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SNP leadership election (2023)

It’s not the commonplace attitude you used to see back in our youth (I’m making assumptions, Sue - apologies), but I think in some ways that has only solidified the hold the bigotry has on this core. They are in existential dread that their power has waned and they are doubling down as a result.
I'm a (wee) bit younger than you I think. How do you think much of the 'Catholic vote' moving from Labour to the SNP plays into the power thing?
I'm a (wee) bit younger than you I think. How do you think much of the 'Catholic vote' moving from Labour to the SNP plays into the power thing?
Hugely. That was a massive factor in the collapse of the Labour hegemony in the West of Scotland. And it backed the bigots into the Tory corner (and worse). And that’s where a lot of the irrational hatred of the SNP comes from.

Now, I dislike the SNP, but I hope rationally so. I’m talking about swivel eyed loonery.
This place, and its near neighbour the Louden, are a couple of hundred yards from my younger daughter’s flat. The sight of it gives me chills.

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It looks tragic - what the fuck is wrong with some people. If that was anywhere in the UK I suspect most people would steer well clear of it due to the impression it gives of being full of knobheads.
And before someone comes along to say “the other side are as bad”, while that was certainly true in my youth, it genuinely isn’t now. This is not a “both sides” thing and anyone saying so is just being cowardly.
The SNP were generally seen as a Protestant party until around 2000. Tom Devine attributed the shift and popularisation to Salmond befriending senior RC priests. It probably had much to do with the Good Friday Agreement too. Anyway, Humza Yousaf is going to win this and everything will stay the same as it was with Nicola (a hundred unresolved tensions).
Yes looks odds-on for Humza now. Kate Forbes' latest bout of "bracing honesty" involved saying Scotland isn't ready for an independence referendum any time soon until a stronger case is made economically, which may well be correct, but a borderline suicidal line to take when facing the SNP membership as the electorate. Gloatingly reported by the Sunday Post, the house magazine of frightened, provincial old biddies.
I'm not sure people outside of Scotland really understand. She's a Wee Free. Of course these are her thoughts. That's what they teach. It's not 'wow'.
it may be what they believe and teach but it IS still wow imo. If she did say that and does believe wtf is she doing being a politician and breaking her own fecking rules?
I've never been to any of the western isles because of these nutters. I don't think I could be polite.
Scotland was unbeaten in the rugby, then the avatar of our people, Nic Sturgeon, resigned, and France beat us in the neighbouring match. Cheers Nic 🤧
Just as well that public school poshos and ruddy faced Borders farmers sticking their heads up each others arses in pursuit of an oversized muddy egg concerns absolutely no-one other than Princess Anne, her tartan rug, and the entire No-voting constituency in Scotland.

Fuck Scottish rugby.
I'm for equality between sports. If you look at any of the most athletic nations, a wide variety of sports will all receive a similar amount of following and participation. Whereas in Scotland its pretty much football or fookall (and we're not great at that either). Interesting that you say fuck Scottish rugby, not rugby in general. So it's our class ridden culture that's fucked. Both the toff aspect, as well as the fact that we have chips on our shoulders so meteoric that we risk haemorrhages at the thought of a ball game other than our own favourite.
I really hope he hasn't been up to dodgy shite too, I will be disappointed tbh.
I think it probably means he thinks Kate Forbes is going to win. I mean it might mean nothing at all, the deputy first minister is usually appointed by the FM anyway so perhaps he's just resigning as the next FM will pick who they want. The deputy leader of the SNP Stewart Hosie is an MP not an MSP so can't be the deputy FM.
They have groups like the SNP Trades Union Group, but they’re made up of members and have no additional voting rights by being in the group, if you see what I mean. But I would claim to be an expert.

I see that Forbes has been anointed by the Ewing Dynasty as an honorary daughter of the clan. I can’t imagine that mattering to anyone who wasn’t already going to vote for her (the right).
Weren't the Ewing's Dallas, rather than Dynasty???

Either explains her being soft on the oil co's tho
Yes, but this Dallasty are the family of SNP matriarch Winnie, wife of the late Stewart, mother of Fergus and Annabelle and mother-in-law of the late Margaret, all SNP figures.

Winnie is sort of the Boudicca of the SNP. A talisman but capable of doing her own team considerable damage with her chariot wheels. She retired some time ago but is still alive (I just checked).
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