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How much evidence is there of long term high level UK paedophile ring?

So, Proctor
Breaking down in tears, he said he felt the police had regarded him as "disposable", and he had lost his home and his job as a result of the allegations.

"I do believe it is profoundly un-British and unfair."

"I believe I have been pilloried and the Met Police service has enabled me to be wrongly depicted as a paedophile, child abuser, child murderer.

"These are the worst things that can be said of a human being."

leaving aside the crap about 'un-British' he seems to have every reason to feel aggrieved. The allegations against him were based on a single source, granted anonymity by both police and press. They've not been tested in court and there's no plan to prosecute 'Nick', leaving a taste of no smoke without fire.

Exaro has not covered itself in glory- it's brief report of Proctor being cleared and the closure of Midland makes no mention of his call for them to be prosecuted for "seeking to pervert the course of justice". That's not journalism, it's cowardice.

He's a nasty, rightwing racist, but on one thing he's correct, the allegations against him are amongst the worst imaginable.

So what should happen? Should May, Hogan Howe and the leadership of Midland resign, should 'Nick' and Exaro be investigated with a view to prosecution, and if so, by whom? Should Proctor receive compensation?

Or, nothing?
nick sounds like a nutter.
now if you were a conspiracy loon you might suggest putting somebody like that up would muddy the waters so much that nobody would bother investigating the real abusers.
much like the british army kenyan rape case British soldiers cleared of rapes in Kenya
throw enough shit up and its impossible to get to the truth.
The Sunday Express is carrying a story that associates of Willie McRae believe he was murdered by security forces because he had information on a Westminster paedophile ring.

SNP activist 'killed over child sex files'

For those who don't know of him, MacRae was a solicitor and well-known SNP activist who died in mysterious circumstances in 1985.

More revelations:

Revealed: key evidence missing on mysterious death of SNP activist Willie McRae

"evidence on the mysterious death of SNP activist and campaigner Willie McRae – including the gun that killed him – is inexplicably missing from police files, the Sunday Herald can reveal.

Police have also formally admitted for the first time that the weapon was not swept for fingerprints, while other key forensic evidence was not gathered from the scene."

(Quoted from the Herald).
The 1992 documents released to the BBC also reveal that, following his questioning by the inquiry, Lord Janner asked chairman Andrew Kirkwood if he could tell the media waiting outside that he had not been asked about allegations of child abuse against him.

Andrew Kirkwood replied: "Of course, Mr Janner."

Lord Janner left the hearing and told a BBC camera crew: "I have the chairman's permission to tell you that there was questioning about the social services and their operation, and none whatever concerning the allegations made against me."

The documents show this was not true, and the revelation that the real substance of the inquiry's questioning was withheld from the media will further fuel allegations of a cover-up.

Lord Janner 'misled inquiry' over link with abuser Frank Beck - BBC News
Am hoping someone is going to ask Andrew Kirkwood to explain his quoted reply assuming he is himself still alive and kicking.
He snuffed it in 2014.

Sir Andrew Kirkwood
5 June 1944 – 8 May 2014

Sir Andrew Tristram Hammett Kirkwood QC, barrister and judge, died on 8 May 2014, aged 69. The son of a major in the Royal Engineers who was killed in Holland when Kirkwood was six months old, he was educated at Radley College and Christ Church, Oxford, where he read Jurisprudence, graduating in 1965. He was called to the bar by the Inner Temple in 1966 and soon established a thriving practice, specialising in family law. He became a recorder in 1987 and a judge of the High Court of Justice, Family Division, with the customary knighthood, from 1993 until his retirement in 2008. He was an adviser to the Cleveland child abuse inquiry set up in 1987, chaired the inquiry into child abuse in homes run by Leicestershire County Council in 1992, and in 2001 heard the ‘internet twins’ adoption case (when he ruled that two babies adopted over the internet by a British couple should be returned to the US). He was survived by his wife Penelope and their three children.

Oxonian lives | Oxford Today
This Is What Happens When You Report Historical Sexual Abuse To The Police

Exclusive: In his first interview, a survivor called David reveals being groomed aged 15, being taken to dinners with MPs and then abused in the notorious Dolphin Square apartment block – and the long search for justice that followed.

posted on May 7, 2016, at 8:04 a.m.

Patrick Strudwick, BuzzFeed LGBT Editor, UK

This is a story about a secret. At its heart is a man who has spent his life searching for justice but kept being denied it, blocked by forces he found hard to understand. Dominating everything, however, was a prolific child abuser with establishment connections whose name has been kept from prominence – until now.

When BuzzFeed News began investigating this story, the details, which pointed to a clutch of paedophiles operating across some of our most powerful institutions, seemed at first too grim and too outrageous to hold up. That was until we started examining the evidence, until the files began to surface, forced into the open through the Data Protection Act and the coroner’s court. These files not only corroborated David’s story, but expanded on it. There were details he wished he had not discovered.

What emerged casts a different light on what we have heard. It reveals how a child from a loving family comes to fall into the hands of powerful predators, how boys like him were brought from the countryside into the capital for sexual exploitation – and what is stacked against them when they come forward. Most surprising is what this case reveals about the police: how despite the prominence now afforded to sexual abuse, they continue to behave in strange and unaccountable ways. Ways that lead to troubling questions.

David, now 49, sits upright in an armchair, hands gripped together, revisiting as much as he can. He has decided to forego his right to anonymity – for his real first name and photograph to be used – in the hope that he will, at last, be heard.

We talk in a hotel room for two days. It is the start of the investigation, and as David begins it seems his story is centred on sexual abuse – until something perhaps more startling appears.

There are things he has never said aloud to another person.
This Is What Happens When You Report Historical Sexual Abuse To The Police

Exclusive: In his first interview, a survivor called David reveals being groomed aged 15, being taken to dinners with MPs and then abused in the notorious Dolphin Square apartment block – and the long search for justice that followed.

posted on May 7, 2016, at 8:04 a.m.

Patrick Strudwick, BuzzFeed LGBT Editor, UK

This is a story about a secret. At its heart is a man who has spent his life searching for justice but kept being denied it, blocked by forces he found hard to understand. Dominating everything, however, was a prolific child abuser with establishment connections whose name has been kept from prominence – until now.

When BuzzFeed News began investigating this story, the details, which pointed to a clutch of paedophiles operating across some of our most powerful institutions, seemed at first too grim and too outrageous to hold up. That was until we started examining the evidence, until the files began to surface, forced into the open through the Data Protection Act and the coroner’s court. These files not only corroborated David’s story, but expanded on it. There were details he wished he had not discovered.

What emerged casts a different light on what we have heard. It reveals how a child from a loving family comes to fall into the hands of powerful predators, how boys like him were brought from the countryside into the capital for sexual exploitation – and what is stacked against them when they come forward. Most surprising is what this case reveals about the police: how despite the prominence now afforded to sexual abuse, they continue to behave in strange and unaccountable ways. Ways that lead to troubling questions.

David, now 49, sits upright in an armchair, hands gripped together, revisiting as much as he can. He has decided to forego his right to anonymity – for his real first name and photograph to be used – in the hope that he will, at last, be heard.

We talk in a hotel room for two days. It is the start of the investigation, and as David begins it seems his story is centred on sexual abuse – until something perhaps more startling appears.

There are things he has never said aloud to another person.
That was pretty uncomfortable reading, and that's without all the power & influence stuff factored in :(
Patrick Rock was due to appear at Inner London Crown Court today and according the Daily Heil, his defence counsel claimed that the photos in his possession were no worse than "Britney Spears videos". Really?
A former aide to Prime Minister David Cameron downloaded images of scantily clad girls as young as 10 but denies the pictures were indecent, a court has heard.

Patrick Rock, 64, a former Tory general election candidate, admits downloading 20 images of nine girls in August 2013 but denies child sex offences.

The prosecution argued the images showed girls, although not naked, in 'sexual' poses that drew attention to their genital and breast areas.

But Rock's defence lawyer compared the images to Britney Spears' video for her 1998 song Hit Me Baby One More Time, which she made when she was 16.

David Cameron's ex-aide denies of child porn offences

Citing Britney Spears' videos as a defence for viewing images of underage girls shows us just how out of touch these people are. Spears is yesterday's news.

BBC London News mentioned Rock's court appearance in their One O'Clock bulletin, but the story is unlikely to appear anywhere else - especially the national newscasts.
Hundreds of files marked “top secret” have been declassified as part of the inquiry into the Kincora boys’ home in which it is alleged that the security services blackmailed a paedophile ring that operated there during the Troubles.

The inquiry into the historical scandal heard on Wednesday that the sensitive police files are now in the possession of the tribunal sitting at Banbridge courthouse.
Barrister and counsel to the tribunal, Joseph Aiken, said: “When the inquiry began this was all marked secret. At the request of the inquiry it has all been declassified by the PSNI and made available to the inquiry.”

Kincora abuse inquiry: top secret files declassified by PSNI
Patrick Rock update. The jury is considering its verdict.
David Cameron's former adviser on porn admits downloading images of girls as young as 10

Sasha Wass QC also cited Lewis Carroll’s obsession with 10-year-old Alice Liddell, who inspired Alice in Wonderland and of whom Carroll took photographs that can still be found on sale.

The case risked “criminalising” a man of good character with no previous criminal convictions, she told the jury.

"Good character"? Yeah, that supposedly comes with being a member of the aristocracy/haute bourgeoisie. :rolleyes:
hopefully the "protesters" can suffix the teehee he fucked a pig bit with he was mates with/employed (at least 1 that we are allowed to say we know about) nonce.
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