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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

You don't accept Aunties reasons for not calling them terrorists?

I read John Simpson's piece about it and it was disingenuous because they frequently use the terrorist descriptor, for example for the 7/7 London bombers.

However my point by linking to that thread was to highlight that Russia is clearly positioning itself as a champion of Palestinian rights to garner popular support from a variety of countries.
I read John Simpson's piece about it and it was disingenuous because they frequently use the terrorist descriptor, for example for the 7/7 London bombers.
was that recently or at the time?

If the bbc are consistent in this then I have no problem. The real issue is that it's being used to cassue them of being pro Hamas
However my point by linking to that thread was to highlight that Russia is clearly positioning itself as a champion of Palestinian rights to garner popular support from a variety of countries.
I doubt Putin really cares about anyone not called Putin, let alone arabs
I really hope Labour fuck up their chances at the next General election. They do not deserve to win. I could see there being a very low turn out at least.
The impact that this will have on the outcome of the next GE is zero or so close to zero as to make no difference. The fact that this is dominating the current news cycle has pushed all the issues why people might vote Labour at the next Election such as the cost of living, high mortgage/rents, the failure of Brexit not to the mention the sheer incompetence of the current administration off the news but those issues haven't gone away. I'm willing to bet that the cancellation of HS2 will change more votes than disagreement with Starmer's stance on Palestine.
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Wallace Shawn joined protesters outside the White House on Monday

"I don’t really believe in revenge, and that’s what this is. Personally, I don’t really believe in massacring any innocent people,” he told the D.C. crowd ... “Obviously, like anyone who is Jewish, millions of my relatives have been massacred. You would think that would teach everybody from that background that this is a tragedy that should be avoided and hatred against particular groups is wrong. Many people don’t seem to have picked that up.”

You'd think he'd know not to get involved in a land war in Asia...
Last night, Friday, I huddled with my family in the safest room of the house and prayed: if we are to die, may we die softly and not suffer any pain. The other night, our neighbors suffered for hours in the dark — not because of the power outage, but because an Israeli air raid, with no prior warning, bombed their three-story home. It collapsed on top of them, trapping them underneath the rubble. No civilian crew was able to help. One ambulance approached the scene and was bombed. We heard our neighbors screaming for help. And then, silence.

The impact that this will have on the outcome of the next GE is zero or so close to zero as to make no difference. The fact that this is dominating the current news cycle has pushed all the issues why people might vote Labour at the next Election such as the cost of living, high mortgage/rents, the failure of Brexit not to the mention the sheer incompetence of the current administration off the news but those issues haven't gone away. I'm willing to bet that the cancellation of HS2 will change more votes than disagreement with Starmer's stance on Palestine.
I'm not a gambling man however by what evidence would your offer of a wager be settled?
Yes I don't think the Americans could tolerate a full on genocide with their network of alliances with various Arab states including especially Saudi Arabia. I wasn't sure if they could rein the Israelis in. I don't think Biden+Blinken were sure either.

I'm still not sure. The President of Israel says there are no civilians in Gaza:

Can you expand a bit for clarity?

If Iran joins in, they're going to pay a huge price, probably more than they want. The US would focus on Iran. In 88 Iran lost nearly their entire navy. This would extend far beyond that. Iran would lose military assets and infrastructure in a serious way, not tit for tat. Israel would probably not be held back by the US this time. The US has been very cool on the Iran/Gulf side of the region, choosing to build up in the Mediterranean and ignoring Iran. That could change in a matter of a week with the addition of a third carrier. If Iran wants in, they'd be facing 2 carrier groups dedicated to Iran. They'd get pounded, not just Lebanon, assuming Hezbollah entered into it.
He could probably get Trump to drive it, he's still mardy about Netanyahu not agreeing the 2020 election was stolen.

That was hilarious.

Trump did absolutely everything Netanyahu demanded--murdered Sulemani, moved the capital to Jerusalem, broke the treaty with Iran. No doubt he'd cooked up one of his famous "deals" and was expecting considerable help in return. Then as soon as he was out of power, Netanyahu just stiffed him. Told him to fuck off (in so many words apparently). Trump the conman met his match.
If Iran joins in, they're going to pay a huge price, probably more than they want. The US would focus on Iran. In 88 Iran lost nearly their entire navy. This would extend far beyond that. Iran would lose military assets and infrastructure in a serious way, not tit for tat. Israel would probably not be held back by the US this time. The US has been very cool on the Iran/Gulf side of the region, choosing to build up in the Mediterranean and ignoring Iran. That could change in a matter of a week with the addition of a third carrier. If Iran wants in, they'd be facing 2 carrier groups dedicated to Iran. They'd get pounded, not just Lebanon, assuming Hezbollah entered into it.
Don'y you love it when the big boys flex their muscles

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