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Murder of Lyra McKee in Londonderry, Apr 18, 2019

Like we were saying upthread:

visible journalists always encouraged people to kick-off and some weren't above encouraging rioters in Iraq even well-known tv crews were prepared pay cash to get squaddies to fire their weapons:facepalm:
so they could get film of fire fights :rolleyes:
Puff piece for Reggie Yates in the Obbo this week - only mentions the Saoradh/McKee incident 19 paragraphs into a 25 para story. (The whole piece is a PR job, completely positive until mentioning an antisemitism row at para 15.)

It's very much a case of ‘I'm not allowed to talk about it because y'know ongoing police investigation’ (therefore implicit that the interviewer can't press him on it, but not because I don't want to talk about it it's just my hands are tied) whilst simultaneously letting us know that ‘the police have cleared me, that's all you need to know’:

A few years later, Yates was filming in Northern Ireland with Saoradh, a far-left republican group with ties to the New IRA, for his MTV series. Just hours after the interview, the group was involved in riots in which the journalist Lyra McKee was shot and killed. Some have claimed Saoradh amped up their usual Easter shenanigans to make a bigger splash for the TV crew. One community organiser told the Guardian, “They staged the whole thing for him. It was all staged, all choreographed.”

Yates is more reticent on this issue, citing an ongoing police investigation and McKee’s grieving family, but does say that he “absolutely” feels comfortable with his actions and those of the crew, and points to numerous statements from the Police Service of Northern Ireland that have said there is “no evidence” to suggest their presence affected events on the ground.

Reggie Yates: ‘I could get George Clooney to say stuff he’d never said before’
the idiots had a pistol you'd have to be really really good to hit what your aiming at anything over 10 metres nobody is pulling off a head shot at that range deliberately morons just wanted a show of force.

The comment about being too young for the troubles is not they are too young to be veterans.
Its how god awful the troubles were a complete misery and waste of life and starting that shit up again when there's almost functioning democratic institutions is farcical
Well the institutions are not sitting are they? Any scrutiny of Arlene and her prod pals stealing tens of millions via the fuel scam and your peoples participation is removed abruptly.
Well the institutions are not sitting are they? Any scrutiny of Arlene and her prod pals stealing tens of millions via the fuel scam and your peoples participation is removed abruptly.

Supposedly the assembly has got off its arse recently but honestly the difference between a functioning and non-functioning stormont is practically nil.
Have not seen much about how the Operation Arbacia cases are going recently, although I suppose legal stuff tends to be pretty slow?
Could do with a passing mod adding dates to the title. Or change to 'Murder of Lyra McKee Apr 18, 2019' type thing.
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