I am talking about basic conscription military service, not processional soldiers. Certainly as cannon fodder infantry is concerned, which is where the great majority non-professional soldiers end up in.
I think that's a false/poor conclusion based on looking at Ukraine and thinking that what's happened there is the inevitable, or the desired military doctrine.
It's not. The
Somme 2.0 isn't the way Ukraine wants to fight, it's simply what it's got left given it's lack of other options. It's also a way of fighting that suits Russia, given that Russia has a much larger manpower pool, and very much not Ukraine.
The Ukrainians have found that the rushed 'it'll do...' training simply hasn't worked for the much more complex Manoeuvre warfare - it can cope with the
sitting in a trench and advancing to the next hedge line, but anything above that and it's just not enough - their planned offensives start to fall apart when it's larger numbers of troops trying to move in coordination and with other arms like armour and artillery.
In short, bodging it has both not worked,
and has trapped them in a losing game.
I'm not particularly sold on the idea of conscription, but I think that if you are going to do it, you should do it properly, rather than sending half trained kids into situations and tasks that aren't trained for - better (morally) to force them to do 18/24 months (?) and be properly trained, than to 'be nice', limit it to 3 months or whatever and, then, if it happens, they simply don't have the skills and experience to cope and they die in larger numbers than they otherwise would.
An extrapolation of the Finnish numbers is
interesting - population of just short of 6 million, they conscript between 25 and 30k 18yo men each year. for me, I don't think that you can morally conscript men and not women, so in the UK's case - population of 60 million - you could (theoretically) be looking at a figure of 500,000 men and women
every year. Even if you ended their reserve liability at 35, you'd be looking at a reserve pool of people who'd done their basic training, their trade training, and had gone to an operational unit for a year, of more than 5 million.
Quite how you'd equip such a force makes the mind boggle...
I think voluntary reservists are the answer to 'how to do I massively, and quickly, increase military capacity?', but it needs a very different approach and deal than the current setup.