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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Well in a brief moment of wild optimism...something has put the brake on hasn't it? The 24 hour deadline was a long time ago now, BN said they were fully ready on Saturday I think...not that it's stopping them bombing still of course but this invasion isn't happening...yet.

/wild optimism
"To that end, today, and at our request, the United States and Israel have agreed to develop a plan that will enable humanitarian aid from donor nations and multilateral organizations to reach civilians in Gaza – and them alone – including the possibility of creating areas to help keep civilians our of harm’s way."

I would not be surprised if the plan for "areas to keep civilians out of harm's way" and distribute humanitarian aid involved relocating people to the southern half of the southern half of Gaza
Just now, would that matter? Temporary relocation to somewhere with food and shelter is better than dying.

I'm more 'pro Israel' than probably anyone else on the boards, but I cannot condone the wholesale massacre of non-combatants. Hamas embeds it's attack sites within the civil population, in the full knowledge that counter-strikes will kill people who are not involved in the acts of war. This is despicable.

However this ends, if it ever ends, it is neither Hamas nor Israel that does most of the bleeding and dying, it is the ordinary people of Gaza, and this is not acceptable.
They do, and it's not. One for a BBC thread if anyone can be bothered.
It is. I bothered to check. Maybe you should have too. Here are a couple of examples, but there are tons more:
BBC Radio 4 - Six O'Clock News, 7/7/2015 The London bombings remembered, a decade on
Well in a brief moment of wild optimism...something has put the brake on hasn't it? The 24 hour deadline was a long time ago now, BN said they were fully ready on Saturday I think...not that it's stopping them bombing still of course but this invasion isn't happening...yet.

/wild optimism

Yeah I was wondering that, maybe some US pressure and the knowledge that it'll almost certainly escalate along their northern border and likely wider regionally if they go into Gaza.
Well in a brief moment of wild optimism...something has put the brake on hasn't it? The 24 hour deadline was a long time ago now, BN said they were fully ready on Saturday I think...not that it's stopping them bombing still of course but this invasion isn't happening...yet.

/wild optimism
I think it might be delayed until after Biden has been and gone.
kill over a thousand civillians in one day and your get an Emotional response. Israel will hit back the US and British response is to attempt to keep the lid on things and warn off anybody else planning to throw more petrol on the dumpster fire :(.
If Iran joins in, they're going to pay a huge price, probably more than they want. The US would focus on Iran. In 88 Iran lost nearly their entire navy. This would extend far beyond that. Iran would lose military assets and infrastructure in a serious way, not tit for tat. Israel would probably not be held back by the US this time. The US has been very cool on the Iran/Gulf side of the region, choosing to build up in the Mediterranean and ignoring Iran. That could change in a matter of a week with the addition of a third carrier. If Iran wants in, they'd be facing 2 carrier groups dedicated to Iran. They'd get pounded, not just Lebanon, assuming Hezbollah entered into it.
This is more about reprisals from the US and IDF if Iran enter the fray.
What I am interested in is views on how Irans involvement might manifest itself?
It is. I bothered to check. Maybe you should have too. Here are a couple of examples, but there are tons more:
BBC Radio 4 - Six O'Clock News, 7/7/2015 The London bombings remembered, a decade on

You want to do this here, ok

"The day after London won the Olympic bid, terrorists attacked the transport network killing 52 people."
"It was the worst single terrorist atrocity on British soil."
"52 people, not including the four terrorists, lost their lives in the 7/7 London bombings"
"The terrorists bought, without restrictions, large quantities of liquid oxygen"
"victims of the 7/7 terror attacks"

The Simpson piece was disingenuous. They use the terrorism descriptor all the time.
You want to do this here, ok

"The day after London won the Olympic bid, terrorists attacked the transport network killing 52 people."
"It was the worst single terrorist atrocity on British soil."
"52 people, not including the four terrorists, lost their lives in the 7/7 London bombings"
"The terrorists bought, without restrictions, large quantities of liquid oxygen"
"victims of the 7/7 terror attacks"

The Simpson piece was disingenuous. They use the terrorism descriptor all the time.
well that is clearly untrue, as we have both just shown.
This is more about reprisals from the US and IDF if Iran enter the fray.
What I am interested in is views on how Irans involvement might manifest itself?

Some video analysis I watched yesterday painted Iran in a very difficult place for any involvement.

They're weak internally and any significant intervention will result in them being hit very heavily by Israel, and quite possibly the US, to which they have no real match for. Yet their whole being is founded on confrontation with The Great Satan, so doing nothing will also likely weaken them significantly in the medium/longer term as well.
Summary of the humanitarian situation here.

I find the inevitable running out of supplies particularly grim. With the bombing there's a lottery and you can hope you're lucky, but there's a grim certainty for everyone with no water, no food, no fuel, no blood banks (in two weeks time), no pain killers.
The State of Israel's official Instagram account is getting into a flame war with Gigi Hadid, because they deem her insufficiently furious at Hamas.

They seem absolutely obsessed with repressing the slightest hint of criticism, from any quarter, no matter how insignificant.

One would have thought a nation state would, officially at least, want to stay above such petty squabbles.

But they can't. They really can't. They can't tolerate criticism. It must be guilt.

Some video analysis I watched yesterday painted Iran in a very difficult place for any involvement.

They're weak internally and any significant intervention will result in them being hit very heavily by Israel, and quite possibly the US, to which they have no real match for. Yet their whole being is founded on confrontation with The Great Satan, so doing nothing will also likely weaken them significantly in the medium/longer term as well.
I’m more interested in what their involvement in the war might look like. What overt actions they may take.
We'd all be completely guessing?

Old (2012) but some speculation here:

Not quite the same area, but similar and very recent here:

I could guess they would want to block the strait of Hormuz with a few US ships for instance and launch a lot of missiles at Israel and US assets.

Do they have a big airforce? Lots of bombers?
We'd all be completely guessing?

Old (2012) but some speculation here:

Not quite the same area, but similar and very recent here:

I can’t read that for free but would like to.
kill over a thousand civillians in one day and your get an Emotional response. Israel will hit back the US and British response is to attempt to keep the lid on things and warn off anybody else planning to throw more petrol on the dumpster fire :(.
To quote Gabriel Byrne in Miller's Crossing: "Yew don' hold elected office in dis town Leo. Yew only run i' cuz people tink yew run i'. Something Biden might want to chew on.
I could guess they would want to block the strait of Hormuz with a few US ships for instance and launch a lot of missiles at Israel and US assets.

Do they have a big airforce? Lots of bombers?
They don't have much of an airforce at all, most of it is made up of local knockoffs of the Northrop-F5 an American design from the 50's with some not quite as elderly Russian (and Chinese knockoffs thereoff) kit. The most effective aircraft they have are some pre-Revolutionary era F-14 Tomcats (about 30 or 40) from the 80's.
Summary of the humanitarian situation here.

I find the inevitable running out of supplies particularly grim. With the bombing there's a lottery and you can hope you're lucky, but there's a grim certainty for everyone with no water, no food, no fuel, no blood banks (in two weeks time), no pain killers.
Bobby lasted 66 days on hunger strike. But lack of food will take the old, sick and underage a lot faster.
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