What the Standard is saying ( now Ive read todays edition) is that their is not enough support for British Jews at this difficult time.
ES has always been on the right. But its not the hard right like the Home Secretary. More the socially liberal ( as they see themselves) economically conservative right.
BTW Ive seen a lot of the missing poster in West End today. I don't have a problem with them. Thought they were clever bit of street politics.
So Id say ES is part of centre politics. I wouldn't think what ES is saying is that out of line with what Starmer thinks. And what he is imposing on his MPs
Basically ES is saying the left is anti semitic. And the bastions of tolerant pro immigration multicultural London is the centre ground.
Leaves out the fact that on the demo Id say most people were not full on political activists. But Londoners with a large group from the community made up of people from a middle east background who identify with Palestinian cause.
But hey blame the left for egging them on. Seems the ES was upset that a demo next day to support Israel got a poor turnout. That people arent putting Israel flags in windows. It could be that a lot of Londoners do not follow the I Stand by Israel line- But that cuts no ice with this kind of view.
Here is ES view from its Executive Editor
It is inconceivable that the reaction to the attacks on Israeli families by Hamas would have been replicated for any other community
At fault are those who went on last Saturdays well attended demo:
And he singles out these people in particular. These are the people who read books and call Israel a Settler Colonial state that practices Apartheid. Rather then Standing By Israel.
I take this more seriously than attacks by the Daily Mail. There has been a drip drip level of accusations against those who "Stand" for Palestinian rights. This along with Starmer stopping MPs from actively supporting Palestinians rights is starting imo to create an atmosphere that is becoming a form of McCarthyism.