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Have you had your booster jab (jag) ?

Have you ? Please change votes when you do ...

  • Not yet

    Votes: 27 9.5%
  • Yes - Pfizer

    Votes: 169 59.7%
  • Yes - Moderna

    Votes: 78 27.6%
  • Yes - Oxford / Astra Zenicac

    Votes: 4 1.4%
  • Yes - other vaccine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not having one

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • comedy option ...

    Votes: 4 1.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Had my third jab this morning (my third Pfeizer). They asked if I’d had any other jabs recently and I said I had a flu jab last Saturday. They said there should ideally be a seven-day gap between jabs and that my side-effects might be stronger, did I want to go ahead? I said yes. Now waiting for The Weekend From Mini-Covid Hell.

Welcome back.
For those interested, here's some evidence:

One data point for AZ and it still shows people have more than 80% protection against hospitalisation. Its also significantly higher than 80% against death. Still looks to me like the third doses should be given to africa where front line medical staff are mostly completely unprotected. First world privilege in action.
Had my third jab this morning (my third Pfeizer). They asked if I’d had any other jabs recently and I said I had a flu jab last Saturday. They said there should ideally be a seven-day gap between jabs and that my side-effects might be stronger, did I want to go ahead? I said yes. Now waiting for The Weekend From Mini-Covid Hell.
Had flu jab and booster on the same day - no side-effects whatsoever.
One data point for AZ and it still shows people have more than 80% protection against hospitalisation. Its also significantly higher than 80% against death. Still looks to me like the third doses should be given to africa where front line medical staff are mostly completely unprotected. First world privilege in action.
I've pointed out the following from SAGE documentation before. The fact the figures are for the population overall and are worse for older and clinically vulnerable groups needs to be taken into account. And I say that as someone who ranted early about vaccine inequality. At the very least we need to acknowledge that if not going for boosters here, we'd need to be prepared to do more of the other stuff that the government shows every intention of not doing, stuff that would keep the overall levels of infection much lower than they have been for many months here now.

Protection against symptomatic disease from the Astra Zeneca vaccine is assessed to be 65% at 0-3 months post second dose, 55% at 4-6 months and 45% at 6+ months. For the Pfizer vaccine, effectiveness is estimated at 90% at 0-3 months, 75% at 4-6 months and 65% for 6+ months. For the Moderna vaccine, data is only available for the 0-3 month period, for which protection is assessed to be 95%. (New update) .

Hospitalisation: The AstraZeneca vaccine is assessed to be 95% effective at 0-3 months, falling to 85% at 4-6 months and 75% at 6+ months. For the Pfizer vaccine, there is less of an absolute reduction in effectiveness, with VE at 99%, 95% and 90% for the same follow up periods. The Moderna vaccine is also assessed to be 99% at 0-3 months, but data for later periods are not ytet available. (New update) .

For the AstraZeneca vaccine, less of a reduction in protetction is observed against mortality than against symptomatic disease and hospitalisation. At 0- 3 months protection is 95%, falling to 90% at 4-6 months and 80% for 6+ months. For Pfizer, effectiveness is estimates at 99%, 95% and 90% for the same periods. For Moderna data are not yet available. (New update) .

- Evidence suggests that vaccine effectiveness against infection and mild disease starts to wane from around 10 weeks following the second dose. Waning against severe disease, including hospitalisations and deaths, is much more limited and is most evident in older age groups and clinical risk groups from around 20 weeks following the second dose. For these groups, the actual level of protection is likely to be lower than the figures presented in the consensus VE table, which are for the population at large.
From https://assets.publishing.service.g...4/S1411_VEEP_Vaccine_Effectiveness_Table_.pdf
As with the previous two doses, the other three adults in my household are now booked in for their third doses for a week today, but the booking site is still telling me to Foxtrot Oscar.
which means I should get mine in a fortnight, give or take a couple of days ...

A bit miffed - and I might go with them, in case there's a "spare" dose waiting for an arm.

Thought I would have another go with the booking site.

It let me in & I'm now booked in for the earliest I could get, on Friday Morning [a week tomorrow ie the 12th - two days after everyone else in the household].

I had AZ for my first / second jags, as the data indicates a definite waning in immunity after 5 months, next week can't come around fast enough !

I hadn't realised how much this was affecting my mood ...
I've pointed out the following from SAGE documentation before. The fact the figures are for the population overall and are worse for older and clinically vulnerable groups needs to be taken into account. And I say that as someone who ranted early about vaccine inequality. At the very least we need to acknowledge that if not going for boosters here, we'd need to be prepared to do more of the other stuff that the government shows every intention of not doing, stuff that would keep the overall levels of infection much lower than they have been for many months here now.

From https://assets.publishing.service.g...4/S1411_VEEP_Vaccine_Effectiveness_Table_.pdf

I’ve already seen that, and important to note a lot of the figures you quoted above are in the red / low confidence sections of the data.

I’m all for older/compromised/front line workers getting boosters. I just don’t see evidence that your average 50 year old needs to worry yet. Especially when you see people pushing to get a booster after less than six months thinking their vax has stopped working which simply isnt true.

Moving to plan b with some kind of masks / vaccine proof for venues is well overdue and would improve results more significantly imo. Getting jabs into the unvaxxed would be even better but I don’t know if there is a way to persuade them.
Does anyone know if the ‘third dose’ given to people with weakened immune systems is physically the same as the booster jab? I had the third jab booked but had to cancel, and now it will only let me book an appointment for a booster. There’s actually a place round the corner from work where you can just walk in and get a booster so I could do that If it’s the same thing.
Does anyone know if the ‘third dose’ given to people with weakened immune systems is physically the same as the booster jab? I had the third jab booked but had to cancel, and now it will only let me book an appointment for a booster. There’s actually a place round the corner from work where you can just walk in and get a booster so I could do that If it’s the same thing.

As far as I know, yes it is the same. I had mine today at a walk-in centre.
All 3rd/Booster jabs are Pfizer I was told, regardless of what your first two were.
Maybe they meant 'round here' they're all Pfizer as the results of this poll suggest otherwise.
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Does anyone know if the ‘third dose’ given to people with weakened immune systems is physically the same as the booster jab? I had the third jab booked but had to cancel, and now it will only let me book an appointment for a booster. There’s actually a place round the corner from work where you can just walk in and get a booster so I could do that If it’s the same thing.
Don't know but I was booked in for the booster but they told me at the vaccination centre i needed the third primary dose and just sorted it out there and then. (It had been flagged on my record and then I had a discussion with the nurse.)

So I'd suggest just booking it and explaining/asking when you turn up? (Mine was a GP run one though rather than a chemist or whatever and they were very on the ball.)
Don't know but I was booked in for the booster but they told me at the vaccination centre i needed the third primary dose and just sorted it out there and then. (It had been flagged on my record and then I had a discussion with the nurse.)

So I'd suggest just booking it and explaining/asking when you turn up? (Mine was a GP run one though rather than a chemist or whatever and they were very on the ball.)
The ‘walk in’ place is the same place the GP tells me to book my booster anyway, I’ll stick my head in tomorrow and ask. I can book an appointment for next weds but the sooner the better really as I want to restart my full Crohns meds asap, and would need to hold off for a week after getting my third dose.
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Yes. A week ago. Gonna wait a few more days for it to kick in and going to rejoin the gym. Something I’ve not been to since April last year. And have missed. The positive effect it’ll have on my physical and mental health outweigh the risks.

Plus it’ll get me out of the flat most days.
I just went to my local walk-in centre to see if I could get mine. There was a sign outside saying that anyone who had their 2nd shot on or before the 7th of May was eligible and if you had it after, you would be turned away. So I went in, got mine (Pfizer), and was out again within 30 minutes. Feeling very relieved now (I might change my mind about that once the side effects kick in).
I’ve already seen that, and important to note a lot of the figures you quoted above are in the red / low confidence sections of the data.

I’m all for older/compromised/front line workers getting boosters. I just don’t see evidence that your average 50 year old needs to worry yet. Especially when you see people pushing to get a booster after less than six months thinking their vax has stopped working which simply isnt true.

Moving to plan b with some kind of masks / vaccine proof for venues is well overdue and would improve results more significantly imo. Getting jabs into the unvaxxed would be even better but I don’t know if there is a way to persuade them.
I didn't say that did I? The science appears to be pretty clear that immunity falls off after 5 months, so why wait 6 months for a booster? Also, boosters are a good idea for the over 50s population (unless you think you're more qualified than the JCVI.)

Finally, me not having a booster doesn't help anyone in Africa - the issue is rich countries hoarding vaccine, not that there isn't enough to go round. So you can virtue signal all you like and forego as many boosters as you want, it won't help anyone.
(unless you think you're more qualified than the JCVI.)

Finally, me not having a booster doesn't help anyone in Africa - the issue is rich countries hoarding vaccine, not that there isn't enough to go round. So you can virtue signal all you like and forego as many boosters as you want, it won't help

No, but the FDA agree with me :)

And bollocks to virtue signalling, this is a discussion forum not a ‘everyone agrees with Leighsw2’ forum. Vaccines can and di het shipped offshore when not taken up by western populations.
As I said, the problem is hoarding, not inadequate supply. So me (or you) foregoing a booster won't lead to more being 'shipped offshore', but rather sitting in a warehouse going out of date and being thrown away.

But do feel free to carry on playing roulette with my health (and other over-50s on here) so you can feel virtuous!
I’ve not been called in for it yet. I think it should be due mid Nov. I’d be surprised if they’ve forgotten though. I’ve been contacted repeatedly every which way for the flu jab.
You appear to be arguing that I should forego my booster 'because Africa'. Meanwhile, my post-vax immunity is waning and the chance of breakthrough infection increasing (I know this is true as a number of people I work with who are double vaxxed are down with Covid). However, apparently this doesn't matter 'because Africa'.

I'm not sure who are more dangerous to my health - the anti-vax nutters or virtue signalling liberals!
You appear to be arguing that I should forego my booster 'because Africa'. Meanwhile, my post-vax immunity is waning and the chance of breakthrough infection increasing (I know this is true as a number of people I work with who are double vaxxed are down with Covid). However, apparently this doesn't matter 'because Africa'.

I'm not sure who are more dangerous to my health - the anti-vax nutters or virtue signalling liberals!

Who are you replying to, out of interest?
I’m all for older/compromised/front line workers getting boosters. I just don’t see evidence that your average 50 year old needs to worry yet. Especially when you see people pushing to get a booster after less than six months thinking their vax has stopped working which simply isnt true.
Only CEV/immunosenescents and arguably HCW really need boosters right now. Immunocompetent 50-somethings don't.

Also, what are immunocompetents seeking boosters right now planning to do in another 6 months when their circulating antibodies have waned again?
Had my third jab this morning (my third Pfeizer). They asked if I’d had any other jabs recently and I said I had a flu jab last Saturday. They said there should ideally be a seven-day gap between jabs and that my side-effects might be stronger, did I want to go ahead? I said yes. Now waiting for The Weekend From Mini-Covid Hell.
Had my flu jab 4 days before - they didn't raise any issues when I went for the booster, and I had no side-effects beyond the usual sore arm and tiredness. The evidence seems to be that you can have both the same day without a problem, so it might be a lack of knowledge among the staff at the place you went to.
As far as I know, yes it is the same. I had mine today at a walk-in centre.
All 3rd/Booster jabs are Pfizer I was told, regardless of what your first two were.
Maybe they meant 'round here' they're all Pfizer as the results of this poll suggest otherwise.
They were doing the various flavours when I had mine - but it was a big vaccination centre. We were routed to different bits depending on which one we had for the first two. I guess smaller places might just use one flavour for simplicity. I had the Pfizer as that's what I had for the first two.
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