danny la rouge
I have a cheese grater in the dishwasher.
The SNP would continue. It will form the first post Indy government. Would it survive after that? It’s long been supposed not. But I’m not so sure. If you look at the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, support for independence is associated with what they term “liberal” social attitudes. Left of centre, non authoritarian, pro LGBT rights, etc. If you hold those social attitudes in Scotland, you’re more likely to be pro independence. So there is room for a party in that “progressive” space.If Independence is achieved, what would that do for the main parties , would the indy vote go back to Scottish Labour/Tories/Libdems? Would the SNP continue ? Would it still be a viable party?
The Unionist side on the other hand is split. You can see the more “liberal” unionist parties struggle. Pro Union sentiment is more associated with a more small c conservative outlook. And so the Tories may survive post Indy, but I think it’s the pro UK “progressives” that will realign rather than the far stronger pro Indy “progressive” side.