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Just when I thought the Olympics couldn't depress me further....

The security is one thing. I've also heard stories about poor organisation of unpaid games volunteers - 90,000 of them are expected....

One of my work mates is volunteering - he will be in Greenwich for the Equestrian events - he seems pretty pleased with the organisation tbf - he's taking 3 weeks annual leave to get involved -

fuck that - if work gave me the time off I might have been tempted

I suspect the turnout of the volunteers will be better than the turnout of G4S
Just tried to book tickets (yes, I know, v late, I did try first time so was hoping to get tickets when they went back on sale....) online, and the sheer cuntfuckery involved in procuring them, whilst is insignificant compared to the G4S bollocks, but grinds my gears as being such an unnecessarily downright stupid procedure, it can only be designed by 5 years olds.

You can search, select, and choose your tickets, and only at the checkout does it tell you "btw, we're ain't got no (bargainous) £40 tickets, here's your bill for 4 x £1,500 for the best seats at the Beach Volleyball".

No wonder the cunts haven't sold them all.

And I was genuinely really trying to be positive about it all.
One of my work mates is volunteering - he will be in Greenwich for the Equestrian events - he seems pretty pleased with the organisation tbf - he's taking 3 weeks annual leave to get involved -

fuck that - if work gave me the time off I might have been tempted

I suspect the turnout of the volunteers will be better than the turnout of G4S
yep, I think you're right.
The BBC lunchtime news just said that 400,000 tickets haven't even gone on sale yet. :facepalm:

Mainly football. I'm so glad that I bet on David Beckham being recalled to the England team. Well, everybody else is raking it in so why shouldn't I?

Interviewed by Martha Kearney on BBC Radio 4 at lunchtime today, Sebastian Coe was cheery about the fact that there were still chances to buy tickets (18 minutes in).

He was followed by Tessa Jowell, who said that the number of unsold tickets was disppointing, and that they had always worried about events that were a long way from London. She had tried to buy tickets but only hockey was available where she lives.
Mainly football. I'm so glad that I bet on David Beckham being recalled to the England team. Well, everybody else is raking it in so why shouldn't I?
It's a Great Britain team - so it wasn't about being recalled, he's never played for them before, and never will as Psycho didn't pick him.
Mainly football. I'm so glad that I bet on David Beckham being recalled to the England team. Well, everybody else is raking it in so why shouldn't I?

Interviewed by Martha Kearney on BBC Radio 4 at lunchtime today, Sebastian Coe was cheery about the fact that there were still chances to buy tickets (18 minutes in).

He was followed by Tessa Jowell, who said that the number of unsold tickets was disppointing, and that they had always worried about events that were a long way from London. She had tried to buy tickets but only hockey was available where she lives.
So what are they now doing? They're withdrawing 500,000 (yes half a million tickets) football tickets.

Why don't they give them away free to schools/football academies etc.? Fine, plenty of kids aren't interested in football, but at least they'll be able to say they got to go to the Olympics :confused:
There was talk of them doing that, but I don't know if they actually did or what conditions were attached to them.
Good to see the G4S Chief Executive eating humble pie before the select committee today, saying he regrets signing the contract and admitting that it's been a "humiliating shambles", and also saying the company is no longer bidding for the security contracts for the next football World Cup and the next Olympics, both in Brazil. :D

Of course, he also confirmed the company will be picking-up the bills from the various police forces and the forces for supplying cover for their failure in delivering the required numbers of security staff, as per the news yesterday.

I don't have a link to something said on TV, no. But if you're so desperate to defend the govt then I'll happily say that I must have hallucinated the six o' clock news rather than continue this stupid argument.

I am not defending the government you idiot, I just pointed out that you got the wrong end of the stick, the government is not paying G4S more as you suggested, they are taking money off G4S to cover the extra costs of both the police and the troops required to cover G4S's cock-up.

That is the fact of the matter, as demonstrated by the links I provided, and the continuing unfolding story today, there is no 'stupid' argument at all, you got it wrong, it's that simple.
400,000 tickets yet to go on sale and 300,000 further not sold. Football venues to run at reduced capacity. This does not sound slick.
I am not a football fan myself, but I would have thought football would have sold out easily. :confused:
Nope. It's basically under 23 football (they're only allowed 3 players older than that)

Makes it less interesting. It's exhibition football.
Olympics organisers have warned businesses that during London 2012 their advertising should not include a list of banned words, including "gold", "silver" and "bronze", "summer", "sponsors" and "London".

Publicans have been advised that blackboards advertising live TV coverage must not refer to beer brands or brewers without an Olympics deal, while caterers and restaurateurs have been told not to advertise dishes that could be construed as having an association with the event.

At the 40 Olympics venues, 800 retailers have been banned from serving chips to avoid infringing fast-food rights secured by McDonald's..

Right now im PISSED OFF, if i want to go to the gym i have to pass secuirty to get into the hotel just to use the gym, this can take 10-20 mins if it's busy i have been told.... time to fuck the gym off for good i think.
and today they've got a MASSIVE banner outside saying "business as usual" :facepalm:
as if! how can they claim that if you and your stuff have to go through a scanner etc :confused:
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