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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Apologies if we've already had this, but a quick fact check on the baby-beheading claims, including Biden being caught out in a blatant lie, saying he'd seen the videos. It's not true, so let's not repeat it?

One is reminded of the babies-discarded-from-incubators lie from the Iraq war. They don't change their tactics much do they?
Whether anything actually comes from it remains to be seen but hopefully it will give pause for though before they open their mouths:

Carlson's a more complex figure than you imagine. He's been consistently anti-Zionist, no matter who occupies the White House. And he often comes across as a radical Leftist these days. Can you imagine any other MSM figure broadcasting this:

As you slide further and further to the right, your critical faculties are going the way of conspiracy theorists:

Tucker Carlson, in full Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson, (born 1969, San Francisco, California), American conservative pundit and popular cable television talk show host, recognized for his success in helping to bring far-right viewpoints and vocabulary into the mainstream of American politics. Carlson was known for his extreme positions on a range of political and social issues, for his embrace of white nationalism (see white supremacy), for his support of authoritarian leaders of other countries, and for his regular reliance on arguably false or misleading claims, including baseless conspiracy theories.

As you slide further and further to the right, your critical faculties are going the way of conspiracy theorists:

Am I allowed to debate this or not? Thought you didn't want it on this thread?

Look, I understand why you guys think TC is right wing. But I'm telling you--watch the clip I just posted. You'll be surprised.
Some interesting recent polls from YouGov

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22 percent say UK should be more critical towards Israel than it has been. I don't see this reflected in our elected politicians. Whole swathe of this countries views are not being represented.
Apologies if we've already had this, but a quick fact check on the baby-beheading claims, including Biden being caught out in a blatant lie, saying he'd seen the videos. It's not true, so let's not repeat it?

Why do weirdos keep on wanting to fact check this? Babies were executed alongside their parents, and whether it was a bullet through the head, burning to death or some other gruesome end, the only effect of the continued obsession with fact checking this is to cast doubt on the rest of the Hamas operation or somehow minimise it/justify Hamas' actions.
This may have have got list in so many pages. Someone posted up this letter to MP. A template by War on Want

Palestinians are facing mass ethnic cleansing as Israel enacts brutal collective punishment on the occupied Gaza Strip. Israel continues to trap 2.3 million Palestinians in the world’s largest open-air prison, as Israeli warplanes bombard densely populated residential areas, civilian and medical infrastructure — in blatant contravention of international law.
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Why do weirdos keep on wanting to fact check this? Babies were executed alongside their parents, and whether it was a bullet through the head, burning to death or some other gruesome end, the only effect of the continued obsession with fact checking this is to cast doubt on the rest of the Hamas operation or somehow minimise it/justify Hamas' actions.
Rubbish. There were headlines worldwide about beheadings. it is important not to repeat lies like that, for I would have thought obvious reasons.
The Germans were baby-killers in WW1. It's a very old meme.

I think it's been confirmed that infants and children were killed in the kibbutz attacks, though it's unclear that infants were beheaded. Apparently the "40 beheaded babies" claim originated with an Israeli reporter quoting something she'd heard from a soldier, and countless other outlets ran with it instead of verifying anything.

Definitely some sloppy/sensationalist reporting going on there but I don't think there was any plot to immediately respond to the biggest atrocity against Israeli civilians in the country's history by fabricating details to make it seem even worse.
Am I allowed to debate this or not? Thought you didn't want it on this thread?

Look, I understand why you guys think TC is right wing. But I'm telling you--watch the clip I just posted. You'll be surprised.
Oh right. So 'us guys' should completely ignore all the critical analysis over his statements, brush aside his idiotic conspiracy bullshit and his well documented support for white supremacists just because you say so?

Seriously, fuck off,
Why do weirdos keep on wanting to fact check this? Babies were executed alongside their parents, and whether it was a bullet through the head, burning to death or some other gruesome end, the only effect of the continued obsession with fact checking this is to cast doubt on the rest of the Hamas operation or somehow minimise it/justify Hamas' actions.

It's not "weird" to fact-check news stories, it's prudent--especially when they strongly resemble propaganda designed to rationalize state-sponsored mass murder. And when, as now, we find that certain stories are false, we should ask who planted them and why.
Oh right. So 'us guys' should completely ignore all the critical analysis over his statements, brush aside his idiotic conspiracy bullshit and his well documented support for white supremacists just because you say so?

All I'm saying is watch the clip. It will change your opinion.
Rubbish. There were headlines worldwide about beheadings. it is important not to repeat lies like that, for I would have thought obvious reasons.
Why do you think it was lies? It was reported by civilian first responders, but understandably there hasn't been any photographic evidence to satisfy the ghouls.

It may or may not be true, perhaps a baby that was shot through the throat or had its neck slit open looks very much like a beheaded baby, and it's certainly true that journalists should do a much better job of fact checking stuff like this before reporting it as gospel, but quibbling from people about whether it was an execution by beheading or your common or garden firing squad says a lot about the people who are desperate to deny any kind of wrongdoing by Hamas.
Business as usual.

I think there are a few MPs who would. Zara Sultana for one. I don't think the demo had any MPs except for Corbyn. They have all been warned off by Starmer.

Not just demo last Saturday but making any comments on social media.

And London paper Evening Standard has front page making out that there isn't enough public support for Israel in London. Unlike support for Palestinians. Like that's a problem.IMG_20231016_180629.jpg
The guy is a proven liar and a bullshitter. Why the fuck should I waste my time listening to a cunt like him, fanboy?
He says whatever he thinks will bring him personal gain.

Well if you won't watch it, we won't get anywhere. But I'm telling you that it disproves what you've been saying about him. You can start at 5 minutes if time is pressing, that's when it gets most interesting.
^ Al Jazeera certainly offers a perspective closer to "the Arab street" than anything else available in English, but it is worth noting that it's based in and funded by Qatar, which also (as a state) funds Hamas (for Qatar's own reasons, which are to do with sticking it to the Saudis and (arguably) giving ordinary Qataris an external cause to concentrate on rather than criticising Qatar's ruling petro-fuelled royals).

Like any other source of news it has strengths and weaknesses.
You disagree that the Western MSM is pro-Zionist?

I don't know, you haven't made a case for it. Actually I think you're probably wrong / barking up the wrong tree, and it's silly to just make some generalised, provocative statement then go 'you agree with me, right?' Well, no, I don't agree, but if you have a case to make then make it.
I think there are a few MPs who would. Zara Sultana for one. I don't think the demo had any MPs except for Corbyn. They have all been warned off by Starmer.

Not just demo last Saturday but making any comments on social media.


And London paper Evening Standard has front page making out that there isn't enough public support for Israel in London. Unlike support for Palestinians. Like that's a problem.View attachment 395763
See they're equating support for the Israeli state with support for London's Jewish community.
Well if you won't watch it, we won't get anywhere. But I'm telling you that it disproves what you've been saying about him.
One story about a hedge fund destroying a town doesn't disprove anything about him being an antisemite. It probably doesn't disprove him being far right either.
I posted the one from War on Want earlier.
It dismays me that people in the Labour Party can send out such stuff. It's not very "moderate" or "centrist" to be so uncritical of the State of Israel.
Labour are not moderate/centrist: they are run by pro-capitalist/pro-zionist/red-baiting scum. There are still some socialists in there but not in the leadership. With the greatest respect have you not noticed the vile antics of that lying toad Starmer (apologies to any toads reading)?
I can't watch from here but one left take doesn't mean much, BNP supported some nationalisations etc What is the big deal?

Oh alright, he attacks the vulture capitalist Paul Singer, explaining what he does and why he is evil. I've never seen anything else like it on the MSM. It's not just that it's coming from what used to be called the "Left," it also explains why he's being slandered, fired, demonized and so on.
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