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I'm on ur boardz, wasting ur 2024 election bandwidthz

From Hannah Proctor's instagram, suppose it could also go under "poem of the day" but here works too:
In Feb 2020 before he even won the leadership election I had a dream that some people came to my house campaigning for Keir Starmer. They were in matching suits and bizarrely their doorstep chant was like a hideous Labour Right rewrite of Zoe Leonard’s I Want a Dyke for President but it was called I Want A Bread for Prime Minister (not a loaf of bread or a slice of bread or bread but ‘a bread’) and when I woke up I wrote down what I thought they were saying. Fuck Keir Starmer.

I read somewhere (can't be bothered to try and find it, so it might be bollocks) that pencils were used so that there couldn't be suspicions that 'they' were providing pens with disappearing 'invisible' ink...
The pencils leave a mark and ink smudges/runs
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