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SNP-led Glasgow Council are scab scum

Yes, they've definitely lost a vote there. Oh.
i don't often write to councillors or members of the london assembly. but when i do i expect a response within a reasonable time frame. and if they're not up for that then i'll complain, as i would (and have) about the police (see my posts about getting an entry on a west country detective chief superintendent's disciplinary record). it's not about a vote for them, it's me asking them to do something in their job. and complaining about them may ultimately be ineffective but it's something they really really don't like.
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i don't often write to councillors or members of the london assembly. but when i do i expect a response within a reasonable time frame. and if they're not up for that then i'll complain, as i would (and have) about the police (see my posts about getting an entry on a west country detective chief superintendent's disciplinary record). it's not about a vote for them, it's me asking them to do something in their job. and complaining about them may ultimately be ineffective but it's something they really really don't like.
For them it's about getting a vote for them... (Yes, cynical I know. )
i had no idea about this, it’s awful. has it happened just since covid, or before that? it’s probably six or seven years since i’ve been down there, gutted to see this.

i’ve watched the city gradually turn into a total shithole since the snp won the council. cuts everywhere, no street cleaners ever in sight, bin collections so infrequent that bin sheds are overflowing and streets are filled with crap that falls out the overfull recycling bins. repeatedly i phone the environmental health and complain. they sort it out and a few weeks later the same again. it has really escalated since covid. they’re using it as an excuse to cut services. kelvingrove park full of beer cans and broken glass. i don’t think there is anybody cleaning it. broken glass stays on streets for months. they do nothing.

the labour council were bad, and known to be corrupt, but i never imagined the city could get as bad as it is now. it’s shameful. roll on the cooncil elections, surely nobody will vote for these useless corrupt fuckers again.
They did.
They did.
It's going to be a minority SNP administration supported by the Greens. The SNP lost 2 Cllrs, Greens gained 3, Labour gained 5, Tories lost 6. Turnout was 38.2%, down marginally from last time (38.8%).

So, Labour did well although they polled 30.2% to the SNP's 41%. Tories polled 14.6% (they have 2 Cllrs to the Greens' 10). Really there was nowhere votes were going to significantly leak to from the SNP, except Labour and Green, which they did a bit.

I didn't vote.
It's going to be a minority SNP administration supported by the Greens. The SNP lost 2 Cllrs, Greens gained 3, Labour gained 5, Tories lost 6. Turnout was 38.2%, down marginally from last time (38.8%).

So, Labour did well although they polled 30.2% to the SNP's 41%. Tories polled 14.6% (they have 2 Cllrs to the Greens' 10). Really there was nowhere votes were going to significantly leak to from the SNP, except Labour and Green, which they did a bit.

I didn't vote.
It is time that voting became compulsory.

38% turnout over four main parties means that circa 12% of all voters elected that shitshow.

What is your view of buying two Green MSPs by creating two hitherto non existent ministerial positions? I call it corrupt to the fucking core.
I see you've been reading up on anarchism at last.

Why should I read about a group that could hold its national conference in a phone box?

It is abrogation of responsibility, knowing that the ethos is risible, and will never have support, so easy to carp from the side-lines, knowing that you will never be responsible for delivering anything. Moral cowardice verging on delusion.
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It's going to be a minority SNP administration supported by the Greens. The SNP lost 2 Cllrs, Greens gained 3, Labour gained 5, Tories lost 6. Turnout was 38.2%, down marginally from last time (38.8%).

So, Labour did well although they polled 30.2% to the SNP's 41%. Tories polled 14.6% (they have 2 Cllrs to the Greens' 10). Really there was nowhere votes were going to significantly leak to from the SNP, except Labour and Green, which they did a bit.

I didn't vote.

i didn’t either. i would have in this election, but i was in my bed with covid. it’s no surprise the turnout was poor.
Why should I read about a group that could hold it's national conference in a phone box?

It is abrogation of responsibility, knowing that the ethos is risible, and will never have support, so easy to carp from the side-lines, knowing that you will never be responsible for delivering anything. Moral cowardice verging on delusion.
A group? What are you on about? I'm talking about a set of ideas. You are entitled to disagree with them, but you've known for 20 years I hold them. And yet you chunter on about North Korea! If you don't have the inclination to find out what I believe in, fair enough. But in that case stop spouting nonsense you just make up.

But never mind that, supposing I was mandated to vote, for whom should I cast my obligatory vote? Labour in Glasgow are everything I despise: a hundred years of entitlement, corruption and nepotism. The SNP are doing their best to catch up with that grim example in as short a time as possible. The Greens are happy to support that. And I couldn't vote Tory even at gunpoint. I'd have to spoil my ballot. To what end? What would change? Nothing.
Watching you try to debate politically, is like watching a drunk man punch fog whilst waiting in the wrong bus queue.
If you will not state and support your view, within mainstream politics you are beyond craven. Any arsehole can support some 'off brand' bullshit and moan that the world doesn't agree with them.

The reason the world doesn't agree is that it is utter fucking crap, which everyone but the impotent shitstain adherents recognises.
A group? What are you on about? I'm talking about a set of ideas. You are entitled to disagree with them, but you've known for 20 years I hold them. And yet you chunter on about North Korea! If you don't have the inclination to find out what I believe in, fair enough. But in that case stop spouting nonsense you just make up.

But never mind that, supposing I was mandated to vote, for whom should I cast my obligatory vote? Labour in Glasgow are everything I despise: a hundred years of entitlement, corruption and nepotism. The SNP are doing their best to catch up with that grim example in as short a time as possible. The Greens are happy to support that. And I couldn't vote Tory even at gunpoint. I'd have to spoil my ballot. To what end? What would change? Nothing.
At least you could support your view, put up candidates and let the voters decide, to do otherwise is completely gutless.

My vote went to the person I supported, and they were elected.

Some years back, and this is absolutely checkable, a Labour Councillor sorted a problem we had. Next election, we voted for her, her majority was 2. The following election, she had sorted a problem that problem our daughter and son in law had, they voted for her as well. Her majority was 4. Wendy Mutch who subsequently became Wendy Bell. West Lothian Council.

If you do not vote, you have absolutely no right to criticise those who have been elected, you had a vote, an opportunity to change things, but you choose not to use it.
If you will not state and support your view, within mainstream politics you are beyond craven. Any arsehole can support some 'off brand' bullshit and moan that the world doesn't agree with them.

The reason the world doesn't agree is that it is utter fucking crap, which everyone but the impotent shitstain adherents recognises.

It's like you threw a bunch of unrelated verbs and nouns into a word-chipper, and I'm supposed to make sense of the subsequent sentence shavings.

If you have a point to make, rather than continuous obfuscation, could you make it? this is becoming beyond tedious.
You are making the mistake of thinking politics equals voting. Representative democracy creates a political class whose interests are not the same as their electors. It results in people who buy lavish duck houses for their moats on expenses. The representatives don't represent our interests but the interests of capital.

Communities need to reclaim agency rather than petitioning others to act on our behalf, promote self-managed organisations and build co-operative networks for mutual struggle. That's the politics I put my faith in.

Direct action. Acting directly, not hoping the political class will act in our behalf. They won't. If your neighbours are about to be kidnapped by immigration goons, don't wait four years and then vote for someone (who won't change anything anyway), get out and surround the van like we did at Kenmure Street. Mutual aid, community self-management, cooperation at a community level. That's politics we can be involved in. That's what we can affect change with.

The distant, unresponsive, monoliths of local government will plough on, devastating our community assets, causing them to fall into ruin, and making bureaucratic decisions that do impact our lives. But change will not come through them. It can only come from below through direct action, cooperation, solidarity and mutual aid in our own communities and workplaces.
Why? For whom should I have been forced to vote?
I think there should be compulsory voting, and it should be on a Sunday with polling booths being in places where there’s a large footfall.

I also be there should be a none of the above option. It this gets a significant number of votes there should be a rerun.

In practice I think this would be extremely difficult to operate though.
It is time that voting became compulsory.
and how would this be enforced? Are they going to go round every home and force people down to the polling station? I voted this time but didn't for the last locals cos ALL the candidates were self serving tossers. If they want people to vote, which I don't believe they do, they need to get folk interested.

If voting was compulsory they would need a none of the above box and that would win every damn election imo
and how would this be enforced? Are they going to go round every home and force people down to the polling station? I voted this time but didn't for the last locals cos ALL the candidates were self serving tossers. If they want people to vote, which I don't believe they do, they need to get folk interested.

If voting was compulsory they would need a none of the above box and that would win every damn election imo
Compulsory voting is in place in many countries, they seem to manage fine.
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