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Glastonbury 2011

yep, but you need to be very quick off the mark when they do come back on sale. you got your registration sorted?
yep, but you need to be very quick off the mark when they do come back on sale. you got your registration sorted?

I will sit there with two computers refreshing the site the minute it opens :)

Will sort reg tomorrow, thanks for reminding me (only been once)
Incredibly, the 900 (1100 already taken) or so places for Glastonbury working for Oxfam went in minutes and crashed the server. I can't see how they filled it in so quickly its an 8 page form. I was suddenly glad of the 2 week grace we get as existing stewards.

I look forward to this as I always do.
Indicator of how massively over subscribed this year is in general.

I guess it's not surprising given the good weather of recent years, fallow year next etc.

Still mental that Oxfam cleared 900 places so quickly though.
Indicator of how massively over subscribed this year is in general.


Paranoia-inducing reminder, this post, that we need to get the stage two bit of our 'getting shit together' process for crewing into the bag pretty damned soon .... :hmm: at self.... :eek:

We're pretty much in there, but they need the damned paperwork!
As for noise from the recycling centre - the furthest up I've camped is under the wires and I didn't notice it then. Only the bin trucks going up muddy lane, which doesn't happen any more thanks to 'the Cockmill bypass' (a stone track that runs outside the fence).
Have you noticed the map? To me it looks like there's a new track inside the fence at the side of Cockmill. Indeed all the way from VG2 to beyond PGC.

btw I'm not wholly sure you're right. I've never noticed bin tractors on the bypass and I'm not convinced the crews get easy passouts. I think the general reduction of traffic in Cockmill means they're expected to go up the track beside the pyramid arena. Not sure of that, though.
I dunno how you read the map but to me it looks like there's a new track inside the fence at the side of Cockmill. Indeed all the way from VG2 to beyond PGC.

The map has mistakes, that'll be one of them.

The track (aka 'The Cockmill Bypass') was put in two years ago, then widened last year to make it two-way. The fence was brought in a bit, so the track would be outside. The ambition is/was to make it a continuous service link all the way from the railway track to the farm.

Well, that's what Phil Miller told me (infrastructure manager) - I've not actually gone and looked at it myself. I'm pretty sure it's there though, hence Muddy Lane being opened to pedestrians and no bin trucks going up Cockmill (AFAIK).

e2a: Here's a view into Cockmill Meadow from the lane. You can see the track through the hedge. Fence goes on the other side of the track:

did you catch my late edit about bintrucks?

the point about the bypass is that it's outside and thus a potential security hole. before we (festie safety) can take passengers along it we have to check they've got the half ticket/wristband combo that gets them back in again. If not we have to stay inside the fence.
did you catch my late edit about bintrucks?

the point about the bypass is that it's outside and thus a potential security hole. before we (festie safety) can take passengers along it we have to check they've got the half ticket/wristband combo that gets them back in again. If not we have to stay inside the fence.

Have to admit Phil wasn't specific about the types of traffic that would use the bypass, but he did say that it was take traffic out of the festival. So maybe I'm making assumptions that aren't quite right.

But I think I'm right in saying that Cockmill isn't used as a general route any more? (was only there for about an hour last year)... and the track definitely wasn't inside the fence, and this year's official map hasn't changed in that respect.
they change it year by year. I think last year it was supposed to be one way and curfewed 3pm to 3am, but the track alongside Pyramid (aka Henhouse Lane) is very steep and stuff gets stuck, so drivers are often a bit reluctant plough through the market in order to go that way.
Still mental that Oxfam cleared 900 places so quickly though.

And pretty upsetting for those of us who were planning on stewarding with oxfam this year :( am on the waiting list though so you never know...and push comes to shove there's the SLS plan B.
Anyone know If I'll have a chance to buy tickets, or am I fucked?

I had a major fuck up last year. In short, I found out the weekend before I had no ticket. I went on eBay and bought one off a Polish bloke, with a very Polish name....who looked nothing like me.

I mangled the ticket to make it look weathered and then carefully scratch and the photo on it to deform the image.

I got through no probs and without anything more than 'is that a photo under there?'.

My advice was to pick the people on the gate to inspect your ticket and give you a wrist band that may just be up for humping you and looks in a good mood.

Piece of piss.
Well - I've paid the balance (ouch)!

I still don't know if I'll really be able to go though :(

mr mania's health is still very dodgy - if he has to have surgery we will have to cancel - luckily I have insurance that will cover that. I will be gutted tho, I am soooooooooooooooo looking forward to it.
amazingly the WBC got their act together very quickly and have sent out the allocation numbers one week early to Group Organisers- it was a straight bolt out the blue.

Someone somewhere is going to think its a wind up as it was sent out in the morning of 1st April but it is genuine as the coach reservation area has been unlocked and I have already booked my London coach for Tuesday at noon which will be the first WBC staff coach due to arrive . { Very handy for me as I prefer to get the tent up in the daylight }

No word yet as to how many bids have been cut back although I will find that out onsite.

Some years it can be oversubscribed by 1,400 so many Teams do end up being cut back by a fair bit although its all a bit of a lottery as they keep changing the criteria every year.

For health reasons I just hope its not as hot as last year.
WBC-man -- will get back to your PMs very very soon ... I am a total loser at keeping in touch -- apols :oops: :(

See you onsite for sure whatever! :cool:

Oh and as for heat .... bring it on!!!!! :p if heat is the only way of staying non m*ddy, but I'll deal with a dry compromise for the sake of any heat averse types ....
Last year i paid the deposit and then canceled cause my mates wanted to go to Croatia instead.

This year I've paid the deposit and the final fee. Time to finally break my Glasto viginity. :eek:
76 sleeps, not that long at all. hope its a dry un, last one for a couple of years.

ill be down with the wbc again this year, lookin fwd to it as usual. tuesday night, up at the stone circle chilling before the fun begins :)
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