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Marx on immigration ..

What? Torres continuing his smear campaign against me? What a surprise!

You're really off your heid, torres.

So which public school did you go to, torres? You know, I don't think I've ever met a w/c anarchist in this country. Most of them tend to come from pretty m/c backgrounds.
You claimed i was in Class War the other week. What makes you sure that you've got it right this time? And just what does posting an article from a mag 11 years intend to prove?

And btw nino, if you want to play this game let's here your educational background, you were a lecturer once weren't you? You do realise that this, i don't want to listen to you as i suspect you might not be working class approach is making you appear about as pomposly comical as anyone i've ever seen on here. But, if you want to continue, i'll post up my background if you agree to post up yours? You can keep your money as you're so scared to actually wager any of it.
Btw, anything political to say beyond boasting that you 'remember nearly everything.' (despite abundant evidence to the contrary) and suggesting that you won't listen to middle class people and that you think other posters and groups are only pretending to be working class? That would be nice. It's not so nice to see you (or anyone for that matter) reduced to this level.
torres said:
You claimed i was in Class War the other week. What makes you sure that you've got it right this time? And just what does posting an article from a mag 11 years intend to prove?

And btw nino, if you want to play this game let's here your educational background, you were a lecturer once weren't you? You do realise that this, i don't want to listen to you as i suspect you might not be working class approach is making you appear about as pomposly comical as anyone i've ever seen on here. But, if you want to continue, i'll post up my background if you agree to post up yours? You can keep your money as you're so scared to actually wager any of it.

No, I speculated. You seem to have a problem with language or is it the case that you only have a problem when certain people use certain words?

You clearly don't even understand the difference between the word "hear" and "here".

You can keep your money as you're so scared to actually wager any of it.

I'm not "scared" of anything. But I don't understand why you are so desperate to have a wager, particularly as you're the one who has trouble comprehending those posts which are written by folk other than your mates.

This is funny.

i'll post up my background if you agree to post up yours?

You really must think that I came down in the last shower. What makes you think that I would believe anything that you have to say about yourself? You've already proven yourself to be less than honest, so there is little reason to expect any change on that score. Besides, you already know about my background. Your mates have posted bits of it on MATB...you know, your mate, Lusty...the one who says that he never logs on here.

Then there's this

You claimed i was in Class War the other week. What makes you sure that you've got it right this time? And just what does posting an article from a mag 11 years intend to prove?

You wouldn't even admit to it if it were true. Do you really think that I would believe anything you say? What the article proves is that I'm not the only one to have suspicions about the IWCA. You sought a confrontation with me based on an antipathy and nothing else. You have not presented a particular view on the IWCA but rode to their rescue precisely to stir up trouble,
torres said:
Btw, anything political to say beyond boasting that you 'remember nearly everything.' (despite abundant evidence to the contrary) and suggesting that you won't listen to middle class people and that you think other posters and groups are only pretending to be working class? That would be nice. It's not so nice to see you (or anyone for that matter) reduced to this level.

Not a very good retort, butchers. What does my memory have to do with my politics or my ability to make a political argument? You forget, you're the one who deliberately sought a confrontation with me. Therefore, you created this situation, not me. You wanted a confrontation, now you have one. Only you lack the guts to see it through.
nino_savatte said:
No, I speculated. You seem to have a problem with language or is it the case that you only have a problem when certain people use certain words?

You clearly don't even understand the difference between the word "hear" and "here".

I'm not "scared" of anything. But I don't understand why you are so desperate to have a wager, particularly as you're the one who has trouble comprehending those posts which are written by folk other than your mates.

This is funny.

You really must think that I came down in the last shower. What makes you think that I would believe anything that you have to say about yourself? You've already proven yourself to be less than honest, so there is little reason to expect any change on that score. Besides, you already know about my background. Your mates have posted bits of it on MATB...you know, your mate, Lusty...the one who says that he never logs on here.

So that's a no then, once your own privilged background might have to be revealed. Again, what a suprise.

And what's this - is this what your think speculation is?

You're a smear artist, torres. A low smear artists with the integrity of a snake. Only to be expected from a back-stabbing CWer.

You didn't manage to remember that did you?
nino_savatte said:
Not a very good retort, butchers. What does my memory have to do with my politics or my ability to make a political argument? You forget, you're the one who deliberately sought a confrontation with me. Therefore, you created this situation, not me. You wanted a confrontation, now you have one. Only you lack the guts to see it through.

I sought no confrontation with you. I aksed you what you meant by a comment about Red Action, you then lost your head and have been stalking me ever since, frothing and spluttering all over the forums whilst i fended you off with one hand tied behind my back.

And what exactly do i lack the guts to see through?

Please work it out and let me know, hoping to see a coherent reply when i get back later today.
torres said:
So that's a no then, once your own privilged background might have to be revealed. Again, what a suprise.

And what's this - is this what your think speculation is?

You didn't manage to remember that did you?

You're not doing very well, torres. All you can do is chuck around a few baseless accusations about my "privilged (sic) background".

Aye, I remember that but what you refuse to acknowledge is the way that you not only sought a confrontation with me but deliberately misrepresented my posts on the BNP thread...you know, the one where you stormed of in a huff and shouted "racist".

You're still a smear artist, butchers, there is no getting away from it.

All of the anarchists that I've met have come from middle class backgrounds. I have never once met a shop floor anarchist.
torres said:
I sought no confrontation with you. I aksed you what you meant by a comment about Red Action, you then lost your head and have been stalking me ever since, frothing and spluttering all over the forums whilst i fended you off with one hand tied behind my back.

And what exactly do i lack the guts to see through?

Please work it out and let me know, hoping to see a coherent reply when i get back later today.

You're a liar. You sought a confrontation but you lack the guts, the honesty and the decency to admit it. You lie to others and you lie to yourself.

have been stalking me ever since,

Rubbish. Another lie to add to the smears.

As for coherent replies, you're not too good at them yourself. Yet you demand from me the very thing that you cannot produce.

You're a liar and a smear artist.
nino_savatte said:
You're not doing very well, torres. All you can do is chuck around a few baseless accusations about my "privilged (sic) background".

Aye, I remember that but what you refuse to acknowledge is the way that you not only sought a confrontation with me but deliberately misrepresented my posts on the BNP thread...you know, the one where you stormed of in a huff and shouted "racist".

You're still a smear artist, butchers, there is no getting away from it.

All of the anarchists that I've met have come from middle class backgrounds. I have never once met a shop floor anarchist.

Whereabouts are you residing Nino - if it is remotely up norf we could have a drink at some point - btw try www.minersadvice.co.uk for shopfloor anarchism...
torres said:
Sure, if he wants to play those silly games - but i'm waiting on hearing just how much he's prepared to bet. Is he going to put his money where his ever frothing mouth is.

You keep banging on about this "bet". I have no idea why you want to propose a wager; there is nothing to wager for.

Attica said:
Whereabouts are you residing Nino - if it is remotely up norf we could have a drink at some point - btw try www.minersadvice.co.uk for shopfloor anarchism...

I live in London but I do come up north to see my daughter and my grandson (there's some info for you, butchers...any good?:D ). So maybe next time? I'm a bit skint so my travel plans for this year have been scuppered. :)
this is ninos tactic .. a thread he does not approve of and he spreads loads of shit .. gets a reaction .. and hey presto thread fucked .. well done nino :rolleyes:

not more than one serious attempt to look at marxs position on migration by nino .. pathetic
Attica said:
It is not - it is a mixed bag. You are hyping them up for whatever reason - sucking IWCA cok i fink:eek: :D

Good, perhaps even very good - BUT still no councillor - Rochford, Manchester

Middling - Havering, and Calderdale

Bad - Humiliation even; Torbay, Newcastle, North Lincolnshire.

Most of the results are in the BAD category!!

I have added up the %, and divided it by the number of seats (the information given by MC5) and the average % is 10.345!! That is a going nowhere %:p

attica .. neither myself or, as i see it, torres, are obsessed by the BNP. But i find it hard to understand how you can be so dismmisive of a situation when hundreds of thousneds of people are voting for a facist party. They have acheived very large votes across whole regions, particluarly yorks. I accept that they seem not to do well in the north east though 15% near you is bad enough, no??

you seem to have history with torres but i did not think that you do with me ( though sure we have been arguing politics lately .. i would be sad to think you see it as personal mate :) ) .. but it seems to colour what you say about talking about the BNP

the bnp vote is unprecedented in our political lives. To qoute UAF ( who yes obviously have an angle)

"Until recently this country has not seen the kind of rise of the extreme right that has blighted many countries elsewhere in Europe. However in the recent local elections the BNP averaged 17 per cent in the wards it contested, and averaged 20% in by-elections they have contested since then."

"BNP fail to advance but warning signals are there
With all the votes now counted the BNP performance can now be assessed fully – and it was a night of mixed fortunes. The BNP failed to make any significant breakthrough in its councillor base, and if anything slipped back in many key local authority areas, but its overall share of the vote confirms Searchlight’s fear that the BNP has the potential to be Britain’s fourth political party.

The BNP went into these elections confidently predicting that it would increase its councillor numbers from 49 to 100. However, it finished the election with a total of 50 councillors, a rise of just one. Within days the number was back down to 49 after it emerged that Mark Leat, elected in 2004 as a BNP councillor in Stoke-on-Trent, was now listed as an independent.

In the elections the BNP won nine new seats but lost eight of the nine it was defending. Its biggest gains were in Stoke-on-Trent and North West Leicestershire, where it gained three and two councillors respectively.

Table 1 Average BNP vote (no of candidates in brackets)

2003 16.7% (220)
2004 16.1% (313)
2006 19.2% (363)
2007 14.7% (742)

However, it failed to make any breakthrough in Sandwell, Kirklees, Dudley, Thurrock and Leeds. In Bradford, it gained one councillor but lost another and in Burnley one BNP councillor was re-elected but the party lost three other seats. More importantly, the BNP share of the vote in many of these key areas has declined dramatically since last year.

In Sandwell, the BNP averaged 24.6% in the wards it contested this year compared to the 33% share it achieved in 2006. In Bradford the BNP vote fell from 25.9% to 19.2%, and this election confirmed the party’s demise in Oldham, where it was only able to put forward four candidates, who averaged just 16.6% of the vote.

In several key target wards the BNP vote dropped dramatically. In 2006 the BNP polled 45.1%, 43.5% and 37.0% in the Sandwell wards of Great Bridge, Princes End and Tividale – winning all three. This year Labour decisively beat the BNP candidates, with their vote dropping to 30.1%, 34.9% and 29.8% respectively. A similar decline occurred in the BNP’s key wards in Kirklees. In 2006 the BNP won Dewsbury East and Heckmondwike with votes of 15.4% and 13.2% more than Labour. This year Labour took back both seats, with the BNP candidate in Heckmondwike over 600 votes behind.

It was in precisely these wards where Searchlight focused most of its work. It was also where, to their credit, the local political parties confronted the BNP head on."

and hope not hate says

"While the BNP's failure to win seats has certainly demoralised its activists there is absolutely no room for complacency. The media might now have decided that the BNP is on the wane but the statistics speak for themselves. The BNP averaged 14.7% of the vote in the 742 borough and district council wards it contested in England. In the Eastern region BNP candidates averaged 19.0%, closely followed by the East Midlands with 18.5%. "

And they are averaging 20% since may .. yes no seats but this is no small beer .. sorry mate but this IS of potentially serious consequence. If they turn this into a political movment we will be in serious trouble, though i agree totally with you and MC5 they are totally failing to so at present.

i think the north east scenario is of interest and it would be good of you to keep is informed of how and why they do relatively poorly there.
durruti02 said:
this is ninos tactic .. a thread he does not approve of and he spreads loads of shit .. gets a reaction .. and hey presto thread fucked .. well done nino :rolleyes:

not more than one serious attempt to look at marxs position on migration by nino .. pathetic

What utter nonsense. You get all upset whenever anyone attempts to challenge your dominance of this forum with your threads on immigration. Stop projecting and deflecting and take responsibility for your own actions.

You smear and you lie. Par for the course.
durruti02 said:
attica .. neither myself or, as i see it, torres, are obsessed by the BNP. But i find it hard to understand how you can be so dismmisive of a situation when hundreds of thousneds of people are voting for a facist party. They have acheived very large votes across whole regions, particluarly yorks. I accept that they seem not to do well in the north east though 15% near you is bad enough, no??

you seem to have history with torres but i did not think that you do with me ( though sure we have been arguing politics lately .. i would be sad to think you see it as personal mate :) ) .. but it seems to colour what you say about talking about the BNP

the bnp vote is unprecedented in our political lives. To qoute UAF ( who yes obviously have an angle)

"Until recently this country has not seen the kind of rise of the extreme right that has blighted many countries elsewhere in Europe. However in the recent local elections the BNP averaged 17 per cent in the wards it contested, and averaged 20% in by-elections they have contested since then."

"BNP fail to advance but warning signals are there
With all the votes now counted the BNP performance can now be assessed fully – and it was a night of mixed fortunes. The BNP failed to make any significant breakthrough in its councillor base, and if anything slipped back in many key local authority areas, but its overall share of the vote confirms Searchlight’s fear that the BNP has the potential to be Britain’s fourth political party.

The BNP went into these elections confidently predicting that it would increase its councillor numbers from 49 to 100. However, it finished the election with a total of 50 councillors, a rise of just one. Within days the number was back down to 49 after it emerged that Mark Leat, elected in 2004 as a BNP councillor in Stoke-on-Trent, was now listed as an independent.

In the elections the BNP won nine new seats but lost eight of the nine it was defending. Its biggest gains were in Stoke-on-Trent and North West Leicestershire, where it gained three and two councillors respectively.

Table 1 Average BNP vote (no of candidates in brackets)

2003 16.7% (220)
2004 16.1% (313)
2006 19.2% (363)
2007 14.7% (742)

However, it failed to make any breakthrough in Sandwell, Kirklees, Dudley, Thurrock and Leeds. In Bradford, it gained one councillor but lost another and in Burnley one BNP councillor was re-elected but the party lost three other seats. More importantly, the BNP share of the vote in many of these key areas has declined dramatically since last year.

In Sandwell, the BNP averaged 24.6% in the wards it contested this year compared to the 33% share it achieved in 2006. In Bradford the BNP vote fell from 25.9% to 19.2%, and this election confirmed the party’s demise in Oldham, where it was only able to put forward four candidates, who averaged just 16.6% of the vote.

In several key target wards the BNP vote dropped dramatically. In 2006 the BNP polled 45.1%, 43.5% and 37.0% in the Sandwell wards of Great Bridge, Princes End and Tividale – winning all three. This year Labour decisively beat the BNP candidates, with their vote dropping to 30.1%, 34.9% and 29.8% respectively. A similar decline occurred in the BNP’s key wards in Kirklees. In 2006 the BNP won Dewsbury East and Heckmondwike with votes of 15.4% and 13.2% more than Labour. This year Labour took back both seats, with the BNP candidate in Heckmondwike over 600 votes behind.

It was in precisely these wards where Searchlight focused most of its work. It was also where, to their credit, the local political parties confronted the BNP head on."

and hope not hate says

"While the BNP's failure to win seats has certainly demoralised its activists there is absolutely no room for complacency. The media might now have decided that the BNP is on the wane but the statistics speak for themselves. The BNP averaged 14.7% of the vote in the 742 borough and district council wards it contested in England. In the Eastern region BNP candidates averaged 19.0%, closely followed by the East Midlands with 18.5%. "

And they are averaging 20% since may .. yes no seats but this is no small beer .. sorry mate but this IS of potentially serious consequence. If they turn this into a political movment we will be in serious trouble, though i agree totally with you and MC5 they are totally failing to so at present.

i think the north east scenario is of interest and it would be good of you to keep is informed of how and why they do relatively poorly there.

Durutti I have no problem with you or what has been said, i apologise if I haev been brusque.

Durutti - thanks for posting this article up - I like it, though this does not mean that I have adopted a soft left perspective. To me this article talks realistically about what has happened and also indicates that the struggle continues. It is a relatively 'Open Marxist' document, and this is the 'autonomous anti fascist' line too.:D To clarify any misunderstanding, I am not arguing that the BNP are irrelevant; I am arguing for politics in proportion to the size of risk they really present, and also in an open confident, and popular manner.

I think our common hatred of racism and injustice should override point scoring/sectarianism, that unfortunately is part of the left heritage in Britain. New politics, must go beyond this. Struggles against globalisation and the effects of migration are not seperate struggles, the globalisation that throws up our problems is also the globalisation which unites our struggles. In fighting our specific issues in various locations we must also be clear about the common cause of our problems.

New politics must practice in such a way that builds reciprocal solidarity in our new movement, this is the way we can build alliances to win battles rather than play around in our 'leftist sect'... It is no good fiddling with limited struggles, isolated local campaigns - for globalisation is a complete system. Playing with one or a couple of strands will not unravel the whole ball, and many different groups are tackling different aspects already, so radical politics is about realising the common cause and common causes. In London I think the basis for an authentically popular anti racism exists, and in fact already practices but not in an overtly political way. I think London could really be an hotbed of popular anti racism whose effects could spread beyond its boundaries, but it would mean practicing in a different way to the present, and there would need to be a lot of movement capacity building behind the scenes. 'We' are the smoke really but underground its already on fire:D
nino_savatte said:
What utter nonsense. You get all upset whenever anyone attempts to challenge your dominance of this forum with your threads on immigration. Stop projecting and deflecting and take responsibility for your own actions.

You smear and you lie. Par for the course.

yet again provide a single bit of evidence of a lie OR a smear and i will eat your underpants if you can provide evidence of such! thats a deal you can't pass on isn't it mate!

p.s. you ready to discuss what we might learn from marx and marxism on the current period?
Attica said:
Durutti I have no problem with you or what has been said, i apologise if I haev been brusque.

Durutti - thanks for posting this article up - I like it, though this does not mean that I have adopted a soft left perspective. To me this article talks realistically about what has happened and also indicates that the struggle continues. It is a relatively 'Open Marxist' document, and this is the 'autonomous anti fascist' line too.:D To clarify any misunderstanding, I am not arguing that the BNP are irrelevant; I am arguing for politics in proportion to the size of risk they really present, and also in an open confident, and popular manner.

I think our common hatred of racism and injustice should override point scoring/sectarianism, that unfortunately is part of the left heritage in Britain. New politics, must go beyond this. Struggles against globalisation and the effects of migration are not seperate struggles, the globalisation that throws up our problems is also the globalisation which unites our struggles. In fighting our specific issues in various locations we must also be clear about the common cause of our problems.

New politics must practice in such a way that builds reciprocal solidarity in our new movement, this is the way we can build alliances to win battles rather than play around in our 'leftist sect'... It is no good fiddling with limited struggles, isolated local campaigns - for globalisation is a complete system. Playing with one or a couple of strands will not unravel the whole ball, and many different groups are tackling different aspects already, so radical politics is about realising the common cause and common causes. In London I think the basis for an authentically popular anti racism exists, and in fact already practices but not in an overtly political way. I think London could really be an hotbed of popular anti racism whose effects could spread beyond its boundaries, but it would mean practicing in a different way to the present, and there would need to be a lot of movement capacity building behind the scenes. 'We' are the smoke really but underground its already on fire:D

fair play apology if needed accepted .. and well i do not disagre with what you say here :D .. would be interested for you to expand on the last idea a bit more though as i am not quite sure what you mean .. on another thread? this one has been derailed enough!! also do start a community one!
durruti02 said:
yet again provide a single bit of evidence of a lie OR a smear and i will eat your underpants if you can provide evidence of such! thats a deal you can't pass on isn't it mate!

p.s. you ready to discuss what we might learn from marx and marxism on the current period?

Rubbish, either you have a very short memory or you're lying: there is plentiful evidence of your smear tactics.

Grow up.
nino_savatte said:
Rubbish, either you have a very short memory or you're lying: there is plentiful evidence of your smear tactics.

Grow up.

it's really simple nino .. all you have to do is provide evidence .. please do :)
durruti02 said:
it's really simple nino .. all you have to do is provide evidence .. please do :)

You're either completely insane, ignorant or both. I don't need to "provide evidence" because the posts where you have either edited the post you have quoted or added words from another person's post exist. I have already drawn your attention to it and I am refusing to indulge you in your silly game.

Be warned, if you should do it again, I will not hesitate to report you.
nino_savatte said:
You're either completely insane, ignorant or both. I don't need to "provide evidence" because the posts where you have either edited the post you have quoted or added words from another person's post exist. I have already drawn your attention to it and I am refusing to indulge you in your silly game.

Be warned, if you should do it again, I will not hesitate to report you.

no ... this is not good enogh .. you have accused .. if they exist show us!

so provide evidence now .. and report me for said offense .. you can not though as it is bullshit :rolleyes:


untill you do so you stand here as a liar and a smearer

and as usual you are deariling a thread you have failed to engage with .. :(

"I don't need to "provide evidence"" FFS nino .. do you realy believe this??
durruti02 said:
no ... this is not good enogh .. you have accused .. if they exist show us!

so provide evidence now .. and report me for said offense .. you can not though as it is bullshit :rolleyes:


untill you do so you stand here as a liar and a smearer

and as usual you are deariling a thread you have failed to engage with .. :(

"I don't need to "provide evidence"" FFS nino .. do you realy believe this??

You're rather fond of spewing out this sort of thing, durutti. You know damned well which of my posts you tampered with. I'm not going to find them but be warned: do it again and I will report you.

You're the liar and the smear artist.

You need to grow up.
The same goes for you. L&L. Anyone of a comparable age to you wouldn't spend most of his days engaged in the juvenile pursuit of trying to get posters banned from bulletin boards; follow posters around and derail threads out of spite.
nino_savatte said:
The same goes for you. L&L. Anyone of a comparable age to you wouldn't spend most of his days engaged in the juvenile pursuit of trying to get posters banned from bulletin boards; follow posters around and derail threads out of spite.

I just can't help laughing, nino.
That's because you're a simpleton who is too thick to understand that he's rather immature for his age. That's why you laugh.

Now fuck off and die.
Enough of this - next reply or reference to the other gets a ban. You know how this works - even mention the other person's name and that's it.

Locked for a few minutes so there's no "didn't read it" excuses.
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