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SNP leadership election (2023)

What do folk think of this new cabinet?
Nobody outside Scotland will know any of them except Angus Robertson.

I knew Shona Robinson’s Dad, Robbie, and remember her as a lassie. Robbie was a stalwart of the anti poll tax campaign, and served on Stirling trades council. I slightly knew Michael Matheson years ago, too.

As for what they’ll be like, nothing much has changed. It’s the same names pretty much. Couple of new faces. I’m not expecting much tbh.
The Lib Dems barely exist outside of NE Fife, the posher bits of Edinburgh where Tories fear social disapproval of being openly Tory, Orkney & Shetland, and muscle memory votes from older folk in the Highlands.

The party doesn't have the membership, infrastructure or reach to break out of those areas and is not seen as any sort of credible alternative by any significant demographic. No one knows what their policies are on anything, which are pretty much "Tell Us What you want to hear and We'll say it", anyway.

They're still widely hated for 2010 by the sorts of groups they'd need to convince to vote for them now, no one beyond real obsessives has heard of any of their Holyrood politicians and UK leader Ed Davey is utterly unknown in Scotland.

Hard to see their monorail to electorial oblivion slowing down anytime soon.
Apart from that ^ though, it's going pretty well. :thumbs:

Winning here!!!
Just in

A 58 year old man, eh?
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