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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

We're not mind readers. But it's not a wild idea that they might be very angry and upset about the people who've been kidnapped and want them to not be forgotten?
I have not been able to read the text of one of the posters, but I was wodering what we are expected to do when we see them. Neither we, nor the government, have any control over whether or not the hostages are released.
I would have thought what matters is the intent. That’s why in this country someone who sadistically tortures and murders will get a harsher sentence than someone who kills through gross negligence or by taking self-defence too far. The “worseness” of a crime isn’t defined purely by body count or extent of injury inflicted, but to a large extent by motive and circumstances.
So intent is hard to prove, particularly in military situations. Obeying orders is something that soldiers do. Sometimes they disobey, normally they don't. If you are obeying orders you can still commit war crimes, but the intent is not necessarily your own. We don't really know the intent of the Hamas fighters and won't as most of them are probably dead. The intent of the Israeli pilots - up for discussion. They'll be following orders too. Some, undoubtedly will want revenge and may not care too much who gets killed. Negligence or self-defence doesn't apply to either side here.
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I have not been able to read the text of one of the posters, but I was wodering what we are expected to do when we see them. Neither we, nor the government, have any control over whether or not the hostages are released.

Even less control over what happens more broadly in Gaza, but that hasn't stopped people going on demos or writing about it on here.
A glib excuse for murder.
Killing unarmed civilians is immoral, whoever does it.

The motives are different: one side wants to overturn the unjust status quo, and one side wants to maintain it, but the action is still wrong, whatever the motives. (Actually, it is often the case in wars that the motive on an individual level is simply revenge).

I fear the coming to power of any revolutionaries who can easily kill helpless people.
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So intent is hard to prove, particularly in military situations. Obeying orders is something that soldiers do. Sometimes they disobey, normally they don't. If you are obeying orders you can still commit war crimes, but the intent is not necessarily your own. We don't really know the intent of the Hamas fighters and won't as most of them are probably dead. The intent of the Israeli pilots - up for discussion. They'll be following orders too. Some, undoubtedly will want revenge and may not care too much who gets killed. Negligence or self-defence doesn't apply to either side here.

Sure, I was just answering your question of which I thought was worse, and it’s based partly on my own view of intent, because i’m not telepathic. This seems to me a much better way of arriving at a personal opinion on the matter than a pure body count which was what you seem to be advocating. I think that’s weird, because no one actually does that, from historians to jurors everyone needs to make moral judgements to arrive at an understanding of such events. So I suspect if Israeli pilots had killed fewer than the terrorists you position wouldn’t change would it?
Even less control over what happens more broadly in Gaza, but that hasn't stopped people going on demos or writing about it on here.
The UK is an important ally of the State of Israel, supplies it with weapons, and has sent some warships to the area. So the UK government could actually have an effect on the policy of the Israeli government if it chose to exercise pressure.
Killing unarmed civilians is immoral, whoever does it.

Israel's a state. We don't expect states to deliberately slaughter thousands of civilians.

And that's what Israel is doing, because as they know very well, the Hamas fighters live underground and thus are not the ones being killed by Israel's bombardment. The civilian population lives in the high-rises that are being deliberately flattened.
Sure, I was just answering your question of which I thought was worse, and it’s based partly on my own view of intent, because i’m not telepathic. This seems to me a much better way of arriving at a personal opinion on the matter than a pure body count which was what you seem to be advocating. I think that’s weird, because no one does that, from historians to jurors everyone needs to make moral judgements to arrive at an understanding of such events.
I'm not advocating a pure body count, but our impression of violent crime does take this into account. The scale of the Israeli revenge here, and the revenge yet to come, has a significant bearing on our judgement. The asymmetry of technology is important too. It seems to distance the Israeli perpetrators of violence from the consequences of their actions. With Hamas it's face to face. No hiding from their barbarity.
Sorry, missed this earlier.

You ask me to make the case that the Western MSM is pro-Zionist. Well, consider the fact that afaics not a single Western MSM outlet has reported that 800 Israelis stormed the al-Asqa mosque on 10/05, i.e. two days before Hamas' invasion.

I put it to you that this strongly resembles a deliberately co-ordinated policy of falsifying the situation by omission of salient information.

Honestly, I have no idea if literally no mainstream news outlet covered that event in even the smallest way, and its a claim that's hard to verify now the news media are all saturated with what happen.

  • The U.S. military has selected roughly 2,000 troops to prepare for a potential deployment to support Israel, U.S. defense officials said. The troops are tasked with missions like advising and medical support, the officials said, and they are from across the U.S. armed services. They aren't intended to serve in a combat role, the officials said.
Honestly, I have no idea if literally no mainstream news outlet covered that event in even the smallest way, and its a claim that's hard to verify now the news media are all saturated with what happen.

Actually it's easy to verify, because even now there's nothing about it in the Western MSM.

Since it was obviously the immediate cause of Hamas' operation (which they even named after the incident, to leave no doubt as to their motivation), that's an extremely suspicious omission. I think it was co-ordinated.

The Israeli news media were talking about it ffs

I found absolutely nothing about it in the British or American press, which is obviously deliberate policy. And actually I didn't see it in the Israeli press either, though I may have missed it. Got a link?
I'm not advocating a pure body count, but our impression of violent crime does take this into account. The scale of the Israeli revenge here, and the revenge yet to come, has a significant bearing on our judgement. The asymmetry of technology is important too. It seems to distance the Israeli perpetrators of violence from the consequences of their actions. With Hamas it's face to face. No hiding from their barbarity.

Are you really painting their actions as pure revenge? How would you propose that Israel defends itself from the ongoing rocket attacks and the possibility of other further attacks, when the terrorists are hiding in a dense population of civilians? Do you really expect the Israeli population to tolerate any government that makes no military response at all?

Are Israel worse than the child-torturing terrorists because they have better technology? Perhaps if they didn’t have the Iron Dome and more of the Hamas rocket attacks resulted in deaths then the Israelis wouldn’t be quite so bad? Not sure what you’re getting at there.

TBH I’m still struggling to understand your original statement implying that Israel are worse than the terrorists because they killed twice as many and didn’t film it. There’s plenty of footage of victims of both sides isn’t there? I think you really need to go a bit deeper than this.
Do you really expect the Israeli population to tolerate any government that makes no military response at all?

Many of them are praying for just such a government. Israelis are not bloodthirsty lunatics.

When the IRA bombed British pubs, the British state did not respond by pounding Dublin into rubble. The British people would have been horrified had they done so.

There is no military solution to this problem. Israel's revenge attacks will only make matters worse. Listen to this woman:

The UK is an important ally of the State of Israel, supplies it with weapons, and has sent some warships to the area. So the UK government could actually have an effect on the policy of the Israeli government if it chose to exercise pressure.

I would put some nuance on that - the UK and Israel are partners: they buy and sell a fairly limited, but usually pretty specialist military equipment, to each other, they have an intelligence relationship, and they have a military training relationship. I would not say the relationship is emotionally close (not in the way that the US relationship is) you could say the UK and Israel are allies, but not close friends.

My feeling about the political influence the UK has on Israel is pretty limited compared to the US - and I think there's an important condition on the way that influence can be used: the only people Israel listens to are people who support it. It will, to an extent, listen to it's friends giving it candid, private advice - but it doesn't listen to people who aren't it's friends, and it doesn't listen to people who publicly criticise it.
Are you really painting their actions as pure revenge? How would you propose that Israel defends itself from the ongoing rocket attacks and the possibility of other further attacks, when the terrorists are hiding in a dense population of civilians? Do you really expect the Israeli population to tolerate any government that makes no military response at all?

Are Israel worse than the child-torturing terrorists because they have better technology? Perhaps if they didn’t have the Iron Dome and more of the Hamas rocket attacks resulted in deaths then the Israelis wouldn’t be quite so bad? Not sure what you’re getting at there.

TBH I’m still struggling to understand your original statement implying that Israel are worse than the terrorists because they killed twice as many and didn’t film it. There’s plenty of footage of victims of both sides isn’t there? I think you really need to go a bit deeper than this.
You're not reading my words precisely enough. There are lots of people who think that one set of killers are crueller than the other. The nature of some of the deaths seems to lend credence to that view, as does the fact that some of the Hamas killers filmed what was going on. I'm questioning that, condemning both sides for their actions.

Once you say that Israel has the right to defend itself you are relinquishing any right to criticise what they do. After all, they have the right to defend themselves, don't they? Who are we to try and second guess what that might entail?

What about Palestinian rights to resist occupation and displacement? Well, I'm in favour of that. I'd hope you would be too. But that doesn't give anyone crate Blanche to murder, to engage in suicide bombings, or whatever.

Opposing the actions of the Israeli military does not mean supporting the actions of Hamas. Opposing the British army in Northern Ireland did not mean supporting the IRA. Get the idea?
The mail has made much of some tel aviv phd student putting posters of the hostages up round mornington crescent at the end of last week,and them being taken down. There's been quite a big of public zionist activity, for the standard to suggest otherwise is a bit bollocks

What the Standard is saying ( now Ive read todays edition) is that their is not enough support for British Jews at this difficult time.

ES has always been on the right. But its not the hard right like the Home Secretary. More the socially liberal ( as they see themselves) economically conservative right.

BTW Ive seen a lot of the missing poster in West End today. I don't have a problem with them. Thought they were clever bit of street politics.

So Id say ES is part of centre politics. I wouldn't think what ES is saying is that out of line with what Starmer thinks. And what he is imposing on his MPs

Basically ES is saying the left is anti semitic. And the bastions of tolerant pro immigration multicultural London is the centre ground.

Leaves out the fact that on the demo Id say most people were not full on political activists. But Londoners with a large group from the community made up of people from a middle east background who identify with Palestinian cause.

But hey blame the left for egging them on. Seems the ES was upset that a demo next day to support Israel got a poor turnout. That people arent putting Israel flags in windows. It could be that a lot of Londoners do not follow the I Stand by Israel line- But that cuts no ice with this kind of view.

Here is ES view from its Executive Editor

At fault are those who went on last Saturdays well attended demo:

The demonstrations in London over the weekend had as much to do with Jew hating as with the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza
And he singles out these people in particular. These are the people who read books and call Israel a Settler Colonial state that practices Apartheid. Rather then Standing By Israel.
, listening to lectures from the victim-fetishists of identity politics

I take this more seriously than attacks by the Daily Mail. There has been a drip drip level of accusations against those who "Stand" for Palestinian rights. This along with Starmer stopping MPs from actively supporting Palestinians rights is starting imo to create an atmosphere that is becoming a form of McCarthyism. If not that then excluding a section of the citizens of this country from legitimate political discourse.
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