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Glastonbury 2011

Thanks for that mysterygirl..... I can get plenty of those ID bands from work. PM me your address and I can send you a couple if you like.
Yes please! Thank you
My dad's talking about supplying walkie talkies as well... I don't think anyone expects me to keep the little so & so with me all weekend!!! :D

I've finally got the first version of the 2011 map done.

Blah-blah and a map linky at the bottom, here:


(If you already have the map in your Google Earth 'My Places', just fire that up, no need to download anything new.)

thank you :cool:
Just been having a nosey round Jarvis' twitter and found this
Jarvis said:
NotJarvisCocker Not Jarvis Cocker
Glastonbury 2011 Tickets already sold out. And I was really hoping to go. What to do, what to do....
12 Nov Favorite Retweet Reply
just spent ten minutes looking over the rumours at efests. hope eels is true have always wanted to see them
Yes please! Thank you
My dad's talking about supplying walkie talkies as well... I don't think anyone expects me to keep the little so & so with me all weekend!!! :D

= 1 lost walkie talkie :(

how old? by and large when we scoop up kids who've lost their adults phoning the number written on their arm works a treat.
Still not summoned the enthusiasm to ditch my possible glasto work yet..... shit. ¬_¬

*checks line-up masochistically*
Worst 3 main headliners EVER I'd say! (not that that matters obviously)

dont think theres anything on pyramid id go and see tbh. maybe bb king but he must be about a hundred and probably doesnt do much (like brian wilson a few years ago)
U2 will be good. Bono is a twat but that early stuff, is good. Hope he doesn't speak too much.

The rest for me are lower stages, I think its a very solid line up overall. Something for everyone and still holding it all together.
Blimey, the Wu Tang Clan are a bit of an unexpected bonus. They were shit last time I sae them, but still. Fair bit of stuff I will happily see on there.
Loads for me this year. Which presents a dilemma, cos' I really enjoy having no agenda at all.

One booking that will be rammed... A certain Wimbledon Common based outfit, playing Avalon. :D
= 1 lost walkie talkie :(

how old? by and large when we scoop up kids who've lost their adults phoning the number written on their arm works a treat.

yes that's why Im not keen on the mobile phone/walkie talkie method of keeping up with him. It'll either end up lost, or down the loo.
He's 10, with an over-inflated sense of what he can & can't do - overly independent, he always has been. He's a great kid, loads of fun, clever & funny. I love him the most when both of his parents are around to keep tabs on him & squash him when necessary. :D
The office bods seem to think that nailing his feet to the floor would be Bad, so that's plan B out of the window. Im wondering about Night Nurse now! Thats an efficient sedative, I think ;)

I think he'll end up being a walking phone number tbh, seems the safest way. And what's the betting after stressing myself silly about losing him he ends up sticking to me like glue all week... :D

PS good luck getting him to admit he's lost his adult, he's far more likely to assure you he knows where I am. I assume you don't just take their word for it? (please say 'no'! :eek:)
So much excellence in that lineup but more later etc. etc. :D :)

According to this thread in efests, the legend that is Linton Kwesi Johnson will be appearing at the Glade "with Hiatus" -- couldn't see a specific mention of LKJ in the general lineup though .... maybe I missed it ...

Would this be his first ever appearance at the Big G???? :cool: x 10,000 ....
PS good luck getting him to admit he's lost his adult, he's far more likely to assure you he knows where I am. I assume you don't just take their word for it? (please say 'no'! :eek:)

that's older than I've ever had reported as a found child. Everybody has antenna for little kids looking lost but by 10 he'd have to be pretty distressed before anyone really noticed him, at least during the day. After dark a 10yo looking lost might get approached by stewards, but I'm a bit doubtful because at that age most kids would probably be mortally offended to be thought of as a lost child. Of course he could ask for help but that's more likely to be the "which way is the Meeting Point" variety than "take me to Welfare".

But yes, at 10 if he was clear he was ok and knew what he was up to I would accept (if not necessarily believe) his word. You're his carer and if you're ok with him being off having adventures on his own (as I would be in your place) it's not up to any steward to tell him heshould go to Welfare for his own good.

The festival is generally a very safe environment, if potentially a little boring for that age group, it's mostly aimed either younger or older, so he may get a bit fed up, and appreciate help finding interesting things to do. Or he may hook up with some others and go feral for a few days :D

Havng said that, I've taken my own kids there at that age and ime so long as he gets the navigational basics sorted he'll turn up when he's hungry :) And he probably won't fancy it after dark, except accompanied to the fire show.
Yes. Given their high standards in that work, I'm amazed they're managing to fit a gig in to be honest.

The 70's were a long time ago now mind. I wouldn't be surprised if they've become non-executive directors of their own wholly owned cleaning subsidiary based in the Caymen Islands tbf, given them time to focus on their artistic work.
The 70's were a long time ago now mind. I wouldn't be surprised if they've become non-executive directors of their own wholly owned cleaning subsidiary based in the Caymen Islands tbf, given them time to focus on their artistic work.

I think they make most of their money these days from their recycling consultancy practice.
that's older than I've ever had reported as a found child. Everybody has antenna for little kids looking lost but by 10 he'd have to be pretty distressed before anyone really noticed him, at least during the day. After dark a 10yo looking lost might get approached by stewards, but I'm a bit doubtful because at that age most kids would probably be mortally offended to be thought of as a lost child. Of course he could ask for help but that's more likely to be the "which way is the Meeting Point" variety than "take me to Welfare".

But yes, at 10 if he was clear he was ok and knew what he was up to I would accept (if not necessarily believe) his word. You're his carer and if you're ok with him being off having adventures on his own (as I would be in your place) it's not up to any steward to tell him heshould go to Welfare for his own good.

The festival is generally a very safe environment, if potentially a little boring for that age group, it's mostly aimed either younger or older, so he may get a bit fed up, and appreciate help finding interesting things to do. Or he may hook up with some others and go feral for a few days :D

Havng said that, I've taken my own kids there at that age and ime so long as he gets the navigational basics sorted he'll turn up when he's hungry :) And he probably won't fancy it after dark, except accompanied to the fire show.

A few years ago me and a biggish group of mates took along the then 10 year old daughter of a friend. She'd been the two previous years, with her mum, so knew her way around. Inevitably she would sneak off and go exploring on her own. One afternoon she showed up back at our campsite followed by two policemen. She wasn't lost, but they'd obviously thought she looked a bit young to be on her own, and followed her back to make sure she was all right. And then one night she got up and went out by herself quite late, and some steward took her to the welfare place, from where I had to retrieve her at around 2am.... it's a pretty safe place really for kids. It's difficult if kids are too old to be "never let out of your sight" but still small enough to worry if they go off exploring for too long. We used walkie-talkies, which worked quite well, although you need a few sets of batteries to last.

Wish gig time, folks?

Post yours, lateish on a Friday/weekend night?

Convenient early efestivals list of attractions here .....

My wanta see list includes these .... (bear in mind that I'm a very 'old school' fucker .... )

In order of Efest's list of tents/stages ...

Morrissey, Primals, Don Mclean, BB King, Mumfords, that fellow-Glasto vet (to myself!) John Otway, Imelda May, JCC, King Blues, Arthur Brown (festival deb is clamouring for Melanie but I'm so very not at all sure about her at all ... ! :oops: ), Nick Lowe, Robyn Hitchcock, Gringo Ska, Lee Scratch Perry, Don Letts, Stereo MCs, 3 Dafts, Chumbas, Hobos Jones etc., Kitty Daisy and Lewis, Shoogles, Mighty Jah Shaka Sound System, Irration Steppas, DJ Derek, Gentlemans Dub Club, R and E's Old Record Club, all shorts of cool shit in the Shangri La direction, and had I forgotten any acts from West Holts and Glade (LKJ!!!! LEGEND!) and Acoustic?? :D

I may catch sum uv da abuv .... :D :cool:

My list obv. excludes FUCKIN SHEDLOADS of xtra stuff, major stars very much included, that I'll remember later ... :oops:

Or many many many other acts, unknown about in the above list for now, that we'll find at random at any time, on a 'Whats going in that tent over there?????' basis ...

'On a Glasto wanda!'

Way forward Blasto Wise - actively ask us at Info Tents (when we're around) for wisdom, of the above type ...

Yer knowz it .....

Post yer wish list here ..... late and drunk as possible ideally .....
Brit Floyd - Acoustic stage Friday evening - they are former members of Australian Pink Floyd Show so should be good -

I last saw TAPFS at Glasto 1998 at the Acoustic stage but it was packed out - they sounded good but did not see any visuals - due to working I could not get there early so cant say how busy it was before they started.

I may try and catch Melanie and a bit of Brit Floyd or vice versa depending on the times .
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