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Glastonbury 2011



At least you knew where you were with the old way. I don't believe this queue lark - I'd rather have the page failed thing repeatedly.
i still have 3 booking windows open if anyone wants me to have a shot for them. PM me, you're gonna have to trust me with your debit card number though :eek:
WOO HAH! Same here - LQ's window just flickered into booking page life. Done and registered. And now the awkward wait for the registration..
gotta go out to take bubs ot church parade.... god i am stressed...

back in twenty mins...
I got as far as loading registration numbers and post codes for my first batch at 8:53 but now continually getting timed out messages.
So much for see doing whatever to their servers so that this wouldn't happen... thought it sounded a bit optimistic at the time - looks like the know-nothing button pusher (ie, me! ;)) was right :D :D :D
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