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Letter to the ICC from 12 American Senators pretty much says 'You've got a nice court, it would be a shame if something happened to it"

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The only thing less surprising than a bunch of rw American politicians trying to lean on an international body they disagree with are the names of the actual signatories. It would be more shocking if those self-aggrandising dipshits just stfu for once in their lives...
Text of the ceasefire that Hamas agreed to.

Watching Al Jazeera and commentator said Biden desperately needs a ceasefire as he's losing votes on this now. He needs it wrapped up so he can get along with election coming up.

Netanyahu knows if ceasefire is agreed he's out of a job.

Reading the ceasefire text and if Israel agrees to this it's in effect a defeat for IDF.

Also says the now years long blockade of Gaza will end.

Against a heavily armed conventional army all a guerilla army needs to do is be left standing at the end.

IDF have been unable to destroy Hamas command structure or ability to attack IDF. Despite superior weapons.

Nothing in text about Hamas going into exile. As PLO did after Lebanon.
Another few things about the ceasefire proposal:

In the staggered prison swaps there is wording that Palestinian prisoners once released won't be re arrested shortly afterwards.

Also that prisoners who had been released under last ceasefire then re arrested should be released.

So Israel have been playing games with prisoner swaps.

In reconstruction of Gaza those mentioned to be involved are Qatar , Egypt and UN. US not mentioned.

And says UNRWA are one of agencies to help get aid in.
Unless anyone is under the delusion that Israel is being picked on and treated unfairly the case brought by PA started in 2015

This statement from ICC gives a timeline of how glacial international justice moves.

On 3 March 2021, the Prosecutor announced the opening of the investigation into the Situation in the State of Palestine. This followed Pre-Trial Chamber I's decision on 5 February 2021 that the Court could exercise its criminal jurisdiction in the Situation and, by majority, that the territorial scope of this jurisdiction extends to Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Took six years to get this far.

Both US and Israel are not signed up to ICC.
There are ways to spot a liar. Look at his eyes going into overtime, blinking too much and glancing to the left to pick fictions from his tiny brain (the other one, not Moron).
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He's a massive cunt but once in a while he hits the spot.

Took him long enough - even if you completely ignore his experience as a journalist (which must surely have educated him as to what Israeli government spokespeople were like) and ignore all the times that it has been conclusively proven that lies were spread by Israeli government spokespeople in the aftermath of every significant event in the region, its still six months since his Bassem Youssef interview where he was told this (in a very memorable way) personally.
Watched this interview by Owen Jones with Palestinian whose lived in Israel since 2010 ( originally from Canada of Palestinian parents.). Diana Buttu.

She, surprisingly, to me said that she thought Israel has lost in long term. She said the "veneer" of it being a normal democratic state to those in western countries has gone. Permanently. As can been seen in large protests.

Its now seen for what it is a racist state that was built on ethnic cleansing/ Apartheid and now in her words genocide in Gaza.

Taking it away from Netanyahu she says as a Palestinian living in Israel she sees the day to day support by Israeli public for what is happening in Gaza. A minority oppose but they are very small. Some loathe Netanyahu and want a ceasefire now. To get hostages back Not because they care about Palestinians.

Her father was one of those Palestinians who managed not to be expelled in 48. His village was destroyed. That generation of Palestinians had to rebuild lives and live amongst those who ethnically cleansed Palestinians.

The general view being Palestinians remaining are only here as the job wasn't finished properly in 48

So she sees this in long term with what is happening now in Gaza going back pre 48. She does not mention Zionism but that I take is what she means.

Article by her about living in Israel at this time.

And the interview with Owen Jones,

Israel's PR fightback against Biden seems to be speaheaded with a sit down and chat with Dr Phil.

How many people do you need to call before Dr Phil is next on the list?
Taking it away from Netanyahu she says as a Palestinian living in Israel she sees the day to day support by Israeli public for what is happening in Gaza. A minority oppose but they are very small. Some loathe Netanyahu and want a ceasefire now. To get hostages back Not because they care about Palestinians.

I don't know what Israelis think, but I imagine a fair number of those who say they want a ceasefire to protect the hostages actually are appalled by the assault on Gaza, but it is more politically savvy in Israel to use protecting the hostages as the main reason for supporting a ceasefire.
Looks to me roughly east Europe abstained whilst west Europe voted for.

Actually bit more complicated than that Slovenia, Poland voted yes.
Looks to me roughly east Europe abstained whilst west Europe voted for.
Bit mixed. East and North mostly abstained, but not all. Norway, Luxembourg voted yes. France also a yes, which is notable, I think. Portugal, Spain both yes, and Ireland. Poland was a Y from east Europe, interestingly.

So yeah, pretty mixed with no definite pattern.
Three hard right nations voted no. Four pacific micro nations (sorry PNG) that have long been well supported by Israel. And Israel and the USA.
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