was she from a Republican community in Belfast... She was an activist-journalist who was open in her opposition to those resisting British rule in Ireland." and comment that

makes it quite clear that he actually thinks she was responsible for her own death. It's victim blaming at its worst.

His only concern is that it's a PR disaster.

If you bothered to read my posts at all youd have seen that yours and mine had similarities.
But no. You just want to lick Pickman's model's arse and do the whole "oh when NI blows up it wont be the fault of Brexit. Our government wont have contributed to the mess at all cos look it was that motley mini rabble that call themselves the nira, sure they are to blame for it all going tits up"
If you bothered to read my posts at all youd have seen that yours and mine had similarities.
But no. You just want to lick Pickman's model's arse and do the whole "oh when NI blows up it wont be the fault of Brexit. Our government wont have contributed to the mess at all cos look it was that motley mini rabble that call themselves the nira, sure they are to blame for it all going tits up"
Again, you seem unable to distinguish between British Leave voters and the British government. I'm talking specifically about British Leave voters, whose fault you claimed it would be if there was an upsurge in violence. Why are you so coy about admitting this now?

I haven't defended the actions of the British government, either in connection with the Irish border situation or in their handling of wider Brexit matters, so your conflation of the two (again) says more about the assumptions in your romantic nationalism than my comments. Despite your denials, you apparently do believe that it's all Brits who are to blame.
If you bothered to read my posts at all youd have seen that yours and mine had similarities.
But no. You just want to lick Pickman's model's arse and do the whole "oh when NI blows up it wont be the fault of Brexit. Our government wont have contributed to the mess at all cos look it was that motley mini rabble that call themselves the nira, sure they are to blame for it all going tits up"
I dont think he's kissing my arse about this. It makes me suspect you've not really followed what I've been saying about the killing of lyra mckee
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