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Just when I thought the Olympics couldn't depress me further....


that landing rail isn't legal, some of the panels have been missed out making it unsafe. the balusters have all been made to take panels though, as they have the lugs attached. even for a temporary structure i doubt it's legal.
The security shambles continues: the police are saying that only 20 out of a promised 300 G4S olympic security staff turned up this morning at Box Hill, the Olympic cycling venue. Hardly surprising, given the shit deal they've been offered.

The security is one thing. I've also heard stories about poor organisation of unpaid games volunteers - 90,000 of them are expected....
It gets worse, with '"slum camp" for Olympic cleaners - ten to a room and one shower for 75 people':


Cunts! :mad:
This is the sort of exploitation we thought that we'd done away with during the 20th century, but yet again the fucking Tories drag us back to the Victorian era. :mad:

I'm also annoyed that so many of those cunts in the Westminster Pigsty had a pop at rioters in London, and out in the UK generally, for dragging the country's rep and the capital's rep through the mud in 2010 and 2011, yet there's hardly a fucking peep from them about these money-loving cunts ruining the same reputations. Must be okay, as long as you've got someone in Parliament on a retainer. Cunts!!! :mad:
It is all very well these Olympic lanes, but once everyone has been transported to the village surely they are pretty much going to be empty until the rush back to the airport again - no?
It is all very well these Olympic lanes, but once everyone has been transported to the village surely they are pretty much going to be empty until the rush back to the airport again - no?

As BH said it's not just the athletes. But it still amazes me that they effectively choke the traffic in central London from 6:00am to 12:00am. 18 hours of the day these cunts get to swan around in BMW 3 series whilst the populace of the city that paid for the games get treated like second class citizens.
I really hope the whole thing descends into an utter farce that will crush the last vestiges of British national pride forever. Let the whole world see what the last few decades of unrestrained corporate cronyism and shameless greed have reduced us to. Let the smouldering remains of our dignity be a warning to others of what happens when a nation is willing to sell out as completely as we have.
As BH said it's not just the athletes. But it still amazes me that they effectively choke the traffic in central London from 6:00am to 12:00am. 18 hours of the day these cunts get to swan around in BMW 3 series whilst the populace of the city that paid for the games get treated like second class citizens.

Does it really amaze you? Is this not the zenith that UK PLC has been building up to ever since Thatcher learned to read?
The BBC lunchtime news just said that 400,000 tickets haven't even gone on sale yet. :facepalm:

That'll please my friend I was talking to last night who didn't manage to get any tickets so has decided to take herself off to France for the whole duration of the Olympics :D
The BBC lunchtime news just said that 400,000 tickets haven't even gone on sale yet. :facepalm:
I strongly suspect that's because they were originally intended for sale to sponsors/corporates, rather than the public. It sounds like sponsor take-up of tickets has been much worse than anticipated and therefore the tickets have been re-offered for sale to the general public. I think this is why Seb Coe was so obstructive when asked to state the proportion of tickets going to corporate sponsors versus the public - he flatly refused to answer the question, despite being pressed on it for over two hours at the GLA. (He said his staff were 'too busy' to work out the figures.)
As someone who works in intellectual property, I think these laws are being interpreted more strictly than usual, and I think it's reflecting badly on LOCOG. I can only hope that the 2014 Commonwealth Games people here in Glasgow are watching and taking notes on how not to do things.
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