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Just when I thought the Olympics couldn't depress me further....

Good to see the G4S Chief Executive eating humble pie before the select committee today, saying he regrets signing the contract and admitting that it's been a "humiliating shambles", and also saying the company is no longer bidding for the security contracts for the next football World Cup and the next Olympics, both in Brazil. :D

Of course, he also confirmed the company will be picking-up the bills from the various police forces and the forces for supplying cover for their failure in delivering the required numbers of security staff, as per the news yesterday.

I am not defending the government you idiot, I just pointed out that you got the wrong end of the stick, the government is not paying G4S more as you suggested, they are taking money off G4S to cover the extra costs of both the police and the troops required to cover G4S's cock-up.

That is the fact of the matter, as demonstrated by the links I provided, and the continuing unfolding story today, there is no 'stupid' argument at all, you got it wrong, it's that simple.

You're being a bit annoying now. Fine, I hallucinated the news report. Will you stop now?
And already the Egham bypass was a fucking nightmare this morning.

Bike time for the next few weeks I think, can I cycle in the Olympic lanes?
I am not sure how they could fine you though.

Granted, they will have to catch you in the act. But don't be surprised to find a lot of people watching out for this exact thing. It's all revenue collection. They are banking on people using them so they can fine them.
Granted, they will have to catch you in the act. But don't be surprised to find a lot of people watching out for this exact thing. It's all revenue collection. They are banking on people using them so they can fine them.

I can understand if you have a number plate but how do cyclist get fined? They arrest you? If not then surely you can refuse to give your name and address?
I can understand if you have a number plate but how do cyclist get fined? They arrest you? If not then surely you can refuse to give your name and address?

I'm not sure of the legality of it all, but I've seen cyclists being pulled for running red lights or riding on the pavement. They regularly have coppers around the junctions in Kings Cross and Angel for this exact reason.

If you refuse to give your name, I suppose you could be done for something or the other? No idea so cannot really comment on it. I'm sure someone can though.
£130 fine apparently for going in the lanes. If you're a cyclist you just need to keep your wits about you. You should be able to outrun/out cycle a copper on foot, and if you see coppers in cars, best route of esacpe would probably be to use the pavement and go in the opposite direction, making it hard for them to chase you. Or use paths/alleyways they cant get down.
you get a £50 fine for going on pavement so better make sure you don't get caught at all! Otherwise you're already £180 worse off ;)
Given that bus lanes are being removed for the games lanes, the safest places for cyclists is probably on the outside of the traffic, cycling ON the line dividing the lanes... I wonder how stringent the pigs will be on that?
'More than thirty' retired graffiti artists pulled in by Met in Olympics-linked per-emptive arrests:


It’s not uncommon for us to be contacted by respected ex-graffiti writers. That said, we certainly weren’t expecting the late night phone calls that we received from some past artists last night, who got in touch to tell us that they had been raided by the police yesterday (17th July). While graffiti writer’s homes being raided by the police is not a rare phenomenon, this series of raids came as quite a shock to many of the artists as most had given up painting illegal graffiti some 15 years ago...

...These men have told us that they are not currently involved in painting illegal graffiti. These men are living law-abiding lives, but can no longer travel on public transport or enter large areas of London due to harsh bail conditions. In addition, laptops, mobile phones and other devices were taken into evidence by police. How these men are supposed to work and look after their families under these conditions, they are not sure.
Thank god I recently had my bike fitted with wings and a back up hover jetpack for when I get tired of flapping. :/

What the fuck, pre-emptive arrests again. Presumably by the mets precog division.

Anyway, 'pre-emptive arrest' sounds awfuly like illegal detainment to me. Why not stick em in long kesh ffs
I can't be certain but theres probably something that makes it so in the anti-terror legislation.

anyone know?
cheers tits- thats high court. I wonder if any involved in this latest round will take the ball to europe, cos its an olympic sized cunt-off to be nicked for something on the grounds that you might do it again, 10 years later and at an embarrasing moment for the est.
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