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Glastonbury 2011

I dont know whether to re-register just incase i change my mind about not going :/
Interesting stuff from newbie about onsite vehicles, I agree that most site vehicles are considerate but yes there were definitely certain tossers to be seen :hmm:

I hope the tosser quotient continues to be cracked down on. Perhaps some people with passes should be restricted to early vehicle passes only with the curfew that comes with that. We had an EVP for the first time this year, but used it only once, right at the very start, when we were first setting up, and then again only when we were leaving after most of the public had gone, we treated it as a rare/valuable privilege not something to feel like we were in some separate special privileged class or something ... **

**(well hardly at all anyway :p :D ;) :oops: )
what he said^^

sheer fucking mayhem. plenty of people i was talking to were in agreement that it's worth the entry fee for arcadia/block 9/shangri-la et al alone.
Interesting stuff from newbie about onsite vehicles, I agree that most site vehicles are considerate but yes there were definitely certain tossers to be seen :hmm:

I hope the tosser quotient continues to be cracked down on.

Driving has to be pretty persistently dangerous to be seriously cracked down upon and happily these days you seldom come across someone with half a dozen drunks on the roof going way too fast down the railway line leaning on the horn to scatter pedestrians. I've never seen statistics, I don't know if they're published anywhere, but anecdotally I don't think very many people get hurt by moving vehicles. The most common incident I'm aware of is people getting their foot squashed under the trackway as a vehicle goes past.

Being honest there is some sort of onus for pedestrians to make allowance for just how challenging it is to drive there. I'm always slightly amazed at how many people choose to walk along the trackway, even in a dry year when there's plenty of grass either side (around the Other stage, for instance). Strikes me as much more uncomfortable on the feet, but there you go. Anyway that's their choice, and no problem but not stepping off (or giving someone else room to step off) to allow more than 1/4" clearance for the landrover to get by not only stresses the driver but also irritates all the folk trudging behind it getting a facefull of exhaust because it's going that little bit too slowly. Equally, please, please don't dash between vehicles in a stewarded convoy, just give us a few seconds to get through tight together.

Imposing precision or split second timing on the driver doesn't make it easy! If people with their wits vaguely about them give vehicles a little bit of maneuvering space that only leaves the ones too far out of it to have noticed, and we all should be looking out for their welfare :)

Having said that, responsibility for safety absolutely lies with the driver and if you see anyone negligently putting other people at risk talk to them nicely and/or get their number and report them.
what he said^^

sheer fucking mayhem. plenty of people i was talking to were in agreement that it's worth the entry fee for arcadia/block 9/shangri-la et al alone.

It's a victim of it's own success really. I avoid it later on now, just getting shoved around and going where you happen to get pushed by the crowd doesn't do it for me.
Earlier on though, when you can move, and breathe and stuff, I love it. :cool:
good point, theres also redundancy speak at work atm, so if they make me redundant, ill blates go.
I still haven't registered!

but am thinking if there's still time I will today or tomorrow - need to do new pix and mr m's at work.

But i reckon I won't get tix, not even if I'm online at click o'clock, because the Internet here is slowish :(

but nothing ventured eh?
I still haven't registered!

but am thinking if there's still time I will today or tomorrow - need to do new pix and mr m's at work.

But i reckon I won't get tix, not even if I'm online at click o'clock, because the Internet here is slowish :(

but nothing ventured eh?

I seem to remember that last year, after a couple of hours of max-out, lots of people started sailing through around lunchtime / mid afternoon. Then it went mental again, and was game over by early evening.

Give it a go eh. :)
as usual, i can't afford a ticket again, but after working last year, i reckon i'd much prefer doing that again anyway. being on site from monday (or earlier) really is great. i'm just trying to figure out what i want to do next time. i stewarded the campervan fields last time and got paid for it too, as well as having 2 out of the 3 festival days off. fancy a change though as the company i did it with were a bit useless. hmm...
I seem to remember that last year, after a couple of hours of max-out, lots of people started sailing through around lunchtime / mid afternoon. Then it went mental again, and was game over by early evening.

Give it a go eh. :)

If it's not too late to register i will tomorrow :)

You can only try - I missed it sooooooooooooo badly this year :(
Penni you've probably got until Friday. They shut down registration about 48 hours in advance to "consolidate the database". Best not to leave it until the last minute just in case though.
I seem to remember that last year, after a couple of hours of max-out, lots of people started sailing through around lunchtime / mid afternoon. Then it went mental again, and was game over by early evening.

Give it a go eh. :)

It was quicker than that iirc. I had real problems getting one for my daughter last year because I had stupidly registered her post code as "SUFFOLK". By the time I'd got through to See on the phone and sorted it out it was about midday and the "sold out" notices started flashing up very soon after that.
It was quicker than that iirc. I had real problems getting one for my daughter last year because I had stupidly registered her post code as "SUFFOLK". By the time I'd got through to See on the phone and sorted it out it was about midday and the "sold out" notices started flashing up very soon after that.

Might have been some cock up at See... Definitely came alive again in the afternoon...

glastofest@twitter said:
Not many tickets left now, so please keep trying... if you want some
6:21 PM Oct 4th, 2009 via web

glastofest@twitter said:
Glastonbury 2010 is now sold out. Thanks to everyone who bought tickets.
9:19 PM Oct 4th, 2009 via web
Penni you've probably got until Friday. They shut down registration about 48 hours in advance to "consolidate the database". Best not to leave it until the last minute just in case though.

Thanks Tort :)

shall be pushing mr mania up against wall shortly
...and a brand new question - Will they be showing the football?


Years ago, on the official forum, I posed a question - "on behalf of a friend" - knowing that the mods, who were falling over themselves to be helpful, would pore over it in an attempt to give an answer.

It span a long and twisted tale of an administrative nightmare. About having ordered an international ticket, but since returned to the UK, not having the overseas credit card anymore, changing names having recently got married... etc etc. Basically just about every complication I could think of, that was - just about - plausible. The slightly meandering tale finally concluded... "Although she's still hopeful that the ticket situation can be sorted out, what she's really concerned with is: Will they be showing the football?"

(I suckered at least one mod with that. :) )
is it a tad sad that although I am being whisked away on a romantic weekend with the bloke that I am taking my lappie so that we can have breakfast in maccys so I can pay my deposit on Sunday? What makes it worse is that he has no inclination to go at all and I will be camping with friends at glasto :D
Is there any chance that some kind soul with a decent computer and some ticket getting savvy might put a link up on here if they are lucky enough to get through to the booking page on sunday.
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