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SNP leadership election (2023)

None of them are inspiring me, not that I am eligible to vote for the leadership. None of what they are saying seems relevant to my life at the moment. Maybe I have not concentrated hard enough and as a newbie to Scotland, I am still learning, but it would be good to feel some connection or relevance to my life.
I arrived here almost determined to vote SNP but find myself now swerving towards Labour.
Interesting debate/conversation on the Newsagents last night in particular how a referendum should or could be used to back up the perceived and known views of the electorate, which makes sense to me.
None of them are inspiring me, not that I am eligible to vote for the leadership. None of what they are saying seems relevant to my life at the moment. Maybe I have not concentrated hard enough and as a newbie to Scotland, I am still learning, but it would be good to feel some connection or relevance to my life.
I arrived here almost determined to vote SNP but find myself now swerving towards Labour.
Interesting debate/conversation on the Newsagents last night in particular how a referendum should or could be used to back up the perceived and known views of the electorate, which makes sense to me.
there's very little point in voting Labour in your area and please don't vote Labour because it's them that have caused an awful lot of the shit that the SNP has tried to sort out. Glasgow AND Aberdeen SLab fought for yrs NOT to give women equal pay, do you really want to vote for that?
Also all the hospital PFI was Labour, hospital parking charges Labour, getting into bed with teh Tories Labour, I could go on but I'm tired.
I hate the whole shitshow just now and don't want to vote for anyone at all at the moment. What gem said about Labour, I mean, the fucking Tories, and don't get me started on the Lib Dems. The Greens are wankers. The SNP are falling apart. It's all shit.
I've voted today aftermath consideration. I'd have liked a none of the above option but there isn't one. Now we wait to see what a hash the new incumbent will make of things.
Interesting article on polling : Forbes ahead of Yousaf with the public, who don't have a vote, whilst Yosaf has a narrow lead amongst the membership, who do.

The circus ends next Monday, or at least the election part of it does.

Or, will it?

Yesterday saw the final televised debate between the three contenders for leader of the SNP and First Minister of Scotland. Voting will end and the winner will be declared on 27 March. Or will it? Those sick of this increasingly tawdry contest should prepare themselves: it may have a way to go yet. There are calls for the contest to be halted, restarted or at least reset. And if that doesn’t happen, there is a risk that the winner will not be recognised by certain sectors of the party. There is a talk of a legal challenge from pro-independence blog Wings Over Scotland (which is mulling crowdfunding such a move).

The reasons are simple. There are serious concerns about the integrity of the process and about who will actually be voting/has already voted. There is a discrepancy between the declared number of SNP members (72,000) and the number of registered voters given to the online voting company (Mi-Voice) tasked with administering the contest (78,000, according to the Mail on Sunday). Why the difference? Who are these 6,000 ghost voters?

“There is a talk of a legal challenge from pro-independence blog Wings Over Scotland”.

Is that still a thing? I’d no idea.
Regan looks well pissed off lol. Forbes smiling through the disappointment. Yousaf was always the saner choice but didn't expect it to be that close.
The SNP’s national secretary, Lorna Finn, announced that turnout in the party’s leadership election was 70%. For first preferences in the STV system, Yousaf took 24,336 (48%), Kate Forbes took 20,559 (40%) and Ash Regan 5,599 (11%) of the vote. When second preferences were distributed in the second stage, Yousaf took 26,032 (52%) and Forbes took 23,890 (48%).

Months of "what about the missing votes" Trumpery now from that wank Wings, and Unionist attack accounts on twitter. Humza is an underwhelming candidate appointed at a very difficult time for the SNP- their biggest moment of factionalism and division since the "79 Group" were expelled in the early 80s. The chances of his leadership being stable, let alone successful, seem remote.
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