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Just when I thought the Olympics couldn't depress me further....

cheers tits- thats high court. I wonder if any involved in this latest round will take the ball to europe, cos its an olympic sized cunt-off to be nicked for something on the grounds that you might do it again, 10 years later and at an embarrasing moment for the est.

Damn right. It starts to get scary when they arrest and impose conditions on you for something you may or may not do. Especially that it might be as harmless as a peaceful protest.
Fucking hell, the government's gone too far this time.

they're making Cabinet Ministers travel on the tube with the plebs. :mad: I can't think when I've seen tories so angry.

But the strict procedures have infuriated some senior Government figures who claim that the "hair shirt rules" have put them in such a bad mood that the last thing they feel like is being nice to their official guest.

One Cabinet minister told The Independent: "This has caused a lot of ill-feeling and frankly some of us would rather not be going to anything at all.

"The rules are unbelievably draconian. We've basically been told we're on our own and have to look after our guests with no official support and we'll have to go by Tube as well.

"I know they're worried about how it will look if we're seen to get special treatment but at the end of the day we're supposed to be representing the Government. I'd rather be sitting at home watching it on television."

How can ministers enjoy themselves and give visitors a good time if they have to mix with the likes of us?

There's one ray of light, though ...

The edict is expected to extend to all levels of government and David Cameron yesterday confirmed he would travel to the Games opening ceremony on public transport.

Ooooo i'd so like to travel in the same carriage as him. At the very least you'd expect good Youtube videos of whole carriages full of people collapsing in "tosser" and "arsehole" coughing fits. :cool:
cheers tits- thats high court. I wonder if any involved in this latest round will take the ball to europe, cos its an olympic sized cunt-off to be nicked for something on the grounds that you might do it again, 10 years later and at an embarrasing moment for the est.

Court of Appeal and potentially Supreme court first. High Court can't really rule on important points of law... Depends what they were arrested for I suppose.
I'm working on security for one of the entrances to Olympic Park, we've been told precisely nothing about any rules about brands. There are limits on the volumes of liquids that can be brought in - 100ml in general, 200ml for medicines and suncream, media and LOCOG get to carry 1L because they're special...

For folks entering on foot the average processing time is supposed to be 11s, there's not a hope in hell of that, so expect queues. Set off early to be sure of getting in on time. The processing is pretty much what you get at an airport. The more you take out of your pockets and put through the x-ray the less likely you are to need to be physically searched. The less cluttered the bags, the chance of needing a physical bag search is reduced. The view of the searchers (particularly the Army ones) is that we don't care if the queues are long (not totally true, we don't want to piss people off), we just don't want an incident like the one in Atlanta.
Must be depressing you've got all the offical terrorist threats including the scary muslims then add radom nutters As well:(
Bet you a pound to a pinch of shit he don't travel back home on public transport though.
"Public transport" also includes taxis....I expect most of them will be in taxis, including the PM. Or they will all suddenly become aware of risks to their security at the last minute and have to use the Govt Car Service.

It's fucking funny the MPs/Cabinet Ministers are so pissed about not being able to use the lanes/their Govt cars - now they know how the rest of the country is fucking feeling!

Mental that they've spent nearly a million quid on tickets, including over £26k (more than the national average wage IIRC) just on beach volleyball tickets, the dirty fuckers.
I love that bloke. His gove/yacht rant is particularly vintage 'THEY"RE TAKING THE FUCKING PISS!'
Yeah he's prolific - does about two or three videos a day. All high quality rants. I first saw one of his films for the strike in March last year, a proper hilarious rant that had me laughing so much my stomach muscles hurt for hours. He's called The Artist Taxi Driver / @ChunkyMark on Twitter and he's worth a follow.
6 Olympic protestors arrested by 25-strong cop team for spilling green custard on the pavement:


"criminal damage" apparently.

fucking laughable!


London has gone too far, says man who brought sponsors to the Games

"The public do get it. They do understand that Coca-Cola has paid, Pepsi hasn't, so Coca-Cola should be entitled to provide the soft drinks, but what's that got to do with a flaming torch baguette in a café?"

As the world's media descend on London for the Games, several international outlets have pointed out that London does not seem in a party mood. And it's not only down to the weather. For the Diamond Jubilee the streets and shop windows were covered in Union Jacks, Will and Kate mugs, tea towels and the like. This time round "you don't see any references to the Games in shop windows or on the streets – people are too scared", one small business owner was reported as saying by The New York Times.


Stories of the overzealous behaviour of the Locog's brand-protection team have dogged the torch relay and created much ill feeling towards the Games. In Plymouth a café was told to take its "flaming torch breakfast baguette" off the menu. A florist in Stoke-on-Trent was told to remove an Olympic rings window display made from tissue paper, or risk a £20,000 fine, under laws set out in the Olympic Games Act of 2006.

Yesterday, Evan Davis, presenter of the BBC Radio 4 Today programme, challenged Lord Coe, the Olympics supremo, on whether he would be allowed to turn up to an event in a Pepsi T-shirt. Lord Coe told him: "No, you probably wouldn't be walking in with a Pepsi T-shirt because Coca-Cola are our sponsors ...

Showing the world what money-obsessed miserable bastards the British government are. :cool:
Yesterday, Evan Davis, presenter of the BBC Radio 4 Today programme, challenged Lord Coe, the Olympics supremo, on whether he would be allowed to turn up to an event in a Pepsi T-shirt. Lord Coe told him: "No, you probably wouldn't be walking in with a Pepsi T-shirt because Coca-Cola are our sponsors ...
That is ridiculous, the sponsors may have paid to sponsor the games themselves but they paid nothing to the tee shirt wearer who should be able to wear whatever they want. Lunacy. The Tee shirt wearer does not have a contract with Coke.
more depressing shit in Cardiff :mad:
the retail partnership want the streets 'cleansed' of homeless people!! :mad: using the vagrancy act

good to see most of the comments are by humans, for a change!
Police urged to rid Cardiff's streets of homeless in time for Olympics

Cardiff Retail Partnership wants officers to utilise the 1824 Vagrancy Act so that visitors to the city are not given the wrong impression of the Welsh capital.
The law, which was introduced as a measure to deal with the rising numbers of rough sleepers following the Napoleonic Wars, makes it a crime to sleep on the streets.
According to the legislation, anyone deemed to be a “rogue” or “vagabond” found to be sleeping in the open air can be jailed for up to three months.

The law has not been invoked in Wales for a number of years but it has been used in England, most notably by the Metropolitan Police.
David Hughes-Lewis, a spokesman for Cardiff Retail Partnership, said the thousands of tourists due to visit Cardiff during the next few weeks could be put off by the number of beggars and homeless people.
He said: “If this is a law which is still in existence and South Wales Police aren’t making use of it then the question is why?

Read More http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/2012/07/23/police-urged-to-rid-cardiff-s-streets-of-homeless-in-time-for-olympics-91466-31452509/#ixzz21Rp7MQLE

the security, fencing and road closures are a LOT more of an eysore and inconvenience for any visitors
more depressing shit in Cardiff :mad:
the retail partnership want the streets 'cleansed' of homeless people!! :mad: using the vagrancy act

good to see most of the comments are by humans, for a change!

the security, fencing and road closures are a LOT more of an eysore and inconvenience for any visitors

Whats Cardiff got? Football? No fuckers going to watch that anyway are they? Maybe they should put the homeless dudes into the stadium, make it look like a few more people actually bothered going.
more depressing shit in Cardiff :mad:
the retail partnership want the streets 'cleansed' of homeless people!! :mad: using the vagrancy act

good to see most of the comments are by humans, for a change!

the security, fencing and road closures are a LOT more of an eysore and inconvenience for any visitors
David Hughes-Lewis can suck my small fat one.....

if you want to get in touch with mr david wayne hughes lewis, why not try writing to him at 15 Pwll Y Myn Crescent, Peterston Super Ely, Cardiff CF5 6LR

he's 65 this year though so he might be leaving his company directorships at cardiff city retail partnership ltd and walthams reliability ltd
if you want to get in touch with mr david wayne hughes lewis, why not try writing to him at 15 Pwll Y Myn Crescent, Peterston Super Ely, Cardiff CF5 6LR

I have his number, the guys a bellend, he always looks for a reason to move the homeless out of Cardiff, this is just another time that he can get the message out.
I might get a load of homeless people and pay the £10 each to sleep outside his house for the night....

unless i loose my job in this meeting in 27 mins with HR then im going to be sleeping outside his house....
Save Leyton Marsh faces outright political and financial intimidation, yet again!

Today a member of our group, Matt, was contacted by the lawyer of the ODA about our judicial review of the decision to construct the basketball facilities at the last minute on the protected land of Porter’s Field Meadow (Leyton Marsh). Despite the case being against WF Council (who are claiming over £4000 costs), the ODA have taken on the case and are also seeking over £20,000 of costs against our small group, despite the ODA having a legal budget of over £40m. At a hearing of the application we were not even informed about, the judge threw out our JR and has issued a court order for the full costs against us

The temporary basketball arena is hidden away behind the Ice Rink on Lea Bridge Road - the campaign was to stop this - there was a protest camp near the Ice Rink , now ODA are trying to get £20k costs off about 4 people who happened to be the signatories of the campaign group's bank account - I was speaking to them on Sunday , they can't afford to pay the costs and weren't given the opportunity of arguing against this in court.
Dear god. On midlands today lunch time news, calls to join a mass bell ring at 8.12 on friday to ring in the olympics. You can een download a tone to play on your mobile. Spare us ffs

Isn't this technically blasphemy? you could get them on that ffs
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